Im forever gonna be rereading this one <3 all time fave
Im not feeling this Yahwi sob story. He’s literally incapable of reflecting.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH FINALLY THIS IS SO SATISFYING XDD sovieshit rlly tried his luck with attempting to not let her remarry. He’s literally a toddler stomping his foot bc one thing didn’t go his way. Even though he’s been mistreating her since chapter 1. Eat shit.
thats it, im about to ball my eyes out. If Gene died i literally wont recover from this
Pleeeeeeease someone do gods work and pick this up D:
I have no idea whats happening in the politics I even reread the whole thing. Just got super confusing at some point.
Has this been remastered? ive definitely read this before but I remember the art style being different.
This has easily become my favorite bl couple atm. Amazing chemistry
Ik im asking for too much but r we ever gonna get a manhwa where the guy isnt straight up a bully
Sooo when is Yahwi gonna get knocked down to 2nd male lead? He needs to go. Hes had one too many second chances.