There were like a total of 3 chapters where it hinted to her developing feelings for Kang and the sunbae and then bam the end. This either had really bad build up to the ending or was supposed to have more and couldn’t so the jumped to the end. Very unsatisfying to read for me, I never felt any heartache from her, only when kang saw her getting confessed to and then nothing else.
LOVE the concept, but the whole story is only 23 chapters total and the chapters themselves are shorter than average. I just wish it was more filled out and dove deeper
There were like a total of 3 chapters where it hinted to her developing feelings for Kang and the sunbae and then bam the end. This either had really bad build up to the ending or was supposed to have more and couldn’t so the jumped to the end. Very unsatisfying to read for me, I never felt any heartache from her, only when kang saw her getting confessed to and then nothing else.