i wish i can find more manhwas with art styles like this, this feels like 2000s-2010s anime
i feel like im reading Major (the anime) which was also a baseball sport anime, it's not yaoi tho lol the art style isn't similar but it gives that vibes
I love that the updates are everyday. This is more than we deserve but I wouldn't wish for anything else tbh I'll devour this like a big fat d--
Miss ma'am is still not done ganging up on people for standing up for their opinions Like chile, you really took the time to write all that bs, that's sad. Don't worry tho, everything's gonna be okay for you lmfao
we just have to wait for another scan team to talk it out with them and take over the updates for this one
It's not forever (altho this is inconvenient for real)
I think this type of energy should be redirected to the tops of the other stories that are still treating their partners shit even after 70 chapters (yall know who). I am not forgetting what he did, it was horrible but he surely is making up for it now so why hold on to that type of anger as if he's still tormenting him...just my two cents.
I have to say that going to disc0rd for the update is an inconvenience but I already have a disc0rd app for genshin so I guess that's the way things are now lol
I can't believe I've read this a long time ago and still can't over how they did Jonggu dirty in this story. Oh well...
Me seeing yet ANOTHER manhwa which character possesses these traits:
•possessive, obsessive, has internalized homophobia, stoic face, abusive, thinks he's everything the world has to offer etc•
pick a struggle
I wouldn't really give Taehwan a chance, he can redeem himself but to see the end of it is not worth all the trauma and self-degradation his "partner" has to go through. The only reason Yeonwoo is willing to go this far is because he's a pushover and mentally weak. Y'all can attack me all you want but it's the truth lol
In real life, if I am Esther and I see my friend going through that shit even though he's aware of the consequences that I've warned him about, I would just sigh. I would be saying "you really deserve each other."
Also, I feel like y'all only want to have a love rival to see Taehwan jealous instead of hoping that Yeonwoo finds someone better. It's like Yeonwoo is just an accessory to satisfy everyone's fantasies of seeing Taehwan jealous...which is frankly weird but also understandable because it's not like the author will make a revolutionary plot twist to ditch Taehwan and have Yeonwoo find someone better. He's all we got in the story so we can just hope he gets his head out of his ass.
Maybe it's because I've seen my fair share of people like Taehwan in real life that's why I am so critical of people romanticizing his homophobic behavior and overall attitude. But that's just my take.
I'm waiting for this whole Taehwan fiasco to end so we can have the sidestories for Dojin and Taehee aka the best characters of this manhwa.
I've had enough of tops having toxic traits to be "interesting", it's literally a roulette where the only choices are: overly possessive and abusive, manipulative, thinks highly of humself, doesn't show emotions other than being stoic, has internalized homophobia. Pick a struggle.
The only reason I'm reading this (and buying in the app) is because I'm too far ahead in the story to even think about stopping.
I love that they take form of the animals associated with them whenever the panel goes comical, that's a great detail.
And also, is there any sort of fantasy-ish in this manhwa or it just that Beom is addicted to sex with Coralsnake (can't remember his name lol). The way the last panel is drawn seems like something switched inside him the moment Coralsnake switched into a beast-like.
Whoever you are who translated 35 and 36, HAND IN MARRIAGE PLS i was waiting for the updates and I got 2
Yiyeon is a dumbass, how could you not tell beforehand that you are allergic to shrimps...it doesn't really help that the other cook is badmouthing Heemin and the hosts are just letting it go??? tf is wrong with yall lmao
....the amount of peeing i see on bl manhwas is astounding
im willing to forget everything that ever happened since chaoter 1 if they make a whole story about this Tarzan like sidestory
Hwan has that psychotic look in this season, just seeing him in the latest raws makes me uncomfortable.
IT'S JIN'S TIME TO SHINE !! We want that mindblowing sex before Than- I mean Hwan snaps him out of existence