lokifa created a topic of Steel Under Silk

He be putting his booty up for duty

He’s a slave without the trust of his master or any connections, power to do anything worthwhile, just a few chaps ago he snuck out and had a plausible alibi but the seme was STILL suspicious and the uke knows it

Any revenge would be slow, so in the mean time, he’s still at the ‘enamour the master so that his interests don’t wane’ part, bear with it, the story’s gonna be fun I tell u

lokifa add manga to list Completed


  • Author: 영찬
  • Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Mature
lokifa add manga to list Completed

Chanbit Han: award winning actor, trendsetter, and all-around nice guy…at least on the surfac...

  • Author: Kim Dan, WnB hair
  • Genres: Drama / Romance / Yaoi / Webtoons

‘He did something unforgivable… but will you please forgive him? For me?’

Bitch who are you? Why do you think you deserve forgiveness when YOU NEVER EVEN APOLOGIZED

She just gaslit the mc into thinking he’s the one that’s wrong.

I’m sorry, did he FUCK your husband?? Was he getting dicked down by ur hubby on the side??? NOPE, He literally was just his Best Friend. Even if he had a CRUSH, nothing happened that warranted you and your asswipe brother to do that to him.

You were insecure enough that you schemed with ur brother instead of addressing the mc directly.

The MC wasn’t a total saint, I get that, but he’s being gaslit by the worst people ever. Being unable to emotionally connect to a person and ignoring their feelings/ghosting them is NOT THE SAME as lying to a guy and making him fall in love with you for money.

The author is trying to make us see a correlation when there is none, not even in the same fucking ballpark.

I hate that we got to this point. The manhwa had nice art, an interesting premise and then a fucking poorly executed conclusion- I know we’re not at the end yet, but everything after the big reveal was a shit show.

ML was a little freak that didn’t even understand what he did wrong, just that he’s so sad that the mc doesn’t wanna see him anymore, and his preggo psycho sister that insist the mc forgive her & her brother cause it’s not her fault, it’s all because mc made her insecure cause he’s her husband’s gay bestie.


lokifa created a topic of Someone Like You

That’s one of the saddest fucked up backstories, and usually when there’s one as depressing as that, the mc is somehow so optimist or cheerful despite everything- but this mc is painfully realistic.

His childhood made him quiet and withdrawn, but he still has a gentle nature that draws people in. He’s fragile but very resilient- some people might consider him to be a ‘bland’ mc but honestly I like these kind of characters, not every mc has to be a sassy spitfire, mcs that are sensible and emotionally stunted introverts are fun too, especially when there’s a green (who was a little red when younger, but honestly he was a privileged immature kid, can’t really fault him for being an idiot, that’s just what typical teens are like) flag mc to bring him out of his shell.

Anyway it’s a fun read, is this the only version or is there a mature one out there? I feel like the sex scene felt cut off a bit

lokifa created a topic of Stalker's Game

I thought he said MC was just one of them- why did he sudddenly devote all his time to the MC?

lokifa add manga to list Ongoing

When tragedy strikes and tears young Shinwoo's family apart, the charming Han swoops in like a ...

  • Author: Euneun
  • Genres: Shounen Ai / Drama / Romance / School Life / Webtoons / Yaoi
lokifa add manga to list Completed

When he was just a student, Soohyun, ranked second, felt envious of the perfect Eunsung. Although he...

  • Author: TAN
  • Genres: Yaoi / Drama / Mature / Webtoons / Psychological
lokifa created a topic of Frenzy Train

Ok, so horny lil blonde pipsqueak hides a drug filled marble in his butt and boarded on the train, heading south to trade it in for gold.

Pipsqueak meets red head that fucks him and steals the marble, telling him to go to the Prestige room.

Pipsqueak gets gangbanged in economy class, then picked up and gangbanged in middle class, and then meets BDSM gray hair dude in first class, he smacks him with a glass bottle for trying to pierce his nipple and red head rescues him and brings him to prestige. Am I getting all of that right?

Why the fuck didn’t the red head just BRINGGGG him to prestige in the first place?? Why let him get raped multiple times trying to get there? He wants that to happen? So all that talk about loving him, wtf was that?

You want your loved one to be fucked nonstop as they crawl their way to u? Is this the author’s attempt at a heavy handed symbolism on how the lower class gets fucked trying to get to the top? ???? Wild

I kept reading trying to see if we’re ever gonna get any explanation, it’s already almost the end of season 2 and there’s still nothing explained.

There’s so much stuff being said but a severe lack of actual world building or character development, so we can’t even guess anything.

We know the uke was poor and that he did all that to finally have money, but you’re telling me the seme’s motivation for all that fucked up shit was just that he fell ‘in love’ when he saw the uke running in the snow? THATS IT?

It feels like a long winded hentai manhwa pretending to be deep with all the lower/upper class analogies but ends up falling short

The art is ok tho, and I’ve already read it this far, will read till the end, maybe then we’ll know wtf is happening.

lokifa created a topic of Lucky Paradise

Don’t get me wrong, I understand y’all COMPLETELY, chunwoo sleeping with taesoo for the last time before going back to the seme was absolutely trash behavior and should be called out.

(It was also dub-con, even if he did broke down halfway and taesoo had to clean him up or something I forget abt that part-)

But after that he immediately went to the seme and told him, which shows that it wasn’t about cheating, he was desperately trying to sabotage himself there, knowing he did not deserve the seme, that all he deserved was that one sided love that made him so painfully empty inside.

He did a shitty thing, but the author made it clear that by doing that he finally understood that he now felt nothing when he was his first love, and that the seme meant everything to him.

On that note, it’s true that the seme is completely obsessed with chunwoo, but that wasn’t why he took him back- he literally said it multiple times, he knew that those two had a fucked up thing that emotionally stunted the uke, but he was willing to forgive not because he’s so selfless (although he is a kindhearted soul that doesnt bear grudges even when his best friend rightfully intervened) it’s because he knows why chunwoo did that. What’s important to him is that chunwoo came back and chose him instead.

Glad the story didn’t end like that and we had epilogues- chunwoo regrets it forever, the seme’s kindness is torture for him, he’ll live with the guilt forever. The seme forgives him cause he’s emphatic, he knows that chunwoo wont forgive himself for it, rightfully so.

Also to some y’all calling him chunwhore- the uke literally called himself a dumb slut and the seme was so mad about it, saying he’ll kill anyone who ever talk to chunwoo like that. You can slutshame the uke all you want but he didn’t sleep with taesoo because he’s a ‘whore’ if you think that then I dunno what y’all been reading for the past 80 chaps.

Anyway, conclusion:

It’s not a great story, but it’s still pretty good, it’s rare we see a red flag uke becoming better after being with a green flag seme.

It’s usually the other way around, and it’s interesting that usually the comments are much KINDER to red flag semes, the bar for them is truly underwater but any uke that isn’t a Saint with a quirky sassy personality will be completely trashed on. The double standards are so real.

lokifa created a topic of Jinx

Which is why everyone is rooting for him i guess, he’s not as psychotic as we thought he’d be, just your run of the mill dude, the fact that he never wanted to tell Dan abt seeing him tied up and blind folded like that shows he’s actually not a bad guy. He’s not even trying to manipulate or take advantage of Dan, and thts great tbh

The ML is a bright neon red flag with a mean and cruel streak, he’s possessive and controlling over Dan and we’re suppose to take that as him falling in love, okokok fine, I’ll accept the flawed manhwa logic BUT ATLEAST give us more chapters of them being together in a way that isn’t TOXIC and DYSFUNCTIONAL. there’s not a SINGLE panel where they could’ve organically fallen in love, and somehow were expected to think Dan is falling for him after all that??? sure he must be ‘grateful’ cause he’s a traumatized kind hearted pipsqueak that’s gone through so much shit in life, but REALLY?

Same goes for the ML, other than that moment when he’s surprised that Dan would use his one wish on potato (it’s likely the ML likes the fact that Dan is selfless, most narcissistics are intrigued by kind people like that) there was no other moment that could justify him falling in love. It’s all straight up power, control and lust so far.

lokifa created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Seme’s a dick but I love that despite all the crap he says, he has a soft spot for Garam, saying the uke is ugly but constantly saying he’s extremely cute and sexy, going fishing with the prof so that Garam’s assignment would be accepted, going 5 diff stores to find an expensive sweater, bringing him to an ass doctor after keeping his dick inside all night cause was definitely lowkey worried. He’s an asshole but also pretty sweet, he hasn’t come far but he’s much better than he was before (a homophobic dude that sleeps with every single woman)

And Garam! He’s adorable and not a pushover, has his own priorities and standards, love that everything they’re doing is basically on his terms- these two get pretty mean to each other but their banter is hilarious, their chemistry is great too. Fun read!

The MC tells the best friend the heinous gross shit his wife and brother in law did, and the best friend decides that wow wtf why did I marry to such a demented hoe-

Both the MC and best friend go on a holiday together and meet people that aren’t psychotic and form real connections with and live happily ever after.

Maybe a side story of the best friend dutifully paying child support, spending time with his kid with his new family and the MC as the fun uncle, while those demented siblings anguish at how they ruined their one chance of happiness. The end

Fuck the ML, fuck the pregnant lady. Fuck them both.

“Can’t you just forgive him?” :D bitch can’t be serious LOLOLOLOLOLOL

The lack of empathy is so gross. She wants MC to forgive the ML, but if someone did the same thing to her child in the future, she’ll probably bury that person alive.

I can’t find any other words right now, just that it’s so gross. I hate everything about how this heartless “prank” was handled, I thought the reveal would mean something, but it just shows the ML and this preggo asshole are just petty shameless bitches.

Imma hate read it till the end, because we’ve come this far, might as well have closure even if it’s a shitty one.

It’s crazy how these aren’t even the most “evil” ML and side characters in manhwas, but they’re the ones that i Honestly LOATHE. Evil bitches are evil and the author makes that distinction clear, but these mofos are lowkey evil but the author is desperately trying to gaslight us into thinking are actually good and worthy of our sympathy, which is just GROSS.

lokifa created a topic of Boy Girlfriend

Love idiot puppy and moody cat pairings, it’s cute

lokifa created a topic of Steel Under Silk
lokifa created a topic of Swapping

The brother is right tho, he made a lot of mistakes and relied on the MC a lot, but he was also kept in the dark so much, can’t fault him for making the decisions he did. His tape with the old man got leaked, eventho his face was blurred, it shows that no matter what ‘side’ he’s suppose to be on, neither side has his best interest in mind and would fuck him over for profit. He’s an idiot, but he trusts his brother and gave all the shares for him to take care, so he’s not that stupid. Still stupid tho, but I actually think it’s sweet that both of these idiots care a lot about each other, despite always hurting each others feelings.

lokifa created a topic of Tomodachi engagement

He’s gonna confessss??!?!?lol nope, they gonna live apart for a while. Wait he’s going to say I lov- lol nope, can’t say those little words during sexy times

Ok he’s FINALLY gonna confes-nope, said fuck buddies instead

30 chapters of these idiots tip-toeing their feelings but doing absolutely everything else, it’s annoying but I love how green flag the seme is, the whole thing is fluffy friends to lovers trope to a T so it’s fine

lokifa created a topic of Shutline

I get why y’all are mad at gren, he’s killed and hurt people without any remorse and is probably gonna fuck things up for Shin.

But y’all forget he was literally an orphan growing up with no family (other than shin, but he was also a kid, not a parental figure) surrounded by deadbeats, drug mules and addicts, it’s not like he had a perfect life that he destroyed by himself.

Kids like him either die young or grow up to be messed up adults stuck in a black hole with no way to crawl out of it.

I understand that being from a fucked up situation doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be held accountable for your actions, but wanting him to just kill himself or just die is downright cruel.

I know it’s a manhwa, but seeing how unsympathetic and harsh y’all are towards an addict that had nobody and nothing in his life is sad, and a stark reminder of how society feels about addicts, even ones that were once poverty stricken abused children.