This story is basically divided into two parts: 1&2 season and 3 season. The second one is completely different from the first. In the beginning it was a comedy (about dildos and sex toys... dont ask) then gang fights and later about drama. I'm not saying I didnt like this manhwa, but we gotta admit the author changed a lot of things throughout the story, The second couple in the first part has completely different vibes compared to 3 season, and I kinda missed them being silly and all. (But in some case it was better changing sum things like the whole wooden dolls ib by dildos etc) It felt like the characters' personality were being overwritten because fujoking decided to change genres, not saying she shouldnt but it was way too hasty. Like she had a project in mind then changed it at the last minute and then change it again. It feels like this story was just a maturing phase of fujoking's writing and scripting style. So read it if you want but keep in mind this