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lokifa created a topic of Jinx

Which is why everyone is rooting for him i guess, he’s not as psychotic as we thought he’d be, just your run of the mill dude, the fact that he never wanted to tell Dan abt seeing him tied up and blind folded like that shows he’s actually not a bad guy. He’s not even trying to manipulate or take advantage of Dan, and thts great tbh

The ML is a bright neon red flag with a mean and cruel streak, he’s possessive and controlling over Dan and we’re suppose to take that as him falling in love, okokok fine, I’ll accept the flawed manhwa logic BUT ATLEAST give us more chapters of them being together in a way that isn’t TOXIC and DYSFUNCTIONAL. there’s not a SINGLE panel where they could’ve organically fallen in love, and somehow were expected to think Dan is falling for him after all that??? sure he must be ‘grateful’ cause he’s a traumatized kind hearted pipsqueak that’s gone through so much shit in life, but REALLY?

Same goes for the ML, other than that moment when he’s surprised that Dan would use his one wish on potato (it’s likely the ML likes the fact that Dan is selfless, most narcissistics are intrigued by kind people like that) there was no other moment that could justify him falling in love. It’s all straight up power, control and lust so far.