Fuck…I can’t keep reading this, I feel so bad for my man Jae-i he doesn’t deserve this shit. What does dodam see on the ml man
The got too much time, but didn’t use any of those to confess
Too bas I was actually hoping for some drama lmaoo
Started to read this thinking the remake follows this story line, but boi was I wrong
Damn I love the fact that everytime they go into a new movie arc it makes you wanna be able to watch the movie too
This has been on my want to read list for so long, can someone tell me if this is actually worth to read?
I need stories similar to this pleasssseeeeee I'm starving !!ヽ(゚д゚ヽ)(ノ゚д゚)ノ!!
I'm still currently reading it but can someone tell me if mister ghost guy will get his body back?
I'm out here gripping my walls like a fucking maniac man, the long wait is finally over hope we get too see a deck soon