I believe everyone deserves to know if you haven't already known. We were deprived, from chapters 1 to 24 there was extreme censoring. One chapter was completely taken out because it was filled with snu snu. I wish these chapters could be shown without any censoring because (I don't know about yall but for me for sure) when she "lifts" or "touches" something its blank, when really she's touching him. I want to see this man's abs yk. From chapters 1 to 24 everytime she's wearing that white "underwear" she's actually nude. So yes, when they first do it and she "disappears" she was naked the whole time with only a blanket as protection. There are scenes of him blushing while doing it that were taken out. We were EXTREMELY deprived.
I created this album to show y'all a few examples, the first 4 are pictures of the chapter that was taken out (it shows her bleeding because she was a virgin).
I'm sorry, I'm a bit confused. Granted I haven't read all the chapters yet, I'm letting it cook a bit more so I can binge.
But just skimming these last few chapters, I thought her parents were abusive? Like I swear I remember in earlier chapters where she was being soaked in the bath tub or something, or her dad ordering not to give her any food? Wtf happened to that? I remember her being abused, what am I missing?
I'm okay with spoilers if anyone can explain please.
Instead of skimming if you read it, they address her dad's behavior by saying he was raised that way and thought it would be okay, but the mom is pissed at the dad for it. Hope that helps!
It turned out she wasn't abused at all, she did all that to herself by falling down a set of stairs to intentionally die, but didnt. She hated her whole lineage upon knowing her mother is from the dark side, kind of like a witch since she can use magic and stuff. Since MC is a devote, she thinks her family is being controlled by her mom and that her mom and the whole family is a demon or a sinner or something. And her whole family is doomed. So she intentionally tried to kill herself, thus the bruises. It's not from her parents at all. Happy reading!
Yeah this person doesn't know how to read, don't listen to them. The dad literally admitted to starving and hitting her in the recent chapter.
All the dad did was starve her and lock her up in a dark room to discipline her because she was going crazy
The dad didn't hit her, the bruises from the bathtub were from when she fell herself down the stairs
Though the dad did indeed admit to starving and locking her up to her mom, which the mom was angry for.
Also, the violence that the dad was saying was only for starving her and locking her up, quizzing her while she starved, etc.
The flashback already proved that the bruises wasn't his father's fault.
You don't have to be rude about it, I will be reading it all but I was waiting for more chapters to be out. You're such a rude person
Thank you for answering!