Liovrega created a topic of Swallow You Whole

Why he looks so sus all of a sudden?
Sir weren’t u on our side?


Liovrega created a topic of Plin's Love Juice

Is the author or artist trolling us cuz foxy i swear hugo looks like andrea more than that photo

Liovrega created a topic of Kiss Me If You Can

No wonder there’s a hiatus the artist been serving us with the most gorgeous artwork, hope they will get better soon

Liovrega created a topic of An Abyss

Does anyone know what happened to N0NSTOP? They used to update this regularly but now its been so long since their last update (The same goes for their other projects)

Liovrega created a topic of Smells Like Green Spirit

This will make me depressed for the next 2 months

Is this really completed? :(
I really wished it to be more longer cuz this will be hilarious if it has an anime adaption

Liovrega created a topic of Define The Relationship

Wow What a perfect time to bring an ex name u asshole our poor lyle he already has enough stress to handle

Liovrega created a topic of Kiss Me If You Can

No i was disappointed when i read they didn’t add such important things from the novel here:(
Plz novel readers tell us everytime when something is delete it (sadly i don’t read novels)

The way he’s so gentle with him ughh we need more men like kitahara

Liovrega created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Y’all don’t stop with your theories im too invested.
And why the hell there’s tons of tapes it’s not one or two but something around 120 or even more, thats a lot for one person…..

Liovrega created a topic of Regas


I just read this and Im sorry but the mc feels like a y/n i couldn’t with his plain thinking
but thankfully he’s getting better in the recent chapters

Liovrega created a topic of Regas

I can’t the way they’re all jealous of ashler my man has so much aura loll

Liovrega created a topic of Kiss Me If You Can

Gosh this c guy literally acts like a middle schooler kid, grow up man!

Liovrega answered question about first kiss
I used to watch hardcore hentai so my reaction to yaoi wasn’t much, yeah i was a kid too so i didn’t really gave a fuck (r.i.p my childhood)
Liovrega created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Mama a mountain behind you

Liovrega created a topic of Regas

I love how its abel’s turn now to be carried around lol

Liovrega created a topic of Payback

Im not okay why this masterpiece had to end

Liovrega created a topic of Swallow You Whole

The child one is a NO leave the chat kid
Still not sure if this is like “split” movie where its one individual having multiple of personalities or if they literally 3 individuals in one body…