Raidgirl followed a list

good storyline and mentally strong fl.

in this list, you'll see more of a 'mentally strong women', which means smart, cunning, calculative and quick wicked.

i hate it when a 30 yrs old woman gets reincarnated as a 5 yrs old and acts like a baby + extra hate when they have a fckn crush on a 5 yrs old boy  so i'll try my best to not add those weird ass stories and instead add tolerable ones

i delete many of the stories i add later on if they become boring etc. even if they have a strong fl <3

14 04,2024
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rapists don't deserve character development
Raidgirl like the answer
Having a device at a young age can get them addicted to it, also it rlly DOES fry ur braincells.. My mother gave us 2 hour device time when I was 7 (when I got a tablet) and my grades were AMAZING, but now that I've gotten unrestricted amounts of electronics, my iq has gone down.. Also at a young age, (any age but ESP those who are young) you can......
Raidgirl like the answer
it used to be having sëx w my ex (i’m changed now ) occasionally its (when it’s close to exams) but i mostly just watch a comedy to destress…
Raidgirl like the answer
I also been going through the same thing recentlh and I find letting your brain just concentrate on one singular thing is really helpful when you're focusing on too much. (No distractions, ex. texting friends, checking social media, etc. I know it’s hard when the world is moving so fast but sometimes you gotta focus on the moment) Some things I l......
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I really need to de-stress because I'm doing way too much at one time, I already plan on having a hot shower tomorrow morning with some tea but I wanna what you guys do to de-stress

13 11,2023
Raidgirl like the answer
I deal with stress and anxiety- but it’s not always the same experience for everyone. I’m not sure what’s helpful so I’ll list some things I’ve been trying. (I’m also taking vitamins to help with it a little.) -Take time for yourself. If you love music, sit back and listen to different parts of the song and zone into it while focusing ......
Raidgirl followed a list
Raidgirl followed a list

I’ve always been a little bored with kind, heroic main characters, especially those that refuse to kill anyone. It’s just a bit boring. So, I made a list of Mc’s without those morals

 - absolutely evil MC, through and through.
 - MC wasn’t evil at first, but something happened to him/her that made him/her a the way they are now.
 - pretends to be nice and innocent.
 - MC is emotionless when killing, and seemingly show no emotion/remorse.

This list includes links to WEBTOON,

04 11,2023
Raidgirl like the answer
Not sure but I asked chatgpt to give me a run down of that, here we go: Shocked Silence: I'd stand there, jaw agape, staring at his impossibly cool white hair and blindfold. I mean, who wouldn't be awestruck by that level of fabulousness? Fanboy Mode: Instead of calling the police, I'd start gushing about how much of a fan I am. "Oh my goodness! ......