lokifa's feed

lokifa created a topic of Lucky Paradise

Don’t get me wrong, I understand y’all COMPLETELY, chunwoo sleeping with taesoo for the last time before going back to the seme was absolutely trash behavior and should be called out.

(It was also dub-con, even if he did broke down halfway and taesoo had to clean him up or something I forget abt that part-)

But after that he immediately went to the seme and told him, which shows that it wasn’t about cheating, he was desperately trying to sabotage himself there, knowing he did not deserve the seme, that all he deserved was that one sided love that made him so painfully empty inside.

He did a shitty thing, but the author made it clear that by doing that he finally understood that he now felt nothing when he was his first love, and that the seme meant everything to him.

On that note, it’s true that the seme is completely obsessed with chunwoo, but that wasn’t why he took him back- he literally said it multiple times, he knew that those two had a fucked up thing that emotionally stunted the uke, but he was willing to forgive not because he’s so selfless (although he is a kindhearted soul that doesnt bear grudges even when his best friend rightfully intervened) it’s because he knows why chunwoo did that. What’s important to him is that chunwoo came back and chose him instead.

Glad the story didn’t end like that and we had epilogues- chunwoo regrets it forever, the seme’s kindness is torture for him, he’ll live with the guilt forever. The seme forgives him cause he’s emphatic, he knows that chunwoo wont forgive himself for it, rightfully so.

Also to some y’all calling him chunwhore- the uke literally called himself a dumb slut and the seme was so mad about it, saying he’ll kill anyone who ever talk to chunwoo like that. You can slutshame the uke all you want but he didn’t sleep with taesoo because he’s a ‘whore’ if you think that then I dunno what y’all been reading for the past 80 chaps.

Anyway, conclusion:

It’s not a great story, but it’s still pretty good, it’s rare we see a red flag uke becoming better after being with a green flag seme.

It’s usually the other way around, and it’s interesting that usually the comments are much KINDER to red flag semes, the bar for them is truly underwater but any uke that isn’t a Saint with a quirky sassy personality will be completely trashed on. The double standards are so real.