lokifa November 17, 2023 10:55 pm

I binged all 33 chaps now I gotta wait T_T i love subverted isekai tropes, rooting for everyone here except mc’s mean ass older brother

lokifa November 17, 2023 4:40 pm

Military bunk mates, roommates, calls the mc “pup”, both of em would make such a cute couple. I’d read a manhwa about their friendship blossoming into love, they got chemistry too.

ML is possessive and somewhat homophobic while still being obsessed with the MC, it’s giving generic psychopath, argh

lokifa November 16, 2023 4:50 pm

I don’t give a FLYING FUCK about all the haters hating on this funny proportioned couple, seme is comically huge as fuck and the uke is a dainty little fragile birb but the story is simple and fun, the couple are absolutely enamoured with each other-

the author was also kind enough to give us an extended epilogue of the couple planning their wedding amidst the uke’s pregnancy and eventual cute baby reveal. ITS CUTE. Don’t overthink, just enjoy the hilarious yet heartfelt & cute smut

lokifa November 16, 2023 4:23 am

And still broke up with the dude 2 months later, it shows he’s not just into the MC for his pretty face, he truly loves him so much- it wasn’t enough for any pretty boy to just LOOK like the MC, he had to have the MC. That’s lovely

lokifa November 16, 2023 4:16 am

I wonder if Beom would ever stream again, but like his own personal site (not onlyfans, just literally his own private site that he gets 100% of the money) cause he’s kinky af with an exhibitionist streak a 100 mile wide, and the seme also loves Beom and everything about him- and they post vids only when they feel like it, like a cute little side hobby/hustle, that’ll be adorable haha

    crustyasslady November 16, 2023 4:22 am

    I do agree that his exhibitionist kink would make it more understandable for him to stream(its a turn on)

    But at the same time, his body and sex life was forcibly commodified before so it is probably too painful for him to revisit.

lokifa November 16, 2023 4:06 am

Nothing brutal, we don’t condone child abuse, but he definitely needs a few stern smacks

You can’t possess people so they won’t leave you, no matter how young and lifeless you are tsk tsk

Unrelated but I love the MC’s relationships/friendships with others, it’s all so pure- little monster boy loves him like a hyung, this blue shark dude is such a gentle puppy, eyepatch dude + all the others are just so genuinely sweet to each other- a bunch of awkward gaming nerds eventho they were sucked into a game, none of them are even panicking, it’s kind of hilariously realistic tbh- like the game isn’t as intense as Last of Us or Silent hill, there’s danger but it’s mostly like the sims + multiplayer empire building sandbox type of RPG, and since all of them have spent hundreds of hours immersing themselves in the game, they’re just fully embracing it haha. Love that.

The MC and the grand duke’s relationship is more than just borderline abuse tho, I don’t like that, I wish there was an English trans of the novel so we fully understand their dynamic, cause right now it’s just giving asshole cold hearted seme and gentle naive uke

lokifa November 11, 2023 6:27 pm

I don’t give a fuck about any of y’all saying he deserved all the shit that will happen to him later on, some y’all would justify anything for a sexy powerful seme

    Luluvroumette November 12, 2023 9:52 am

    What happen next ?!

    lokifa November 16, 2023 3:40 am
    What happen next ?! Luluvroumette


    Only a mild spoiler, but just didn’t wanna spoil the exact story like others-

    MC will get taken and fucked by a bad dude, it’s recorded on video, the ML will see the video and thought that it was “consensual” and he gets super mad, and then when he manages to rescue the MC he rapes him in anger too (because he thought MC “cheated” on him)

    Lots of things happened afterwards, MC realise the debt he had was actually to ML (he’s been paying to ML, ML had kept him on debt partially because of what MC’s father did to him, which is kidnap him and threatened to kill him and also because he feels if there’s no debt then MC would leave him)

    Then some stuff happened and MC got shot in the lung and thrown in the ocean, he’s rescued by the ML but now he’s in poor health, his lungs never fully recovered, he’s more fragile

    Anyway in the end MC forgive ML, both admit that they love each other and they stay together

    The ending is not too bad, but I hated that the MC basically suffered so much and then got an injury for the rest of his life, like wtf would the author decide to let him suffer forever for what his father did, the ML loves the MC but it’s like he doesn’t know exactly what a piece of shit he was, he’s the reason why the MC had to sell himself in the first place, cause of the debt, and the injury was also ML’s fault, it’s literally all his fault and yet he lives happily ever after with the love of his life, while the person he loved suffered like HELL in his hands and has fragile health forever. 5.5/10 stars

    Luluvroumette November 16, 2023 7:51 am
    SPOILER ......SPOILER .......Only a mild spoiler, but just didn’t wanna spoil the exact story like others-MC will get taken and fucked by a bad dude, it’s recorded on video, the ML will see the video and th... lokifa

    Thank but WTF the end seem kinda not interesting...

    Majesty November 21, 2023 1:53 am
    SPOILER ......SPOILER .......Only a mild spoiler, but just didn’t wanna spoil the exact story like others-MC will get taken and fucked by a bad dude, it’s recorded on video, the ML will see the video and th... lokifa

    Did the seme not even apologize? and did he find out that the uke didn't cheat but was actually rap3d?

    Ichigo November 21, 2023 9:25 pm
    SPOILER ......SPOILER .......Only a mild spoiler, but just didn’t wanna spoil the exact story like others-MC will get taken and fucked by a bad dude, it’s recorded on video, the ML will see the video and th... lokifa

    it's the most infuriating when characters don't even acknowledge or apologize for their wrongdoings, but still claim to "love" the person and get their happy ending anyways. I'm already foaming in the mouth with rage right now... what a piece of shit!

    Kitty March 10, 2024 11:13 am
    SPOILER ......SPOILER .......Only a mild spoiler, but just didn’t wanna spoil the exact story like others-MC will get taken and fucked by a bad dude, it’s recorded on video, the ML will see the video and th... lokifa

    Do you have the link for the novel?

lokifa November 7, 2023 5:09 pm

For those complaining on the differences story wise; I understand what you mean and I get it, I’d like more scenes depicting key moments too, but you can’t seriously expect them to draw & explain exactly what happens in so few chapters- the novels had THOUSANDS of pages, intricate and in depth explanations. It’s impossible.

Even so, STARember brings life to so many scenes, the level of detail to nearly each moment is cinematic.

For those complaining about their LOOKS, y’all need to chill the fuck out and stop shitting on STARember-

Everyone was depicted well, EVEN swole hua cheng- y’all make it seem like she went off the rails with his depiction but I’ve read the novel TWICE and there was never a moment where his true form was described as thin and gangly OR swole. Literally it’s only :

“skin as white as snow” and that he was much taller than Xie Lian, that XL “has to stretch his neck in order to see him” the (SPOILER) coffin scene XL had described HC’s body as being large and hard, so all we know is he’s got a strong af body. Everything else is up to the reader to imagine.

Also Xie Lian was described as “handsome young, slender man who looks around 17 years old with dark, kind eyes” so wtf are y’all shaming his delicate features for?!!!

STARember didn’t “uke-ify” him, he’s literally known as the The Flower-Crowned Martial God; Sword in one hand, flower in the other. his beauty was as legendary as his sword skills, its a literal FACT.

Anyway the novel is up to your imaginations, I’m not discrediting any of y’all headcanons, but this STARembers depiction, (which the author fucking LOVED btw) and it’s beautiful, stop trying to gaslight people into thinking she didn’t do any justice to the characters when she absolutely did.

    Alifetimeforbl November 9, 2023 9:39 pm

    Link to the novel or name of the novel, the ones on Wattpad are not the story

    akane006 November 9, 2023 10:57 pm

    Are people complaining? why?? I think that everything is so gorgeous and breathtaking!

    Mimi2919 November 9, 2023 11:49 pm
    Link to the novel or name of the novel, the ones on Wattpad are not the story Alifetimeforbl

    The novel is also called heaven officials blessing, this chapter is in the second volume.

    Alifetimeforbl November 9, 2023 11:59 pm
    Are people complaining? why?? I think that everything is so gorgeous and breathtaking! akane006

    It's just that the novel is too long so the artist can't draw everything here, so to understand everything fully, it's ADVISABLE to read the novel first then come see the beautiful art here

    akane006 November 10, 2023 2:55 am
    It's just that the novel is too long so the artist can't draw everything here, so to understand everything fully, it's ADVISABLE to read the novel first then come see the beautiful art here Alifetimeforbl

    That makes sense, I already read the novel so I'm enjoying the artwork...

    HUALIAN IS LIFE November 10, 2023 2:56 am

    Really, those who complain are blind asf, it is even said in the FIRST FUCKING CHAPTER, THAT XL BEAUTY IS A GIFT TO THE XIANLE KINGDOM LIKE TF?? If people talk to me like this I aint talking to them, read your facts and novels guys, just be grateful we got this manhua adapted while some other manhua's don't get adapted, BE FUCKING GRATEFUL, UNGRATEFUL BASTARDS if not, eat dogshit

    Yeehaw November 10, 2023 7:31 am

    off topic but I think u meant "the donghua is marvelous and the manhua is beautiful". Donghua basically means chinese animation and manhua is chinese comic

    Alifetimeforbl November 10, 2023 12:14 pm
    Really, those who complain are blind asf, it is even said in the FIRST FUCKING CHAPTER, THAT XL BEAUTY IS A GIFT TO THE XIANLE KINGDOM LIKE TF?? If people talk to me like this I aint talking to them, read your ... HUALIAN IS LIFE

    So like do you have a link to the novel on Wattpad or sth

    lokifa November 10, 2023 2:35 pm
    off topic but I think u meant "the donghua is marvelous and the manhua is beautiful". Donghua basically means chinese animation and manhua is chinese comic Yeehaw

    Yup my bad, that’s exactly what I meant. I typed this rant so fast my brain said anime instead lol

    lokifa November 10, 2023 2:36 pm
    Really, those who complain are blind asf, it is even said in the FIRST FUCKING CHAPTER, THAT XL BEAUTY IS A GIFT TO THE XIANLE KINGDOM LIKE TF?? If people talk to me like this I aint talking to them, read your ... HUALIAN IS LIFE

    You understand the very essence of my rant, ily (● ̄(エ) ̄●) <3 <3

    Black Water November 12, 2023 6:23 am
    Are people complaining? why?? I think that everything is so gorgeous and breathtaking! akane006

    I remember on Pinterest people complained about the hyper realistic food in the scene when they were eating in the ghost realm. And lots of people complained about hua cheng’s proportions when he was at an angle and sitting down. (The complaint on HC sitting down and being viewed at an angle was stupid imo then again I took a few art classes so I guess it helped me understand pov a bit more)

    Black Water November 12, 2023 6:28 am

    In the first novel I remember reading that XL has a “saint-like” appearance. I found the description interesting for him because saints make me think of bearded old men.. but I assume what was implied was he appeared kind, approachable, and graceful.

    lokifa November 16, 2023 4:33 am
    Link to the novel or name of the novel, the ones on Wattpad are not the story Alifetimeforbl

    I bought mine (the Ebook is super cheap, the official translation has 7 books already, and you get really pretty pictures to go with it) but you can download the full PDF online

    The full fan translation by Suika (@YummySuika) is very accurate, i can’t seem to link that here, just search up Heavens Official Blessing PDF (download the one by Suika)

    This site looks accurate too:


    But I recommend getting the novel if you can, it’s very affordable and worth it, especially since it’s like nearly two thousand pages, so each page is barely 1 cent- the author really feeds the readers well-

    I’ve just finished reading the scumbag novel too, which is her earlier works (but heavens blessing is definitely top tier, most romantic & intensely riveting story she’s written so far) but scumbag is super smutty towards the end, so that’s fun


    Alifetimeforbl November 16, 2023 4:45 pm
    I bought mine (the Ebook is super cheap, the official translation has 7 books already, and you get really pretty pictures to go with it) but you can download the full PDF online The full fan translation by Suik... lokifa

    Thank you thank you<3

lokifa November 7, 2023 12:42 am

When the MC was explaining about the Mafia game rules, it reminded me of Seventeen playing mafia, one of the members did the exact same detective trick too ( ̄▽ ̄) they’re hilarious af, y’all should check it out on YouTube

    AgustD November 13, 2023 3:33 am

    Don't Lie 2 right? Seventeen playing mafia is always so chaotic XD

    lokifa November 16, 2023 4:38 am
    Don't Lie 2 right? Seventeen playing mafia is always so chaotic XD AgustD

    YES XD hoshi was unhinged, poor mingyu lol it still cracks me up till this day. I’m sad that they stopped playing it (but it makes sense, they’ve played it so often now lol) would’ve loved to see my bias Dino win properly for a change, he’s always caught or killed haha

    AgustD November 16, 2023 11:44 pm
    YES XD hoshi was unhinged, poor mingyu lol it still cracks me up till this day. I’m sad that they stopped playing it (but it makes sense, they’ve played it so often now lol) would’ve loved to see my bias ... lokifa

    My bias is Wonwoo but I'd love to see Dino win for once, he always gets caught lol. I've rewatched the first 3 Don't Lie's at least 50 times. To me, Mafia is completely a seventeen exclusive game now. No one can make it as fun as they do, especially the rivalry between Hoshi and Mingyu XD I recharge by watching Going Seventeen~ never fails to make me laugh.

lokifa November 6, 2023 4:42 pm

The story is a common trope, sure, but from the cover itself & the very first chapter you should’ve known whether it’ll be your cup of tea or not. There’s plenty of other stories with big ukes or small semes, tanned or pale, all of it exists- why you gotta be mean spirited and shit on some cute smut?

Smh bring your negative energy elsewhere, nobody needs that thanks bye

    Sushi_Lyfu November 8, 2023 3:23 am

    Dunno why they still read this until end if they don't like it. We literally have the tan uke who's childhood bestie with light skin seme I think the author is the same author to the weird boy magical transformation whose transformation object is....... a DILDO

    holyshit November 11, 2023 11:28 pm
    Dunno why they still read this until end if they don't like it. We literally have the tan uke who's childhood bestie with light skin seme I think the author is the same author to the weird boy magical transform... Sushi_Lyfu


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