Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 8, 2021 12:20 am


Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 11:43 pm

The horror aspect didn't stick with me much, but it was good comedy (≧∀≦)

Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 11:29 pm

What the fuck is this piece of garbage. Where do I even start with this cluster fuck. I swear to fucking god that I am loosing braincells every sentence.

Yujin and Yohan are both sexual assaulting r@pist. If you like him, I am searching your computer. I am. The amount of times they go after Jihoon without his consent is honestly appalling. The author made Jihoons character type a meek brat, so that he accepts everything coming to him. That's so fucking predatory. Yohan and Yujin are predatory and creepy. They peer pressure Jihoon multiple times, and that's fucking weird.The author plays off these negative traits as "oh well hahaha they're just hawt honey boi's uwu". The realism is no where to be found, not a single hint. I don't see emotional conflict from the r@pe and sexual assault, but then again, what do I expect from a Yaoi author that made a book where the premise is them having sex. The plot is going nowhere, I honestly don't know what's happening next. So they're (kinda) having sex. Now what. What is going on. What is the plot. It's just dumb niggas having sex. Stop adding plot to your porn, you're just ruining it. I find it hard to believe this 3p love story, because these niggas only like him because he's hot n cute...? obviously not for his personality, because all he got going for him is that he is a meek brat. All of these characters are static and flat, rarely learning from their mistakes. Yujin and Yohan have the same personality, and they're just carbon copies of e/o with slight variations. The author does not seem to comprehend the gravity of the situation they are putting these characters in, and honestly, I am not surprised. None of these characters no boundaries, and though it might fit into their personalities, is not recognized as a toxic trait. Shitty book, 100% dropping.

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 11:39 pm

    I refuse to believe they were the same nigga who wrote moonlight garden

    Stardust March 9, 2021 2:21 pm
    I refuse to believe they were the same nigga who wrote moonlight garden Mr.Blxckie 2.0


Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 4:15 pm

This book is ass, I don't see a plot wth

Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 4:06 pm

This was mediocre at best. The characters aren't really playing off e/o, and most the decisions they make don't fit with their personalityThis really isn't giving what it needs to give. If this was a pwp I wouldn't go sO hard on it, but it isn't It's more centered around the story, which doesn't really make sense because there isn't much of a story. It's just a dude coping with heartbreak and trauma, which would be fine if there was something going on. Nothing is happening, nothing is going on, and I'm honestly very disappointed. What is the plot? I don't understand what's happening, this story is going nowhere. There isn't a gesture to future vents to come, it's just a telenovela. I don't see anything from. the world building side, no business decisions being made, the author doesn't have to focus on world building, but holy fuck, just make it a bit realistic and have some substance. This story likes drive and passion. There is no hint of realism, everything feels cheap and fake, and the trauma bit isn't sticking. I don't feel the characters emotion. This doesn't have potential because there is nothing to begin with. 100% dropping.

    Shirayuki March 7, 2021 4:47 pm

    How do these characters not act in ways that fit their personality? In my opinion, they all seem to fit their prescribed character in every way, including all the dumb shit they do. In terms of the story, you literally summarized it yourself: it’s a story about coping with loss - whether it’s the loss of a loved one, a loss of passion, a loss of oneself, etc. You say there isn’t much of a story but the story is legit just that and there is nothing wrong with that. Not every story needs to have immediate action, immediate plot that moves every single chapter. In fact, this story is meant to be a slow burn (also it’s first 20 chapters only, a webtoon goes on forever so this is literally like episode 4 in an anime series). It’s a slice of life story and there isn’t meant to be some huge drama. We’re literally still introducing characters and slowly characterizing them at this point. A novel’s first 3 chapters might be boring but you don’t say it’s shit unless you read till the end, do you?

    Second, you say nothing is going on - uh a SHIT ton is going on. First question: What is the plot? Well, the plot is the mc woke up from a trauma, realized his lover left him, then the story splits into two POV: the mc and the ex of his. The MC needs to learn to let go of his dependency on the ex. He slowly does so after being rejected many times. Eventually, he turns his attention to his true passion, his job. He meets someone who allows him to be himself. The relationship starts toxic because they’re simply filling the empty holes in themselves by using each other. The ex tried to let go of the past (but not really which is where the conflict continues). We have the antagonist, I call him the psycho bitch, who has huge insecurities. He acts like an enemy to the MC. The MC starts to regain his independence and self confidence after having time to reflect on himself. Second question: Where is the plot going? This is also obvious if you’ve actually been reading this. The final confrontation of the MC and his ex of course will be the climax of this story. Meanwhile, we have an overarching plot where the antagonist will probably do some shit because he’s insecure, the boss will be shown backstories which will most likely relate to the MC and his situation,
    MC will fall for him, the ex will realize his mistakes, final ending will be when every character in this story finds a suitable ending to their traumas. Legit, I’m not the author but even I can tell that’s the plot and it’s direction right there.

    I have no qualms with you saying this story is boring because it probably is to you and that’s a personal taste. This story and stories of this type aren’t meant for you. However, your criticism isn’t proper criticism because all of the things you say it doesn’t have, it does and it is done in a way that fits the theme the author has presented. You keep mentioning world building but a story of this type does not have an elaborate world to build because the world is within. It’s all internal and subtle. I have no clue what this world building you speak of is because I clearly see it in this story. The setting, the past, the business and connection to the MC’s true passion - it’s literally all there. All of your critiques simply say oh it doesn’t have this and that but no? It has all of that but it just isn’t your taste and that’s different than saying the story is bad because it lacks the basic components of a story. I respect how you feel about the story but your comment just makes no sense. Just say it isn’t your cup of tea because that’s really what you’re trying to say.

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 5:15 pm
    How do these characters not act in ways that fit their personality? In my opinion, they all seem to fit their prescribed character in every way, including all the dumb shit they do. In terms of the story, you l... Shirayuki

    You sound mad. Anyways, I stick by what I said. It's not that it isn't my "cup of tea" it's that the story is lacking in many areas and mediocre AT BEST. There is no drive nor passion I feel from the story, the characters lack any fleshed out, developed personality, and this books world building (though doesn't have to be "elaborate") is fairly rudimentary and isn't handled with proper care. My main criticism is not that those elements do or don't exist (though imo, even if they did exist, they are again- not done well-), it's that everything in this book lacks proper story telling, and key elements such as a literary device, style, emotion! It's just characters doing things; a love story CAN be a plot, but the way this book treats it just comes off as them DOING things without any rhyme or reason. The actions these characters partake in do not fit their personality at all. You said "in your opinion their actions fit with their personality" when you fail to come up with any examples to prove your criticism of my critique.

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 5:17 pm
    You sound mad. Anyways, I stick by what I said. It's not that it isn't my "cup of tea" it's that the story is lacking in many areas and mediocre AT BEST. There is no drive nor passion I feel from the story, the... Mr.Blxckie 2.0

    If we're coming after opinions on the story and not looking at the functionality, then we're getting no where

    Shirayuki March 8, 2021 6:44 am
    If we're coming after opinions on the story and not looking at the functionality, then we're getting no where Mr.Blxckie 2.0

    And that’s exactly what I explained. I gave you my view on the story’s functionality because it functions properly to me. I never attacked your opinion because of course some people find a story boring or stupid, that’s normal. To me, what you are saying about this story is your opinion. And you tell me I don’t give examples. I gave a shit ton of examples to every single remark you gave. You’re the one who speak in generalities without providing examples. You were the one who said the characters don’t act like they should. And I explicitly asked HOW SO in my comment and you refused to answer, instead saying I can’t provide an example. If you told me what irked you off about these characters, then we can have a conversation where I can either agree or refute you but no, you’re actually not giving me anything to say. Without style and emotion - again, the things you say are OPINIONS. You say you’re looking at functionalities but what you wrote about these functionalities are opinions which I have nothing against. What I’m trying to say is that your criticism sounds like something ANY story could be faulted on. Anyone can say oh the characters don’t sound developed to me, the world isn’t built enough, I don’t feel the passion or emotion, to EVERY story on this site and it would be true because it’s your opinion. I’m not mad at you because it’s clear you have a strong opinion on this story. One thing I will agree with you on is that the story is mediocre, yes. It ain’t anything special. If you’re looking for good plot and technically well written stories, then honestly don’t read manhwa. Koreans have this particular writing style that over rely on melodramatics, especially in their webtoons. You probably will say the same thing to almost every webtoon on this site. Just go read a novel instead if you’re looking for professional work.

    Shirayuki March 8, 2021 6:50 am
    If we're coming after opinions on the story and not looking at the functionality, then we're getting no where Mr.Blxckie 2.0

    Basically, in short, what I’m trying to say is a story’s functionality is also subjective. It’s an opinion based analysis. For example, the shittiest story on earth and perhaps most poorly written story to you may be entertaining for some other people out there. So, me talking about what you said isn’t me attacking your opinion so do not feel as if I am mad at you. I’m also saying my opinion on how I feel. I don’t think I said anything offensive towards you. I’m only replying to the things you’ve said to understand more about what you think is wrong with this story because I can also say a few things I don’t like about this story. Though I still read it because I personally want to see where the plot goes (and for the tea lol)

    Shirayuki March 8, 2021 6:58 am
    If we're coming after opinions on the story and not looking at the functionality, then we're getting no where Mr.Blxckie 2.0

    Btw I happened to see your comment on a different manhwa called A Guy Like You. And on that one, I fully agree with your comment because that story was shit in every way possible lol. I just happen to think this story is much better than that one and a few other manhwa I’ve seen on this site which is why it might seem like I’m hard defending this because I actually do think it’s well written with a plot that goes somewhere unlike the other bs like A Guy Like You that drags on forever and had its plot go to la la land in the end for no reason.

Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 3:16 am

This was by far worse than "daddy made me cum by his fierce eyes" or whatever that abomination was.

I can't put into words how much I hated this book with my core. Every element that makes a good bl was missing! Gone! Good representation of queer relationships? nope. World building? nope. Consistency? nope. Good pacing? nope.

The stone arc or whatever that was dragged on forever, and the dream shit didn't make much since. The book was Inconsisnrent, the characters were flat n static, rarely changing throughout the book. It was like no one learned anything at the end. And I loved how the mc being kidnapped and emotionally abused was brushed off in the end as a "haha so funny"- Wth. The characters are the pos ignorant dumbasses throughout the story, rarely learning things as times passes by. Nothing the characters did made since. When the emotionally abuse in the dreams was happening, the author failed to show any signs of trauma that they could've gone through. the author failed time and time again to handle serious subjects with the proper care they need. The pacing was weird and inconsistent, being really fast in the beginning, thaen dragging on so fucking slow in the end. Everything became a confusing clusterfuck, and I'm honestly weirded out that people like this so much.

Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 2:50 am

(I'm not going to be commenting about the translators work, because it was honestly pretty good. Thx translator^^)

sigh. Where do I begin.

-This is a Yaoi plot in it's truest form. I know it's supposed to be a comedy, but not even once, did they have a scene where the character actually realizes he's in a horrible situation. He just takes it, occasionally getting scared when the ml gets "big daddy mad" or sum shit like that.
He was kidnapped and threatened, yet he still ell in love. That is literally Stockholm syndrome. They are portraying such a illness in a "funny" light w/o giving a single hint of realism. It has comedy in all the wrong places, and at the most inopportune times. People touched the mc w/o consent multiple times, and it was played off as hot? The story was fast paced and confusing, basically just events happening, no plot. In the first chapter, he was basically assaulted and it was played off as "funny"- with is this shit book, i don't understand how someone ca n. enjoy such a piece of literature (dare I even call it that) when all it does is fail at being a comedy, has shitty pacing, nonexistent world building, and flat characters. Like, in the first chapter, no one decided to call the fbi to report the mafia? no one noticed the mafia group until now? huh? And, the characters are boring and flat. They have no real driving motive, and their only personality trait is being horny and assaulting people. WTF is this book.

    keiji akaashi March 7, 2021 3:18 am

    well damn
    yeah i agree with a lot of what you said, but you can also simply click off? this suits other people’s likes/tastes in manga/manhwas, and clearly not you
    it is a yaoi tbh, yaoi’s are usually porn without plot type stories

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 3:20 am
    well damn yeah i agree with a lot of what you said, but you can also simply click off? this suits other people’s likes/tastes in manga/manhwas, and clearly not you it is a yaoi tbh, yaoi’s are usually porn ... keiji akaashi

    nope, any book that fails to treat harmful subjects in a good light is getting demolished in my book^^

    keiji akaashi March 7, 2021 3:28 am
    nope, any book that fails to treat harmful subjects in a good light is getting demolished in my book^^ Mr.Blxckie 2.0

    i respect that you dislike this book
    however others do like it
    don’t be petty and try to “demolish” a book that you can easily avoid. i tried speaking nicely, but you’re just being immature.

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 3:32 am
    i respect that you dislike this book however others do like it don’t be petty and try to “demolish” a book that you can easily avoid. i tried speaking nicely, but you’re just being immature. keiji akaashi

    what...? I didn't cuss you our or say anything mean. I just said no. If harshly critiquing a book that laughs of sexual assault is me being "immature" then that's really weird. People who like this book are just enabling harmful tropes in Yaoi such as-and I say it again- taking sexual assault and painting it in a "sexy" and harmless light.

    Mimi March 7, 2021 3:45 am
    what...? I didn't cuss you our or say anything mean. I just said no. If harshly critiquing a book that laughs of sexual assault is me being "immature" then that's really weird. People who like this book are jus... Mr.Blxckie 2.0

    I actually agree with this statement. Honestly the plot for this BL is going nowhere and honestly by now I'm just staying for the baby. Nothing else seems to have any potential developing. In my book it's honestly already trash in terms of plot.

Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 1:20 am

Wow. Just wow. I can't express how boring, and flat these characters are in the second half of the story. After they graduated, it was pwp. Why is this still going on? it's just niggas doing things after hs. What is the plot. I feel like I'm rereading potn again by how non-story like it is. I truly don't understand how anyone can sit through this without snoring at least once. The authors dragging this out, and honestly, each new chapter is making the story progressively worse. It's mediocrity in its purest form. I can't express how much this story is losing it's charm and meaning after they started having sex. But even then, this story lacked something. it is lacking a substance. It is lacking. Just lacking lacking. In what exactly? well, just plot, characters, world building, and everything really. Its nothing special, and it doesn't have to be. But, at least do something with your story instead of adding cheap telonovela type drama just because you don't know what to do with this story. Just end it. There is no more passion in this story. I don't see a fire, I don't see a motive. I just don't see it

    Lilmeow March 7, 2021 1:36 am

    To be honest i don't read this book cuz I'm not into webtoon but commenting shit like this is too much. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE STORY THEN FUCK OFF BITXH, THIS BOOK IS FOR THOSE WHO LIKE THIS NOT FOR NARROW MINDED BITCHES LIKE YOU, does the author force you to read this? Does anyone force you? And for your mf information your not the only one that reads manga and webtoon so you dont have any rights to just tell someone what you want, know your place bitch and for you to understand more what i mean since look like an idiot like you needa some lessons

    If i like yuri and i go to yaoi book then brag that yaoi book is stupid, does that make any sense? No right? So will you please stop acting as if your so fucking good at everything cuz an idiot like you shut learn to keep their mouth shut,

    You know shits like plot and lacking but doesn't know how to respect others preferences and hard works, the author work hard for this, even the translator SO IF YOUR FUCKED UP ASS CAN'T SAY ANYTHING GOOD SHUT THE FUCK UP

    Lilmeow March 7, 2021 1:39 am

    I bet you wouldn't understand anything about what i said since you look like the person who only think that their always right what ever happens so go and keep your stupid ass for yourself cuz your comment disgust me

    Lilmeow March 7, 2021 1:41 am


    Lilmeow March 7, 2021 1:41 am


    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 1:42 am
    To be honest i don't read this book cuz I'm not into webtoon but commenting shit like this is too much. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE STORY THEN FUCK OFF BITXH, THIS BOOK IS FOR THOSE WHO LIKE THIS NOT FOR NARROW MINDE... Lilmeow

    Ok. What do you expect me to do? I'll also write that down in my calendar and come back to your complaint later :p

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 1:51 am
    I bet you wouldn't understand anything about what i said since you look like the person who only think that their always right what ever happens so go and keep your stupid ass for yourself cuz your comment disg... Lilmeow

    You're delusional into caring so much about a random niggas rant

    Lilmeow March 7, 2021 2:00 am
    You're delusional into caring so much about a random niggas rant Mr.Blxckie 2.0

    I'm not delusional, i just can't stand stupid ass bitches like you

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 2:01 am
    I'm not delusional, i just can't stand stupid ass bitches like you Lilmeow

    yes, you are.

    Lilmeow March 7, 2021 2:08 am

    See? You kept insisting? Am i still wrong? Hahahah y'know this argument with idiot like you is stupid, why would i even argue with 2th grader student like you? That's so stupid of me, i should be patient with those who has mental problems sorry

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 2:12 am
    See? You kept insisting? Am i still wrong? Hahahah y'know this argument with idiot like you is stupid, why would i even argue with 2th grader student like you? That's so stupid of me, i should be patient with t... Lilmeow

    Yes, you are wrong. In every since of the word. Please, your taking this so seriously because I went after your fave, calm the fuck down

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 2:17 am
    See? You kept insisting? Am i still wrong? Hahahah y'know this argument with idiot like you is stupid, why would i even argue with 2th grader student like you? That's so stupid of me, i should be patient with t... Lilmeow

    You have provided no points against my critics. You assign mental illnesses to me and then proceed to demonize me for them. Who is truly acting like a 2nd grader here? Not helping your case bud. Getting mad at meeting and not providing points against my comments, lol.

    Stardust March 7, 2021 2:18 am
    To be honest i don't read this book cuz I'm not into webtoon but commenting shit like this is too much. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE STORY THEN FUCK OFF BITXH, THIS BOOK IS FOR THOSE WHO LIKE THIS NOT FOR NARROW MINDE... Lilmeow

    Man it takes 2 seconds to dislike a comment.Why write a paragraph if you don't like what they're saying? Don't like don't read remember?

    Lilmeow March 7, 2021 2:22 am
    Yes, you are wrong. In every since of the word. Please, your taking this so seriously because I went after your fave, calm the fuck down Mr.Blxckie 2.0

    Sorry but this isn't my fave, i saw this on the top comments on mangago topics and i thought i should let your sick ass know that saying stupid shit like that is pathetic and to add that you REALLY read yuri then put hate on yaoi books is just so fcking stupid of you, and you don't even took your own comment seriously? Are you even a human? Cuz first of all you didn't consider those who reads this book and secondly you didn't even think that your degrading someone else's hard work on this book and just go brag shits like that GROW UP BITXH

    Lilmeow March 7, 2021 2:23 am

    I bet you wouldn't read what i said and say thinks like "iLl pUt It oN mY cAleNDar~~" why? Cuz in the first place you know your wrong but doesn't wanna admit it

    Lilmeow March 7, 2021 2:24 am

    I'm literally tired of ignorant people like you

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 2:25 am
    Sorry but this isn't my fave, i saw this on the top comments on mangago topics and i thought i should let your sick ass know that saying stupid shit like that is pathetic and to add that you REALLY read yuri th... Lilmeow

    What are your points against my critic? degrading is a hard word for an angry critic of a book. Your avoiding the question, what are your critics of my critics

    Lilmeow March 7, 2021 2:25 am

    Grow the fuck up, learn to respect other if you want other to respect you, cuz i wont go curse at you and say stupid ahits about your fucked up brain if you kept your offensive comment of youra to yourself

    Lilmeow March 7, 2021 2:26 am

    Live your life man goodluck

    Please be healthy (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 2:26 am
    Grow the fuck up, learn to respect other if you want other to respect you, cuz i wont go curse at you and say stupid ahits about your fucked up brain if you kept your offensive comment of youra to yourself Lilmeow

    What. I just made an harsh, blunt critic. cry about it.

    Lilmeow March 7, 2021 2:27 am
    What. I just made an harsh, blunt critic. cry about it. Mr.Blxckie 2.0

    Sorry but i won't specially for someone stupid as you

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 2:30 am
    Sorry but i won't specially for someone stupid as you Lilmeow

    wern't you the one who was enraged?

    Lilmeow March 7, 2021 2:30 am

    And anyways atleast yaoi has dicks to put in unlike yuri they just rub it and use finger tss that's the real meaning of boring hahahaha

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 2:31 am
    And anyways atleast yaoi has dicks to put in unlike yuri they just rub it and use finger tss that's the real meaning of boring hahahaha Lilmeow

    Have you ever heard of dildo's and strap-ons? I guess not...

    Lilmeow March 7, 2021 2:32 am

    And atleast yaoi has dicks to put in unlike yuri, they only rub it and use finger, that's what a real boring book is stupid ass bitch

    Lilmeow March 7, 2021 2:34 am
    Have you ever heard of dildo's and strap-ons? I guess not... Mr.Blxckie 2.0

    Yes cuz even yaoi use it hahahaha

    Lilmeow March 7, 2021 2:36 am
    wern't you the one who was enraged? Mr.Blxckie 2.0

    Yeah i am cuz idiots like you should be gone in this world totally....people like you should just go and banish, i should sign for a petition goodness fuck

    Lilmeow March 7, 2021 2:36 am

    Cuz you're just pest in this world, YOU ARE DISGUSTING

    Lilmeow March 7, 2021 2:37 am

    But sorry i won't cry for you darlin, it's just waste of time tbh

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 2:58 am
    Cuz you're just pest in this world, YOU ARE DISGUSTING Lilmeow

    Make a post about me then

    ryy March 7, 2021 3:23 am
    Grow the fuck up, learn to respect other if you want other to respect you, cuz i wont go curse at you and say stupid ahits about your fucked up brain if you kept your offensive comment of youra to yourself Lilmeow

    it aint that deep

    Princessnia711q March 7, 2021 4:39 am

    You know the actual creator of this manhwa will not see your comment. And if you didn’t like it then don’t read it. And why does it bother you?

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 4:54 am
    You know the actual creator of this manhwa will not see your comment. And if you didn’t like it then don’t read it. And why does it bother you? Princessnia711q

    I will do whatever I wan't. If I want to harshly critic a book, I'll do it.

    Princessnia711q March 7, 2021 5:05 am
    I will do whatever I wan't. If I want to harshly critic a book, I'll do it. Mr.Blxckie 2.0

    But it’s so stupid of you to continue to read it. There is just no way that you are continuing to read it even though you want
    it to end early.

    Fudanshxts March 7, 2021 5:32 am
    And anyways atleast yaoi has dicks to put in unlike yuri they just rub it and use finger tss that's the real meaning of boring hahahaha Lilmeow

    Girl, Theres a thing call riding

    Idk March 7, 2021 5:55 am

    Guys Mr blacky is just stating his opinion why are you all getting railed up about like wth ( ̄へ ̄)

    Idk March 7, 2021 5:56 am

    Guys Mr blacky is just stating his opinion why are you all getting riled up about like wth ( ̄へ ̄)

    Idk March 7, 2021 6:01 am
    Guys Mr blacky is just stating his opinion why are you all getting riled up about like wth ( ̄へ ̄) Idk

    Im sorry if i sound mean but lilmeow is acting too much at this point... Havent, you heard of contructive crititism

    Idk March 7, 2021 6:04 am
    But it’s so stupid of you to continue to read it. There is just no way that you are continuing to read it even though you want it to end early. Princessnia711q

    Mr probably continued reading it because he wanted to see some plot development

    Emily March 7, 2021 7:15 am

    Lmfao? Calm down. I don’t agree with their opinion but there’s no reason to bash on them for it. Also, there’s no problem with reading yuri it’s literally the same thing as BL comics just people with a different gender.. stop acting like a weirdo and leave.

    Reading your other replies.. why does the way people have s*x get you mad. There’s a thing such as dildos, vibrators, rubbing, etc. Even people in BL comics use those so your actions are so unnecessary.

    I’m just gonna assume you fetishize mlm and leave.

    Lilmeow March 7, 2021 7:24 am
    Lmfao? Calm down. I don’t agree with their opinion but there’s no reason to bash on them for it. Also, there’s no problem with reading yuri it’s literally the same thing as BL comics just people with a ... Emily

    I am not puting hate on yuri, my point is to make her taste her own medicine, why am i even explaining my self tch

    Lilmeow March 7, 2021 7:27 am
    Mr probably continued reading it because he wanted to see some plot development Idk

    Then saying that this book shouldn't be continue despite of the readers that still wants this is right and just criticising? That's shit

    Lilmeow March 7, 2021 7:28 am

    Fine i'm going overboard but ya'll agreeing with his comments just disgust me

    Emily March 7, 2021 7:36 am
    I am not puting hate on yuri, my point is to make her taste her own medicine, why am i even explaining my self tch Lilmeow

    Nah your just overreacting, it’s criticism. Every comic is dislike or liked by somebody.
    Just because you like the manwha doesn’t mean you can go on and f*cking insult people who dislike it. Grow up and leave

    bbhwafa March 7, 2021 10:44 am


    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 2:25 pm
    I am not puting hate on yuri, my point is to make her taste her own medicine, why am i even explaining my self tch Lilmeow

    please- my pronouns are in my bio. Use them

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 3:02 pm

    am I not allowed to criticize it?

    lemon°• March 7, 2021 4:41 pm

    I don't know who you are but I can agree with you enough. These last two season were zzZZ.

    ryy March 8, 2021 4:59 pm
    And atleast yaoi has dicks to put in unlike yuri, they only rub it and use finger, that's what a real boring book is stupid ass bitch Lilmeow

    why are you only focused on the sexual aspect ,, sounds kinda fetishy ngl
    some of us like reading stories that have an actual plot if your argument against yuri is that the sex is "boring" then you gotta reevaluate yourself because BL and GL is so much more than just nsfw scenes.

    lemon March 10, 2021 3:56 pm
    am I not allowed to criticize it? Mr.Blxckie 2.0


Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 12:53 am

(This is only referring to everything before the side story)

Love is an illusion is the most Mediocre pile of absolute dog shit I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Let's start with the characters. At most, they're boring and flat. Barely even passes the line into dynamic. These niggas made me fall asleep by how shitty and horrible the character writing was. There was barely any development, the pacing was fucked, the world building was lacking in every area, the side characters were more interesting then the main characters (which isn't saying much because they're both lacking in literary cohesiveness) no action made since, and this story lacked a decent, understandable plot. Getting preggo and living off your sugar daddy is just an event, not a plot. Shit just happens in this story. I feel like I'm reading people doing things instead of a story with a driving motive. How does anyone like this. "For Byul" everyone says; well, hate to break it to ya, but buys is ugly. Not even a pretty baby. If you only like the story for an ugly drawn baby, I am questioning how the fuck do you even put up with this braincell burner just for a child. A child! I truly admire people who were able to sit through more than 10 chapters of this. I envy you. But at the same time, are you okay?

    Kirao.pi March 7, 2021 1:20 am

    Oops I liked on accident.First of all you don't like what is going on nor the story then don't read.

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 7, 2021 1:22 am
    Oops I liked on accident.First of all you don't like what is going on nor the story then don't read. Kirao.pi

    Ok. Imma put that in my calendar and see if I get to it

    mevi March 7, 2021 1:27 am

    ur brave for this,, the like to dislike ratio omg

    This User Is Broken March 7, 2021 1:29 am

    i agree. Like- thst kid looks like caiu with hair and shaded eyes. And who tf has eyes shaded? Its either both the same color or both a different color. And i went to like 50 chapaters (i read at school and i hate other apps we use to read so i read that) and i ahipped to the last one and saw mr. bottom "uwu" on the ground. I said, "FINALLY THE RATS DEAD! I CAN BE DONE." And i am now more happier then ever.

    ✨Cremè Senpai✨ March 7, 2021 9:42 pm

    i don't understand- I agree byul isn't that cute but he is one of the cutest omegaverse babies- I actually liked this story but can you rate chowons arc??? TY

Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 6, 2021 7:33 pm

Too much potential for it to be a one shot.

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