Sasha shared experience about help please
Can someone stupify this for me. Ive asked my friends but they havent replied yet i need to know asap. im just trying to get my laptop fixed
Sasha answered question about is being lgbtq okay
I got cheated on so,turns out she was using me to 'experiment'? said she was indeed straight and end up with a boyfriend.
Sasha followed a goer

Pronounce as dead as hell,adult,asian,she/they
New year same shit
I read anything I want. 
Chronically online mfs and moral police dni.

06 06,2021
Sasha like the answer
Damn @Quicksilver it's fun watching you sweat over every single comment and how you are trying to defend yourself with bs.
Sasha asked question about hate all men but

^ Something else to do since today has been full of negative energy.

Sasha answered question about get it off your chest
Quicksilver : Qs twin,Slowsilver : "They're the harshest, meanest, most unreasonable spoiled brats I've ever encountered." ironic. Man's more disgusted of babies than rape.
Sasha answered question about have sex with a family member
Pedophilia is not something to joke about. Yall know the drill,mass report time.
Sasha asked question about make a cat loaf

Like do most of yall who spend so much time on here got nothing better to do? If so spare some of yall free time with me so i can get my shit together. I barely have an hour of free time to even read a manga before my mom starts yelling at me to do something 'more productive'.

Sasha asked question about tell you greatest secret

Does anyone else do that? And i feel like i need to mention this before anyone come for my wig,no its not imagining myself as a yaoi character type.Im a lesbian

Sasha followed a goer

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Me in one sentence:
« You could give me 10 years to do an assignment 
that I would still do it the day before »

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Why is it that I love to sleep, but can’t   ( ˃ ˑ ˂ )

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Flémmarde en chef   _へ__(‾◡◝ )>

02 06,2021
Sasha shared experience about your opinions
This might be controversial im not i was looking for some cute black girl pfp to use and i came across this. I feel like some asians would be extremely uncomfortable with it and if you do im so sorry that theres people doing this. Ive seen people on tiktok who edits asian genshin impact characters to be black too and people in the com......
Sasha answered question about depressed about my webcomic
Im here to again ask yall for some heart wrenching stories pls im desperate for no reason.
Sasha answered question about questions on emotions
I wont say im mad,im just petty as hell with a potty mouth. I see someone say sumn i dont like,i will @ them and throw in a few insults left and right. Arguing with me irl is worse bc if i personally know you,i will bring up your dead grandma.
Sasha created a topic of Bradherley no Basha

I feel so bad for the poor girls :c

Sasha answered question about question
Lol arent u that saviour complex mf? Is this a villain arc or what
Sasha answered question about chill and chat
Cw ! - im gonna have to ask yall to look out for your younger siblings,cousins,friends or any children you know so they dont end up having sex young,especially with adult predators. Then you will have to call the police cause that aint a joke anymore.
Sasha answered question about being obsessed with someone
Someone really out here saying down voting their work is childish cause its just a 'difference in opinion' Oh im sorry,for disliking a story made by a rape apologist,defended cp,transphobic and just a shitty person overall,oh what a petty person i am
Sasha asked question about chill and chat

13 y/o having sex? I am actually worried about yall. Please wait till you are of legal age.