If someone perhaps know where to read the entire English translation of the novel can you tell me where?

bichibichibububu created a topic of A Lucky Coin

I wonder, does this have a novel?

bichibichibububu created a topic of Red Candy

Yes for him aaaahhh i wanna cry

bichibichibububu created a topic of Hold Me Tight

That grandma is a bit ch huhu

I'm enjoying the novel but im here for the memes HAHHAHAS

Somehow this reminds me of lan zhan and wei ying

I dunno but I don't like the girl's attitude rn huhu forgive me

I just saw a baby's peepee HAHAHAHHAHA omg

HAHAHAHHA omg you know what yo expect

bichibichibububu created a topic of Tiger Flower

That brother is such a bitch