lokifa's feed

lokifa created a topic of Shutline

I get why y’all are mad at gren, he’s killed and hurt people without any remorse and is probably gonna fuck things up for Shin.

But y’all forget he was literally an orphan growing up with no family (other than shin, but he was also a kid, not a parental figure) surrounded by deadbeats, drug mules and addicts, it’s not like he had a perfect life that he destroyed by himself.

Kids like him either die young or grow up to be messed up adults stuck in a black hole with no way to crawl out of it.

I understand that being from a fucked up situation doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be held accountable for your actions, but wanting him to just kill himself or just die is downright cruel.

I know it’s a manhwa, but seeing how unsympathetic and harsh y’all are towards an addict that had nobody and nothing in his life is sad, and a stark reminder of how society feels about addicts, even ones that were once poverty stricken abused children.