I'M SO HAPPY THAT HACHIKU HELPED HIM like I was gonna be so disappointed if wakui makes him a nobody and got rid of him after one chapter AND GRARGHH SHIKABA GOT HIMSELF A BURDEN ?? IDC PLS JUST KILL THAT OLD GRANDPA, IT'S NOT LIKE HE'S GONNA LIVE THAT LONG, he looks rotten already and OMG HIBARU HAS IT WORSE OK, he has to deal with his adopted brothers problematic ass, wakui really make his childhood all rainbow and shine only for him to carry his brothers' dark emo impulses or whatever that shit is

in the raw, by Google translate, he said smth like "bcz we're not dating, I thought it's okay" and keeps saying he's sorry, and even try to smile and calm down the seme, srsly he's so pitiful, I just can't dislike his character for being naive and stupid, indeed both of them is messed up in their own way

that seme is a soft-spoken manipulator, he knows his actions and how it impacts the mc so well, yet he only CHOSE TO STOP when mc found out about it (the whole truth about him spreading the rumors), I doubt he'll ever stop if mc didn't find out and keep relying on him, he's possessive and want mc for himself istg he even have that audacity to say shit like "okay I clear your name from the rumors I MADE UP so now u should date me" UGH I'LL SAY THIS AGAIN, HE'S A BAD NEWSSS but of course I'm staying cuz the art is too good to pass and the mc is hot as fuck I need a piece of him too and I can't help but think there's a deeper reason why the seme is the way he is, maybe he doesn't want the attention from people, and so he went after our gloomy mc ??? welp let's wait for more
that brat jaewon I bet he devoured his own twin when they were in their mom's womb, he's literally a devil incarnate, I need him to choke on his own saliva and drop dead rn, AND OMG SEOIN IS SO BEAUTIFUL MY GALLERY IS FULL OF HIM TODAY
Ain't no way someone was thinking the exact same thing as me.
great minds think alike
I mean atleast we know he literally drops dead fr
Wait....what? Lol
Did.. did you read the story where they literally visited his grave and his death was a part of the story so often already?
it's on chapter 9 btw
Its been almost a year since I've read it and even longer since I read the beginning lol I also read A LOT so I'm not gonna remember much from stuff that happened a year ago lol
My message sound soooo mean, it didn't show my emojis ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ