Bad translations, made worse by different groups picking it up back and fourth. Bad character building, made worse with inconsistencies in their actions. Bad romance plot, if you can call it that, she find out he’s in love with her and then the next chapter we find out they spent a bunch of super romantic nights together that we didn’t get to see until she’s reminiscing over them as she starts to distrust him. I hate how hard the author tried to make it some huge reveal that it was O who killed the parents, the back and fourth hot potato game for the blame was just all unnecessary to be written that way when we are in O’s POV. It could’ve been a much more solid story if they let us find out early on what she had done and how she was handling it and growing. Instead the author trauma dumps in the last 10 chapters for nothing. Does this author know what character development is?
Let me never read from this author again.