I can't get past the plot hole of the MC not realizing he's been asleep for 10 years even though he seems to be integrating in society full time. Does his workplace not use dates?? Let's say they messed with his memory so he doesn't remember the year he was born... 10 years is a freaking long time. A LOT of things change in 10 years. He should be more confused about the differences in the world. Since the plot relies so heavily on this parameter, I just can't take it serously.

I get the MC-- his family is abusive, but he has to stick it out, and the ML is a douchebag. But he's got to weigh his options and use it to his advantage. The ML, a rich powerful guy, is head over heels for him. Fcking USE him bro! Stop running away from your ticket out of that abusive family, and start playing your cards right. I liked the MC at first, but now I'm just getting frustrated at his inaction. When is the prologue actually going to happen?

I like the MC, but her outfits are so... blah. In fact, she looked better when she was wearing modest clothes pre-time reversal. Her outfits look so tacky now, even though they're meant to make her look more beautiful. And its not like the artist can't draw nice clothes, the 3rd princess' outfits are on point-- even the 8th princess' cheesy outfits look better than the MC's outfits.