i swear i’ve wanted to drop this so many times i can’t even remember but i just kept going wtf. i’m kinda upset cause the beginning was okay i mean i really enjoyed seeing omega stand for himself and calling alpha all sort of creatives names but then the redemption arc started and omg how can it be so bad…. from the absolutely disgusting smut with the milking/peeing all over to the cullen’s baby monster and the cringy PA/butler who trades his services for pictures of said baby… god i’m traumatized
in the novel he pretends to be unconscious while they beat him tho, makes it even more funny
YEAH I WAS WAITING FOR THAT that scene was too funny in the novel
Let’s hope they nail the Go-yo scene that was hilarious I can’t wait to see the face this guy’s going to make when if find ouf the mess MC has made BWAHAHA