Sasha answered question about ate too much
I mean,if its interesting i dont see why not.
Sasha answered question about dont sleep with your parents
Aww edgy heartless 'i have no feelings' queen
Sasha asked question about being obsessed with someone

Now this is gon be a drama so if u hate drama so much yall can ignore this. (yall should check tho if he mentioned your name) So i got a dm from someone (thanks,very caring person who looks out for others) saying that my name and other users are in his mouth. Because a user made a post about hi......

Sasha answered question about question
It hasnt even been an hour. One posted like 60 questions in a day. They will be back with the sooooo much fun facts. oh no im a such party pooperanyways plain vanilla.
Sasha answered question about read oldest comment on mangago
Theres ppl who post 52 questions in a day so,theres nothing to feel or think. Im not gonna be a 'party pooper' and let ppl do what they want to do.Since this is peek entertainment.
Sasha answered question about question
Can you like,please stop clogging the forum with these facts.
Sasha answered question about depressed about my webcomic
I need more,give me more
Sasha answered question about depressed about my webcomic
Please put a lil summary so i know what its about!! Im currently in my feels and feel like i can handle it when i know i cant!! Give me all your sad depressing stories
Sasha asked question about depressed about my webcomic

Can yall recommend or just tell me whats the most depressing manga/manhwa youve ever read that you felt empty after reading it. Ect Horizon? im in my feels

Sasha answered question about trauma dumping
'healthy relationships is too boring' Apparently they find stories with healthy relationship's lame.To avoid unnecessary drama,i dont have ss to provide since ive had my fair share of me @-ing someone and their mutuals come rushing in being an extra hoe lol.
Sasha answered question about question
Like i said,please stop making topics like these we really,really do not need someone with a saviour complex to save us from fetishizers. Just stop.
Sasha answered question about question
Arent you that person with the saviour complex ? We get it,fetishizers are disgusting.Most of us understand that and just like gay men,i hate straight men or anyone who fetishes my sexuality as a lesbian. We dont need 20 topics everyday calling them out. It might just be me,but when all we do is discuss about them,its getting pretty fucking annoyi......
Sasha answered question about ship male friends together
This is the person who shipped their male cousins. What the hell does this even mean?
Sasha answered question about have an unpopular opinion
You shouldve googled this if you really want to know and educate yourself. Now watch how people make fun of you instead of explaining why its wrong.
Sasha answered question about question
Oooo so you bold bold. Would yall rather be fat or skinny? Because i would definitely pick skinny all day everyday. Its literally the beauty standard in my country. Even people whos already skinny and only has a little tummy gets called 'fat'. One thing i hate is my skinny friends ranting about being fat,infront of me,an actual fat fuck. How am i s......
Sasha answered question about translation groups
This is like pumpkin night translator ,they probably bestfriends. Ive dropped it just bc of that,they think its funny when its not,just shut up and translate or dont translate at all.