Cause he liked him when he was a female and now he likes him as a male- sp he would be bisexual cause he was (is) attricated to both genders- im comfused @-@
hOlA mY nAmE iS sHaDoW. mY fRiEnD(s) CaLl Me CuTe BuT iDk WhY. iM uGlY aF. mY bRoThEr CaLlS mE aDoPtEd BuT wE'rE tWiNs sO hE's CaLlInG hIm SeLf AdoPtEd. My CrUsH(eS) tHiNk Im InSaNe Bc I lIkE (mHa) BaKuGo
Ima cry in school