Mr.Blxckie 2.0 April 3, 2021 8:30 pm

Please help this sista out, she is absolutely down tremendously. Give this poor sista some water. My girl absolutely starving. Her lips are parched. She’s down so bad, that she has advanced past the mortal understanding of what it is to “simp”. Imma just mind my business, this girl a whole ass mess

Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 17, 2021 2:01 am

Some of y’all niggas absolutely malnourished. All worked up from a bite scene.....

Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 12, 2021 8:37 pm

I am gathered here today, quill in hand, here to write a poem to Yuri author's, Yuri readers, and translators. Sit back, and enjoy my soliloquy....

To live, or to die. A question oh so thought provoking...What is it to live? what is it not, to die? The answer is but on the tip of my tongue, yet I shan't spew it out. The only thing I have to say to the common ear, are these few words. Big tiddy goth kitty, Will though nuzzle up against me? Will you feed me sweet nothings, as I stroke your hair? Big tiddy goth kitty, Will you be there even if I have no time to spare? Big tiddy goth kitty, are you there? Are you square? Where are you? I have traveled a plethora of nautical miles just to find a big tiddy goth kitty. Oh kitty, where are you? What happened to our sweet words, did they mean nothing? Oh big tiddy goth kiddy, You shall be missed :,(

Hoped you liked^^

Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 12, 2021 7:02 pm

Ah yes, glorified sexual assault and rape. I waned to kashoot myself when I read this. Is this what Hentai has come too? Y'all accepting this like it's normal? Ya'll disgusting, I don't know why rapee has such a high rating?? This is not a matter of "it's just fiction" or "different opinions", this story continues to perpetuate rape culture, and it's fucking disgusting. This is why rape culture is so normalized, y'all just too delusional to understand it.
What type of intellectually lazy person do you have to be to not understand that this book, is indeed harmful. You're acting like people haven't been criticizing porn for all sorts of fucked up shit since before y'all were even born (which I assume long I ago because why'll act 12).
And can I touch on how the people reading this are most likely Fujoshi's (I can tell because y'all be saying it gives off a "Yaoi vibe" and you only have Yaoi in your reading lists), but y'all the same ones using the excuse, "I can't watch straight hentai because i project myself onto the girl!11!!1! then turn around and read this with no problem. Make it make sense. Just admit y'all gay fetishist and move on with your day lmfao.

    sasa March 12, 2021 9:12 pm

    yo, I'd watch straight hentai too. Pretty sure a lot of women do. I am 100% sure I'm not the only female identifying person who'd watch porn for kinks, regardless of who is in it.

    This plays out like a typical hypnosis/mind break type deal. Most of those are so over the top that you can't really take them seriously. If it were a woman in it, I'd probably still read it if the art was good.

    The proportions are wrong in a few places and the app POV is kinda annoying at times, but it's still pretty well drawn otherwise. Admittedly, this would be better suited to be on a porn site rather than here, but that's about it.

    I won't say that it doesn't promote rape culture because there have been copycat murders for slenderman for heavens sake. Someone probably will base their world view off of this for all I know.

    Plotter March 18, 2021 8:21 am
    yo, I'd watch straight hentai too. Pretty sure a lot of women do. I am 100% sure I'm not the only female identifying person who'd watch porn for kinks, regardless of who is in it.This plays out like a typical h... sasa

    Ah hey a bisexual girl here. I read hentai too. But they are so horrible most of the time that I feel really grossed out after reading them

Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 11, 2021 11:49 pm

As the title says, I got a few opinions on this book.

(this is more on the rant side then my regular reviews)

This story makes me very uncomfortable.Woo young acts like a child and looks like one. That made me fucking uncomfortable, and this feels like borderline pseudo shoto-con. Flame me for that one. The dynamic of a (typical) alpha and omega will always be toxic because of the power imbalance. But what was I expecting, there is no good omega verse. (Don't try to come to me with links)

The story itself never took itself seriously (doesn't have too, but it's really hard to include serious moments if you're going the fun, lighthearted comedy route) from the get go, and that really shows in how the serious moments are portrayed. At most, when the story mood changes, it feels like satire. This story is just one big fat trope, every aspect of it. The character's are barely fleshed out, never changing from their assigned trope, and main events that happened were cheap tropes.

The writing was barely coherent, making it to where the plot got very fuzzy in some places, the story direction switched multiple times, and overall, this was a big hot mess. The author couldn't focus on one idea before dropping it. This book feels like an unfinished thought. A forever incomplete book.

The dialogue was bleh, rarely taking itself seriously to show us for a moment that this love story was in fact, full of love. The author tells instead of shows, and it's honestly annoying. The love buildup was nonexistent, and I was was honestly very surprised when they suddenly started dating. This author seems to like creating something out of nothing, and the chemistry didn't really didn't't convince me enough that they seem like a good couple.

plot: 4/10
writing style: 0/10
art: uncomfy
pacing: ehh

    chrysanthemums March 12, 2021 7:32 am

    yes i feel like so much of this was left untouched. you’d run into an issue and then it was solved. there was a lack of depth. like they’re relationship developed but we never really see any of it. and there were too many plot points that it did indeed feel like a mess. i feel like more could have been done on the alphas character and past. he developed out of the blue. also i totally agree with you on what you said about the omega. when reading it just irked me that he was so childlike. i feel like with his character he could’ve been more intelligent and calculated. like personality wise if he was smart i would’ve liked him. he’s just a rich idiot. and his mother’s death? that could’ve been interesting to the story it had potential.

    Pretty_eyes March 17, 2021 3:35 am

    So glad you got more upvotes than down votes lol. Looks like idiots don't read this book, like your comment on my suha was filled with people not understanding what a review is.
    I don't like the story that much either but I did like that the uke was the one chasing the relationship. Most stories have the opposite.

Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 11, 2021 2:07 am

As a whole ass negro, I want this story taken down. It romanticizes master/slave relationships, cheapens and washes the history of slavery, and romanticizes it by making it seem like this funny, there's some ups and downs, hahaha good times.. Black cattle slavery should NEVER, be seen in such a light. Making a story like this without portraying slavery in an correct way is insulting, and absolutely insensitive. I fucking hate this story, the art is shit, and I wan't to be taken down. Fuck you.

Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 10, 2021 10:25 pm

I have a few words for this book. Since everyone wanted to see a Yuri review, here it is.

Where do I even begin? This story is clumsily written. There isn't much to say about this story because it never gave us anything. When we first started off the story, there was no hook. There was a "plot", but no hook. The character introductions were shit as always (just give me a cleverly written character intro for once!), and the pacing was uber fucking fast in the beginning.

The author started without a hook, and in turn, created clumsy stilts for this book. If the beginning was different, we wouldn't have this whiplash of a story. The author didn't give themselves a plot device or hook to start off with, so without anything to do in the beginning, we got the author creating events, and writing things around them just so that they have somewhere to move the story direction in.

This was so fucking fast that nothing in this story had time to develop. Everything the author introduced came and went in 2-5 chapters. This was insanely fast paced, and I kept getting whiplashed every time my attention was thrown in a different direction. I as the reader had 0 time to take in any event, because it all came and went with the speed of sonic. And because of this, the love story wasn't developed, the characters weren't fleshed out, and the realism was missing. Like, there was barely any [personality to the characters (some had absolutely none), the didn't get to see more scenes of doubt and love, and emotional conflict was rarely there! This is not a love story, it's just a cheap one shot that was originally supposed to have two chapters, but they added more fo no fucking reason lmfao.

This story doomed itself for failure in the first chapter. I'm not surprised that the ending got even faster. I wouldn't say rushed because this story was already sprinting, but damn did it go 100mph near the end.

art: 6/10
writing style: 3/10
pacing: 0/10
developed characters: 0/10
developed plot: 1/10

I fucking hated this.

    lelenov March 10, 2021 11:00 pm

    No need to get so angry if you hate it so much just don’t read it and write your own story but no you fucking curse them out for their work like do it yourself then omg i hate people like you so much

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 10, 2021 11:25 pm
    No need to get so angry if you hate it so much just don’t read it and write your own story but no you fucking curse them out for their work like do it yourself then omg i hate people like you so much lelenov

    :p I never said "fuck the author", I said "fuck the story". And even then, criticism is criticism, no matter what forms it comes in^^ There is no reason to sugarcoat your words.

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 10, 2021 11:25 pm
    No need to get so angry if you hate it so much just don’t read it and write your own story but no you fucking curse them out for their work like do it yourself then omg i hate people like you so much lelenov

    and if you don't like what I said, write your own "nice" review.

    Girls Love March 11, 2021 1:42 am

    What right do you have to hate this manga when you never pay to read this manga. You read this manga from pirates sites yet you critics it. I feel funny. You should have stop reading it at first chapter.

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 11, 2021 1:45 am
    What right do you have to hate this manga when you never pay to read this manga. You read this manga from pirates sites yet you critics it. I feel funny. You should have stop reading it at first chapter. Girls Love

    I'm good. If I had a shot for every time some Brought up that it was an illegal manga site, I'd be dead from alcohol poisoning.

    Girls Love March 11, 2021 1:47 am

    You don't have right to criticism this manga since you never pay to read it. you just read it from illegal sites. Dropped it if you don't like it. No need to be angry and critics manga that you read illegal

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 11, 2021 1:50 am
    You don't have right to criticism this manga since you never pay to read it. you just read it from illegal sites. Dropped it if you don't like it. No need to be angry and critics manga that you read illegal Girls Love

    what does me reading it illegally have to do with anything?

    moofasa March 11, 2021 1:50 am

    Nice to see another well-thought out review for this. The series had potential but oh boy did it fell off fast. I don't think most readers of this series read enough good yuri to actually give a comprehensive outlook for this manhwa. They rely solely on emotions and their ships. Then again, I think most readers here are around their pre-teen/teenage years so I understand some are still in their 'puberty' stage.

    Negative review = hate

    Really now.

    Kaito.Hat March 11, 2021 3:20 am
    You don't have right to criticism this manga since you never pay to read it. you just read it from illegal sites. Dropped it if you don't like it. No need to be angry and critics manga that you read illegal Girls Love

    lol? this is the second time I've seen this argument today. Just because you're reading this for free doesn't mean you have to blindly worship a webcomic. The author isn't gonna like you more when you're still reading this illegally, fyi. Also critic doesn't equal hate or anger towards the author. Chill <3

    Stardust March 11, 2021 7:54 am
    lol? this is the second time I've seen this argument today. Just because you're reading this for free doesn't mean you have to blindly worship a webcomic. The author isn't gonna like you more when you're still ... Kaito.Hat


    manga-lover March 11, 2021 11:15 am
    lol? this is the second time I've seen this argument today. Just because you're reading this for free doesn't mean you have to blindly worship a webcomic. The author isn't gonna like you more when you're still ... Kaito.Hat

    This exactly lol. Look at these snowflakes trying their utmost best to cancel someone else's negative opinions, saying they're angry haters whatever. I mean if you don't like to read someone's criticism about the series then just ignore it and move on. It's that simple.

    Stardust March 11, 2021 4:44 pm
    This exactly lol. Look at these snowflakes trying their utmost best to cancel someone else's negative opinions, saying they're angry haters whatever. I mean if you don't like to read someone's criticism about t... manga-lover

    Right? Like they way they are acting makes them look children who can't take any kind of criticism for their favourite work which they probably are

Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 9, 2021 2:42 pm

This is in the lower end of the mediocre scale. Wait, scratch that, this was shit. Absolute shit. I fucking hated this, end my suffering please and thank you. How is this rated 5 stars??????

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 9, 2021 2:50 pm

    you can't make people gay wth

    Lucy LeBlanc March 9, 2021 3:37 pm

    I think people like the comedy more than the yaoi genre that's why it's 5 stars

    Ngl , kinda sick of you✨✨ March 10, 2021 1:57 am

    Its comedy. Most of comedy are normally fucked up in an absurd way. First time?

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 10, 2021 1:58 pm
    Its comedy. Most of comedy are normally fucked up in an absurd way. First time? Ngl , kinda sick of you✨✨

    so.... comedy=good?

    Ngl , kinda sick of you✨✨ March 10, 2021 2:04 pm
    so.... comedy=good? Mr.Blxckie 2.0

    Who know,

    Ngl , kinda sick of you✨✨ March 10, 2021 2:05 pm
    so.... comedy=good? Mr.Blxckie 2.0

    I mean i like absurd shit so-, it's just up on your taste

    T e a March 10, 2021 3:52 pm


    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 10, 2021 4:12 pm
    LEAVE T e a

    naw fam, I'm comfy where I am rn :p

    Lucy LeBlanc March 10, 2021 4:22 pm

    U really do be shoving your opinions on everybody's throat ey?

    Lucy LeBlanc March 10, 2021 4:24 pm

    U sound like a child who never gotten attention so u resort to being problematic and thinking your superior p. s. u ain't so stop saying it's shit ye it's kinda boring but it ain't shit

    Ngl , kinda sick of you✨✨ March 10, 2021 4:33 pm
    U sound like a child who never gotten attention so u resort to being problematic and thinking your superior p. s. u ain't so stop saying it's shit ye it's kinda boring but it ain't shit Lucy LeBlanc

    I don't know who you are, but i like your energy

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 10, 2021 8:32 pm
    U sound like a child who never gotten attention so u resort to being problematic and thinking your superior p. s. u ain't so stop saying it's shit ye it's kinda boring but it ain't shit Lucy LeBlanc

    damn, this the best you came come up with? I've never shoved my opinions down anyones throat, your just making things up. It's okay to be mad at a review, but damn, is it that serious to be like "that's why your mom left you and your parents got divorced" lmfao. I literally made 1 comment pertaining to the story, r u good or sumn?

    Stardust March 11, 2021 8:03 am
    U sound like a child who never gotten attention so u resort to being problematic and thinking your superior p. s. u ain't so stop saying it's shit ye it's kinda boring but it ain't shit Lucy LeBlanc

    How is giving criticism equates to being problematic? Lmao the only person who is childish here is you

    Stardust March 11, 2021 8:04 am
    Its comedy. Most of comedy are normally fucked up in an absurd way. First time? Ngl , kinda sick of you✨✨

    No most comedies aren’t like that. Wtf have you been reading?

Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 9, 2021 1:29 am

This is lazy writing at it's finest. Well, let's dive into this snooze fest.

When first starting off the book, we are introduced to Suha and Jiwoon. The introduction. was shitty and bland, though a sol doesn't need to have an elaborate into, there is no hook to reel in the reader besides Suha being a horny dude.

It is established that the romance is going to be between a secretary, and a CEO (or whatever). This should set off red alarms. That sort of dynamic is predatory. One has the power of another, and whether they're happy or not, the Suha will subconsciously be desensitized to any inappropriate advances made by the Jiwoon. The power imbalance does not put them on equal footing, and can lead to an abuse of power, as shown when Jiwoon made many advances on Suha, and even asked Suha's sister to spy on him. The author refuses to comment on the many instances of invasion of privacy.

The author attempts to address the predatory Dynamic, but soon after forgets about it, and paints that one girl Jiwoon was scheduled to be his potential future partner as a villain for recognizing this shitty dynamic.

The plot is just goofy and silly. It's just them having sex, and Jiwoon getting jealous. Though it's okay to have a story centered around sex, this tried to also create a balance in. the beginning between plot and smut, but soon forgot about the "plot" element. The author dipped they're toes into world building for a hot second, expanding on the business side, but then forgot about it soon after they started having copious amount of sex. Now don't give me the bs excuse that "it's just a change in plot direction!" when this "change" happened in chapter 30. Pretty early for a web novel. But even with their attempt to world build, it was a shitty one. I understood nothing, and it felt like the author just connected a bunch of random events together.

On the topic of their love, it feels really forced. There is no romance build up besides "I'm horny for you" which is really fucking stupid if you're trying to make a love story. Even now, the love aspect isn't convincing me. The author keeps confusing love, for horniness.

The author keeps bringing up random characters with no relation to the plot at all when they don't know what to do with their story. Honestly very disappointing and boring read. All they do is have sex, the author is only focused on the sex aspect, so they dropped all the other important elements of the story so they could focus on one thing. Lazy writing.

0/10 plot
0/10 writing style
6/10 art
3/10 consistency

overall score:

final thought:

A shitty book with lazy writing

    chlouiav March 9, 2021 4:14 am

    if you don't like it, don't read it then lmao

    chlouiav March 9, 2021 4:17 am

    bold of you to say all of this without knowing what its like to be in their shoes lol

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 9, 2021 4:18 am
    if you don't like it, don't read it then lmao chlouiav

    If you don't like what I'm saying, don't read lol. practice what you preach

    Stan Iwaoi March 9, 2021 8:40 am

    Why take the time to discredit the authors work? I mean ya you don't have to like, but then to write a whole ass review on why you dislike it is a bit much. Just say eh I didn't care for it and move on. "Lazy writing" do you know how much time and effort these authors put into their work??? Some of these authors even stress themselves to the point where they develope serious health issues. Also we are technically on an illegal site, do you really have the right to shit on a story you didn't pay to read nor took the time to upload. This comment was just plain as rude.

    BANSH33 March 9, 2021 9:06 am
    Why take the time to discredit the authors work? I mean ya you don't have to like, but then to write a whole ass review on why you dislike it is a bit much. Just say eh I didn't care for it and move on. "Lazy w... Stan Iwaoi

    Honestly, we are in no obligation to care about an author’s inner conflicts or personal problems. These authors publicly release their content for an audience to follow it. If you are going to get offended with every single critic that is given to -I must suppose- “one of your faves” BL stories, then honestly you would get mad at every single little comment made on the universe. The fact that we read from an illegal website does not put us in a lower position such as to not state our opinions just by the fact of the “author’s hard work” and our supposedly “hypocrisy.” Everyone who solely depends on an audience, must get a accustomed to constant criticism and backlash. In this case, the person is just giving their opinion and even saying why. Most of what you could get from some of the useless crackheads of the internet. I personally used to be more interested in the story as well, but this started becoming boring and baseless in no time. I’ll drop this story, but just wanted to clarify the fact that no one should get offended by criticism. If you do not agree, then we might as well discuss why, simple as that.

    Stardust March 9, 2021 2:06 pm
    Honestly, we are in no obligation to care about an author’s inner conflicts or personal problems. These authors publicly release their content for an audience to follow it. If you are going to get offended wi... BANSH33

    Preach (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Stardust March 9, 2021 2:13 pm

    I somewhat agree. I don’t see any chemistry between them either except the 'I'm horny for you' which is pretty illogical even as author showed the director liking Suha since he was a kid. Perhaps the author focused too much on the smut that the story completely went off tracks. Dropped this a while ago ^^

    Stardust March 9, 2021 2:16 pm
    bold of you to say all of this without knowing what its like to be in their shoes lol chlouiav

    I don’t think that's how criticism works. You don’t imagine to be in the character's shoes to criticize a story. If you really want to criticize something well, see it from the author's point of view.

    sho chan March 9, 2021 4:20 pm

    0 % agreed(▰˘◡˘▰)

    Pretty_eyes March 9, 2021 6:21 pm

    I love reading long reviews like this.
    Why can't some people take criticism??
    I've already forgotten what's even happened in this story lol it's so bland
    Almost every stupid BL goes from lust to love (mostly forced)

    AimItLikeIdaho March 9, 2021 6:27 pm
    I love reading long reviews like this. Why can't some people take criticism?? I've already forgotten what's even happened in this story lol it's so bland Almost every stupid BL goes from lust to love (mostly fo... Pretty_eyes

    shounen ai (i think that’s what ya call it) is superior for this reason. all the time writing unnecessary sexual scenes could be put into world building, or giving the main couple more depth!

    Pretty_eyes March 9, 2021 6:39 pm
    shounen ai (i think that’s what ya call it) is superior for this reason. all the time writing unnecessary sexual scenes could be put into world building, or giving the main couple more depth! AimItLikeIdaho

    You're right. I like shounen ai.
    But I also kinda like reading smut. So ig I just want best of both worlds haha

    taejin March 9, 2021 9:23 pm

    i looked at your profile and you just leave negative reviews on stories. lol, do you not have something better to do? i don’t know what you’re going through so i’m not trying to be rude, but you can put your time and energy into something rather than posting these kinds of reviews. you have your own opinion and can do what you please, but just leaving negative comments everywhere isn’t the right thing.

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 9, 2021 9:41 pm
    i looked at your profile and you just leave negative reviews on stories. lol, do you not have something better to do? i don’t know what you’re going through so i’m not trying to be rude, but you can put y... taejin

    Hm? If you look at my Bio, then you'll understand. Seems as if someone didn't read enough. I truly don't care if they're "negative reviews" they're just me reviewing books. Reviewing books any and everywhere is (one) my favorite past time. I don't only do this on Mangago, but I I'll get Better engagement and more stories to review here.
    Simply downvote if you don't like :p

    chlouiav March 10, 2021 3:13 am

    authors spend a lot of effort in making manhwas. if you dont like it, create ur own manhwa lmaooo

    Stardust March 10, 2021 4:30 am
    authors spend a lot of effort in making manhwas. if you dont like it, create ur own manhwa lmaooo chlouiav

    According to your logic no one should ever criticize any work

    mar March 10, 2021 8:15 am

    no one asked

    Pretty_eyes March 10, 2021 10:48 am
    authors spend a lot of effort in making manhwas. if you dont like it, create ur own manhwa lmaooo chlouiav

    Why the can't some people take criticism??
    "If YoU dOn't LIkE iT ThEN DoN't ReAd It!"
    "ThE AutHOr pUt So MuCh wOrK iNtO ThIs"
    "YoU CaN't wRiTE a MaNHwA sO ShuT Up"
    Oh yeah? Let's say I made some crappy phones and am selling it. I put a lot of effort into making it. And you bought one and it doesn't work.
    So what do you do? Go online and leave a review saying it's not good and ask for a refund.
    Then an idiot says: "iF iT's nOt GoOD tHeN WhY DiD yoU bUY it? MiNe WorKs JuST fiNe!"
    If someone does or makes something for others, others are free to critisise or judge it. Asking them to shut up defeats the purpose of free speech.
    Not all criticism has to be constructive and critique does not mean insulting anyone.
    Did you can know you can criticize something _and_ be respectful of it?
    So yeah.
    (I copy pasted my comment here)

    lemon March 10, 2021 3:52 pm
    Why the can't some people take criticism??"If YoU dOn't LIkE iT ThEN DoN't ReAd It!""ThE AutHOr pUt So MuCh wOrK iNtO ThIs""YoU CaN't wRiTE a MaNHwA sO ShuT Up"Oh yeah? Let's say I made some crappy phones and a... Pretty_eyes


    drenv March 10, 2021 9:09 pm
    I love reading long reviews like this. Why can't some people take criticism?? I've already forgotten what's even happened in this story lol it's so bland Almost every stupid BL goes from lust to love (mostly fo... Pretty_eyes

    Some people can't take criticism because they think that everything must be revolving around their opinions and what they like, in short, hypocrisy and narcissism, as it is not lacking in teenage women ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    hange_zoe_wife_af March 10, 2021 9:13 pm

    i'm gonna have to disagree with you on this one bestie but get it ig

    hua’s chin March 11, 2021 12:33 am

    idgaf, if people read on an illegal site then give their fucking opinion then you don’t HAVE the right to say shit

    Moody Jazz March 11, 2021 12:42 am

    I kinda agree with this, all I saw was smut and poor plot but I hope that they'll be better in part 3

    Stardust March 11, 2021 8:05 am
    idgaf, if people read on an illegal site then give their fucking opinion then you don’t HAVE the right to say shit hua’s chin

    Lmao what? Your reply makes no sense. In stead of bashing people for their opinion work on your grammar

    hua’s chin March 11, 2021 12:09 pm
    Why the can't some people take criticism??"If YoU dOn't LIkE iT ThEN DoN't ReAd It!""ThE AutHOr pUt So MuCh wOrK iNtO ThIs""YoU CaN't wRiTE a MaNHwA sO ShuT Up"Oh yeah? Let's say I made some crappy phones and a... Pretty_eyes

    this is the singlemost dumbest reply I’ve ever fucking seen. the amount of logic flaws with the “selling it” i cant. we literally read on an il*egal s*te and here you are correlating it with someone “selling” crappy phones. to put it in your logic, you basically just stole those crappy phones without paying for them AT. ALL. If you don’t like it, simple, just fucking drop that shit and move on. people just love to waste their fucking time throwing shit that’s fictional, especially pointless when you drop your opinions on an IL*EGAL S*TE. The authors themselves are real people and everything they work on are FICTIONAL. LMFAOOOOO if you actually bought this manhwa then you have the right to criticize it but hell youre out here complaining to a manhwa as if you bought it. Free speech my ass.

    lemon March 11, 2021 9:56 pm
    idgaf, if people read on an illegal site then give their fucking opinion then you don’t HAVE the right to say shit hua’s chin

    we have the right to have our own opinions, bestie

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 11, 2021 10:07 pm
    this is the singlemost dumbest reply I’ve ever fucking seen. the amount of logic flaws with the “selling it” i cant. we literally read on an il*egal s*te and here you are correlating it with someone “se... hua’s chin

    Does it look like I care. Stop wasting time digging into your keyboard because I called your fav trash, I got places to go and things to be. I don't need you all up in the replies getting mad because I harshly criticized a predatory story, go do your homework and stop bothering me. You can disagree all you wan't but debate with ya momma on this one. Practice what you preach and don't read if you don't like.

    hua’s chin March 12, 2021 4:18 am
    we have the right to have our own opinions, bestie lemon

    right to read illegal shit, right.

    lemon March 12, 2021 2:23 pm
    right to read illegal shit, right. hua’s chin

    just because we're reading on an illegal site doesn't mean we can't have feelings about it... where's your logic?

    hua’s chin March 12, 2021 3:47 pm
    just because we're reading on an illegal site doesn't mean we can't have feelings about it... where's your logic? lemon

    and yeah it’s like youre talking to a wall, pointless and dry as fuck

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 12, 2021 3:53 pm
    and yeah it’s like youre talking to a wall, pointless and dry as fuck hua’s chin

    People like reviewing books because it's fun for them? the original intention of reviewing books was not so that the author can see them, but so they can share their opinion and have fun. Your logic is "if the author doesn't see it, it's pointless"......It's not rocket science.

    lemon March 13, 2021 2:18 am
    and yeah it’s like youre talking to a wall, pointless and dry as fuck hua’s chin

    but there are other people on this site to interact with....

Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 8, 2021 2:25 am

Where do I even start with this dumb fucking story. Oh lord. If you un ironically like this, I am asking you to go see a shrink. It's chocked full of rape and manipulation which is painted in a positive light.

Let's start with the characters. They're boring and shitty. There is no character depth. NONE. What are their interest, hobbies, pastimes, what do they do after school? This story time and time again fails to bring flesh out the characters tees, and give them interesting personalities and hobbies. Even if they were all intentionally hobby-less you can do a lot with just that. But the author didn't. Even if they did have a hobby, the author fails to even gesture towards a single instance of such, besides jooin liking photography...?

Jooin has no personality. He truly has none. He is a meek pushover only designed that way so Yahwhi's predatory advancements can come off as "sexy", "hot" and excusable. Yahwi is a predator, r@per, and an assaulter. He purposely feeds of joins desperation to haves with him. He is emotionally behind, and lacks basic empathy. That would've been all fine and dandy if the author would've commented on it. But they didn't. If you like him, you like must also like sung woo. At that point, I'm checking your computer. And can we touch on how weird Cain is? everyone is saying "well at least he isn't as bad as cain ..."please read for a fucking minute. Just one. He purposely does shit to get the upper hand. Everything he does is to make sure he can get with jooin. He is a mischievous, dirty little bastard. He purposely does shit just so he can achieve his goal. Fucking weirdo if you ask me.

The plot is cheap and feels very episodic at some points. They sex, one gets mad, they get into fight, they have sex. Or, they don't have sex, they argue, then they do have sex. The same damn thing. This book is a hot mess. The plot is all over the place. Events just pop up suddenly without any real connection. It just feels like the author wrote a story around a specific scene they wanted to draw. Everything is loosely connected, and this story is honestly very shitty.

Character depth: 2/10
story telling: 1/10
style (not in art, but in writing): 0/10
art: 7/10
plot: 0/10
conclusion: 100% dropping.

    MayFlower73 March 8, 2021 2:31 am

    I want to know how is it manipulating or where is the manipulation going on. (I am not trying to be mean.)

    Mr.Blxckie 2.0 March 8, 2021 2:39 am
    I want to know how is it manipulating or where is the manipulation going on. (I am not trying to be mean.) MayFlower73

    Yahwi is exploiting Jooins feelings for sex. Textbook manipulation. Cain "tricked" (the author paints it as a funny hahah trick when it's more serious than its painted as) join into sharing his house for his own personal needs. if this was replaced by a guy doing it to a girl, this would've received a whoooole different reaction. You see how creepy that is if you switch the roles? They're constantly playing the "who is better" game to win a stupid little spat, invovolcing join in their whole mess, constantly toying with his feelings.

    MayFlower73 March 8, 2021 4:02 am

    ohh Thank you

    Stardust March 9, 2021 2:19 pm

    Character depth:2? That's a lot

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