Shoto's waifu's feed

Shoto's waifu created a topic of Astro Royale

that new guy is so silly, despite losing that much of hair, he's still quite handsome, and it's no wonder bcz he's a former host — BTW I'VE MISSED SEEING YOUR FIGHT A LOT TERASU EEEE HE'S SO COOL YALL OMG I LOVE HIM SO MUCH— and about Taira and Hibaru, damn idk what do I say about this T-T, I just don't believe that Taira is evil yk ??? like I can't really figure out what kind of person shikaba is except that he's a hyper-insane guy, but Taira ?? evilness doesn't suit him, I hope him and Hibaru is really "inseparable" just like what their father said