Sasha answered question about question
The only one here whos arrogant is you. Who do you think you are? We need help from you? What can you do other than being angry over the internet? You had good intentions and some good points blah blah fujoshi bad Yada yada. But you doing too much now. We dont need help from someone like you and that subtle homophobia in this post,whatchu mean peop......
Sasha answered question about question
Stfu with your saviour complex bs. What,now that we gays dont even like you and your behaviour what u gon do? Start acting homophobic towards us?
Sasha answered question about make fujoshi friends
Superhuman strength
Sasha asked question about stomach cramps

Id like to know everyone opinions. Whats the first thing you notice when you meet someone for the first time? Their body parts,personality maybe? I cant help but be insecure bc i feel like when someone first see me all they see is one big blob and probably body shames me in their mind :/

Sasha answered question about read oldest comment on mangago
13/20 of the answers is about the lgbtq,it just shows how dense people can be towards us.
Sasha answered question about dick in my mouth
Cook without instructions or cook books.
Sasha asked question about talk with a dumb person

Im really sorry if i sound rude,im baffled atm. But why do people who lacks reading comprehension have the nerve to act so ignorant when someone tries to explain it?

Sasha answered question about healthy convo
Fruity loops was pretty popular when i first joined.
Sasha answered question about question
Users like you who ask questions like these trying to stir up some stupid drama.
Sasha asked question about dumbest moment

Why do some people ask really stupid questions on here? Or asking something when you can just easily google it? A reminder that Mangago is not google yall

Sasha answered question about live in omegaverse universe
This the type of trolls that needs to be banned. Report op,this user.
Sasha asked a question

Looking for a manhwa. Im going to add in details that i remember.

-So mc dream is to be an actress.
-She came across this magical gold thingy (lamp)?
-A naked dude appeared before her.
-She was given 3 wishes
Thats all i can remember

Sasha answered question about question
Some people are easily triggered and doesnt understand sarcasm lol,one look at those emojis and i alrd knew you were joking. This particular person seems like a stuck up tho.
Sasha asked question about healthy convo
Sasha asked question about healthy convo
Sasha answered question about first kiss
So yall just digging up questions from 2016? Has it been that dry now a days?
Sasha asked question about forget to eat

I saw someone asked this but i cant find the question anywhere so whats your most liked comment on a manga?

Sasha answered question about go mad or crazy
Its totally petty to abuse the report system to make mangago ban someone who enjoys rape in fiction..... what i thought. But this bitch is defending rape like their life depends on it and invalidates others feelings towards rape. One sentence from them and i can already tell how annoyingly bitchy they are. Totally deserves it.