lokifa's feed

lokifa created a topic of How To Survive As A Player

Nothing brutal, we don’t condone child abuse, but he definitely needs a few stern smacks

You can’t possess people so they won’t leave you, no matter how young and lifeless you are tsk tsk

Unrelated but I love the MC’s relationships/friendships with others, it’s all so pure- little monster boy loves him like a hyung, this blue shark dude is such a gentle puppy, eyepatch dude + all the others are just so genuinely sweet to each other- a bunch of awkward gaming nerds eventho they were sucked into a game, none of them are even panicking, it’s kind of hilariously realistic tbh- like the game isn’t as intense as Last of Us or Silent hill, there’s danger but it’s mostly like the sims + multiplayer empire building sandbox type of RPG, and since all of them have spent hundreds of hours immersing themselves in the game, they’re just fully embracing it haha. Love that.

The MC and the grand duke’s relationship is more than just borderline abuse tho, I don’t like that, I wish there was an English trans of the novel so we fully understand their dynamic, cause right now it’s just giving asshole cold hearted seme and gentle naive uke