Plot: When King Hasana hears of the prophecy that he will die by someone from the Sui Tribe, in orde...
- Author: yusa
- Genres: Drama / Fantasy / Historical / Shounen Ai / Tragedy
A 4koma gag series that transforms into a slice of life school comedy about 5 junior high school boy...
- Author: Old Xian
- Genres: Comedy / School Life / Shounen Ai / Slice Of Life / Webtoons
Na-kyum is a young painter with an exceptional talent: creating erotic images of men. Though he has ...
- Author: Byeonduck
- Genres: Historical / Smut / Yaoi / Webtoons
After being placed in a different class from his usual group of friends, all Do Jihwan wants is to s...
- Author: Ina,Nimousaku
- Genres: Romance / School Life / Shounen Ai / webtoons
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13 03,2021