baby woojoo is a very loved child and accidents *do* happen. you saw how worried wooyoung was at the hospital. he was missing a shoe and was all dirty. he probably ran as fast as he could trying to get woojoo medical attention. as a baby, my mom was really busy and relied on my sister, who is only 3 years older than me, to watch me and next thing you know, i had stabbed myself in the eyebrow with scissors because my sister encouraged me to. i have a scar, but that specific moment isn't special to me because i was a small child and didn't even know it happened until she told me how it got there. my sister was even surprised. he's a new parent, they both are, mistakes & accidents are bound to happen. not everyone's perfect.
if 2+2 is 4 and 5+5 is 10, then wtf is this