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Fromis9 like question

This isn't related to manga or manhwas but I'm hoping other scholars who read manhwa and manga and manhua can see this because I'm desperate now.

If I want to assess the potential threat of cyber terrorism to the aviation industry of a state (consider 5 aspects: knowledge, awareness, vulnerabilities, response and impact) and have the officials (from the aviation industry) and experts (security experts) as my participants in hopes of providing a literature to contribute to helpjng decision-makers, policy makers to make policies or countermeasures to the threat of cyberterrorism in the future

What design and methodology can I use under a qualitative study?

I'm supposed to be discussing this with a supervisor, but due to the college's curriculum, we were left behind, and no supervisor has replied to my inquiries yet. So I'm hoping to get a good idea.

I know this is dumb but I really need the opinion of other scholars. Thank you so much.