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toeny created a topic of Mr. Kang's Son-in-law

LIKE DONT GET ME WRONG I AM ENJOYING THE STORY. I am open to getting my mind changed but I can’t get myself to thirst over the father like smut is smut it will be hot either way but I can’t help but get icked out by the father, like he has no redeeming traits. He’s literally a partially incompetent man child who made another man child but at least that one is a little submissive.

toeny created a topic of Wakeari Shinrei Mansion

I was really liking his lil tsundere ass, the chances he comes back is high cuz he’s got a lot of plot left to resolve but still….he better come back…

Is it weird I can’t thirst over Perez lol, I got attached to their child forms that now that they’re adults I don’t know why adult Perez feels unthirstable over (lowk doesn’t help that he doesn’t have much personality as an adult lbut I still love him)

toeny created a topic of Waterside Night

Like I don’t mean to sound rude but do people not read the chapter title before they click on it? Like it’s pretty obviously there’s a gap in the numbers

toeny created a topic of Jinx

Things a gonna have to gown down hill hard our boy. Jaekyung is probably gonna lose this match which means either his jinx didn’t work or no longer works and he’s gonna blame it on Dan and possibly threaten to fire him again or actually do it (or he’s gonna fuck someone else, jinx doesn’t work, Dan feels betrayed and still gets blamed or smth). Gma is gonna kick the bucket (maybe the reason why he wasn’t there to fuck lol) and Dan is gonna crumble under the pressure of everything. Opponents company is probably trying to scout him for some reason like they find out he’s special to the top or smth. Jaekyungs gonna go around fucking other people and realsie it doesn’t work, it’s not the same and that Dan is “the only one for him”. My thoughts are all over the place but I sure hope this doesn’t happen lol, this is probs the most cliche route possible but seeing how the story has gone so far the author will find a way to make jaekyung even more of an asshole

toeny created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

My guy is traumatised with a smidge of abandonment issues (not a smidge)

toeny created a topic of Perfect Buddy

Everyone was either so hot, pretty or cool or all at once. The hugs. The beat down. The sibling reveal ARRGAHDHHF THIS CHAPGER WAS SO GOOD

toeny created a topic of Payback

I thought I understood it but I don’t lol, what’s going on with the Memory movie? Why was it such a big deal and why is it a big deciding factor for this fight for power?

toeny created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

More stories need to do this “the other pov” shit, where u get the love interest or other MCs POV, I can only really count about a handful of stories that have and even when they do it’s normally just a side story special after the og story ends

toeny created a topic of Warrior’s Adventure

When I first read this series as it was made on an another website I remeber their relationship feeling more slower..? Like you can see how the warrior slowly started to fall for the prince back and I jsut went back to the other site to check and I’m pre sure there a some chapters missing (namely the holiday and carriage one, tho maybe they’re here and I skipped over it on accident)

The car analogies are killing me, please….please stop..they’re so bad, they don’t even make sense T-T

I need more people to love this as much as I do but I also wanna gatekeep it

The art was very hot but the story just made me feel so icky. Like if the couple had shared genuine feelings for MC it wouldn’t feel as bad but they’re just playing with him, they didn’t care at all about his feelings he was just being used. His own feels were never acknowledged by them and was really just a ploy added to make him not so mad at the assault/rape, BUT HE WAS LITERALLY JUST BEING USED FOR THIER KINKS and they didn’t give two shits about his feelings

Her hands a constantly being held/ kissed and I FUCKING LOVE IT. SHE DERSEVES IT. It’s giving body worship with how much he cherishes her. YOU CAN SEE IT CLEAR AS DAY EVERYTIME HE TOUCHES HER.

Why are you guys dropping spoilers left and right like there isn’t a spoiler button for a reason, some of us just want to scroll the comments without unwillingly ruining plot twist.

toeny created a topic of Waterside Night

I’m guessing little bro is gonna run away after kindergarten, possible go back to the old house and either 1. Think he’s truely been abandoned because MC is staying at Top’s house and doesn’t come home for a few days or 2. Sees his and his bro’s stuff still at home and hides there, everyone thinks he’s gone missing and goes on a wild chase for him only to find that he’s at their home after a couple days and maybe some big realisation from big bro and bio dad occurs.

AHHHHH I LOVE IT. I love casual skinship in webtoons, it’s makes it so intimate yet natural, the way they interact and touch, play with each others hands it just feels so

toeny created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

The way the bicker and banter of their conversations feels so endearing after they’ve cleared all the misunderstandings, like he’s so openly horny and just plain weird but the top eats that shit up now fullly whipped for his cute antics. The top will yell back and straight up say that he’s weirded out (but still fully on board for the relo) while also no longer holding back on voicing his concerns or his worry for the MC (as well as just being kinda extra goofy with his assumptions and subsequent embarrassment). Both characters are so true to themselves, and the fact that they both love these newly revealed versions of each other makes there relationship so damn cute