I’m tired of commenting on everyone else posts, so I’ll make my own. I’ll go through ever point I’ve seen, and explain why it’s incorrect. Match your point to mine to see an explanation.

“They’ve played multiple times before and did worse”
Yes, but consent does not carry. Especially in bdsm. Just because someone agreed once before, does not give their partner the right to their body indefinitely. In real bdsm, each play is discussed beforehand and is approved on by both parties. Clearly this didn’t happen, because chanwoo was shocked at md’s instructions.

“It’s bdsm they can be hit”
No. Bdsm is consensual, and chanwoo did not and can not consent.

“Why can’t he consent?”
He is shown several times to be mentally and emotionally incapable. Md choked him to see if he was capable of saying the safeword. It was confirmed that he couldn’t when he did not say it. Chanwoo is shown with a bruised face and repeatedly brushes off concern with “I’m fine”.

“He knows how md feels but he goes to the other guy anyways”
A person is never, ever obligated to return someone’s unrequited feelings. After md confessed, chanwoo politely refused And wished to keep a casual bdsm relationship. Because they stated beforehand that they want their bdsm and romantic lives separate, md’s feelings do not belong in their plays.

“How is he being manipulated? This is unrelated to their plays”
Yes, personal feelings should be left out of bdsm. MD knows that, but he puts them there anyways. Md also knows that chanwoo values him as a bdsm partner and as a friend, so when chanwoo attempted to introduce md to his boyfriend and he clearly was upset, no plays should’ve been initiated until md could cool down his feelings. Chanwoo was given an ultimatum, in that he either participate in the play or never communicate with md again. He fears losing md, so he agrees despite clearly not wanting to. This is coercion, and a coerced person cannot consent.

“Md is upset because chanwoo hurt his feelings so that’s why he hit him like that”
Again, unrequited feelings are never obligated to be returned, and personal feelings have no place in a casual bdsm relationship. Yes this hurt his feelings, but hurt feelings are never an excuse to coerce or hurt another person.

“He deserves it”
No one deserves abuse. Ever.

“How is it abuse”
It is abuse because he cannot consent. No consent = abuse/rape.

“I’ve been in a bdsm relationship that had plays exactly like this and I’m fine”
I’m sorry you’ve been abused before, but you should not use it as leverage to excuse other abuse.

“It’s just fiction why are you mad”
I, and many others, are mad because this abuse is being disguised as bdsm. This is harmful to the bdsm community, because it puts us in a bad light, and relates us to abusers. We are only attempting to keep our community’s image clear.
2020-05-30 00:20 marked
Wow imagine being a dominant and not respecting the trust of your submissive, for anyone out there whom is interested in getting into a ds relationship, this is not ok! Consent and safety should always be priority, you should always discuss what your partner is ok with and what they are not, and you should definitely not emotionally manipulate them into doing what you want.
2020-05-23 16:51 marked
Just like someone said, Chanwoo is not obligated to like MD back just because he does. and lmao at MD being exactly like the dudes he complains Chanwoo dates. Manipulating him in liking him because he refused him.
And also the portray of the BDSM in this is incorrect but you wouldn't expect anything elde. Slapping him before talking beforehand about it is not how things are done,you can clearly see Chanwoo is surprised.Nevermins that Chanwoo is a victim of abuse, shake my head.
2020-05-23 05:51 marked
I've posted before about this without spoiling, and it physically HURTs me that people are giving out wrong spoilers based off some google translate thing they didn't even bother to cross reference. A lot of spoilers are out of context of the whole story and omits SO MUCH so i'm going to explain it as best as I can, referring to my previous post. These spoilers are coming from the novel version btw, and whether or not JAXX choses to adapt them will be another issue altogether. But anyway, here goes.

There are several major factors and characters I shall address.

1. Ryan (Blonde dude from earlier in the series)
He has a much bigger role in the books than in the webtoon thus far, but idk how big his role might be ahead because he has a major role to play in the latter half of the series. As far as I know, he is NOT a love rival or anything of that sort. There has never been and isn't going to be anything romantic between him and McQueen at all. He harbours certain hatred McQueen for reasons, blames him for a lot of his ongoing issues and he has a lot . He has a son, with a prostitute and he also seems to have drug issues and is generally pretty messed up. In the novels, he and Ed live together, and McQueen and Ed have meals with Ryan and his son Cecil, even helping to take care of his son because Ryan isn't really the best parent.

He is actually the main reason why Ed and McQueen break up. But more on that in a bit.

2. Ed and McQueen
In the books McQueen is seen doing a lot more porn that in the webtoon to begin with; here he seems like he does more of the background work like directing etc. But in any case, novel McQueen and Ed BOTH continue to film porn with other partners, although Ed only ever bottoms for McQueen after. In the novels, there's no confession at the train station. They get together, but there's no actual verbalisation of the "I love you"s till much later. So although they're making porn with other people, they're also not exclusively together in the books at this point. I believe McQueen initially hoped to kind of do couples porn with Ed, but at some point after they do both stop doing porn anyway. But in any case, obviously the webtoon should differ from that.

Third parties are never a major major issue in the books for our main pair. They do love each other, although it takes a much longer time for McQueen to verbalise it there. Yes there is a 'love triangle' of sorts with Chang, but the feelings of the main pair never wavers for each other, although circumstances in the later parts do drive a wedge between them. The McEd pairing is actually quite fluffy in the books as well.

A major plot point in the novels. revolves around McQueen's writing of the movie's script. A journalist basically finds out that McQueen is the director of that movie, and it makes the news. Its huge news, and it goes on broadcast that a pornstar directed a religious movie. The website is being overloaded by views – and the site Ed's audition film with McQueen (for a DVD) is on there. The next day he goes to work, its obvious that all his coworkers know about his doing porn. Ed is asked to resign from his job as a security officer due to security reasons.

Upset, Ed then tries to contact McQueen, but he is unable to call through to him. This is because McQueen was being hounded by journalists at the time and he explains it to Ed. They then talk about plans for the future, like going on a cruise and stuff. Ed gets a little drunk, and confesses he watched a porno with McQueen and Ryan. More context on this is that Ryan and McQueen did something like a 'non-consensual' kink play? It's not actually non-consensual and its not rape for sure, but Ryan apparently has a history of sexual assault prior and told Ed before that McQueen exploits vulnerable men for money i.e. something like he basically did the shoot because he was in a vulnerable position (drug issues money issues etc.). Ed watched the porno, and then tell McQueen he agrees with Ryan that what happened was rape. McQueen is livid to think that Ed could think something like that of him, and says something along the lines of "I can't believe I was falling in love with you". They break up and don't contact each other for weeks after that.

Ed gets a job at the airport, but its not very stable. Prior to this, Ed had already stopped doing porn was also working for Chang doing some security, but he stopped that too after the porn reveal and hasn't contacted Chang since.

Lancer contacts Ed who is now in high demand because of the porn reveal, and asks him to do escort/prostitution work with him (He gave him an Escort card way earlier in the novels I think as an invitation already). Ed wonders if McQueen will find out, and then decides that he "doesn't care" and so on New Years Day, Lancer tells him that he's got this client and that Lancer raised the price on him (because of his high demand); Ed doesn't know who he is, but he turns up anyway. The client is Chang.

3. Chang
Chang hasn't met Ed since the porn reveal, New Years Day is the first time they're meeting after the reveal. Chang doesn't believe at first that Ed actually came, and Ed tries to walk away after realising its Chang. But Chang physically grabs him and tells him he paid for him, showing him the escort card he took from Ed's apartment (given by Lancer earlier). Chang offers to make Ed's debt disappear – if he stays beside him for a year. Ed considers and then refuses thinking this guy is the one who even ruined his life by saddling him with this debt in the first place. They argue, Chang makes jibes about Ed doing sex work and Ed, fed up, asks him if he wants to be fucked. Ed pulls down Chang's zipper to prove a point.

Then Chang pushes Ed onto the bed and starts getting physical with him. At several points, Ed says it hurts, and that he wants it to stop. Chang mocks him, bites him, and continues anyway. Ed tries to punch him to get away from him, saying he's changed his mind and telling him to stop. He grabs his clothes and tries to escape several times but fails. Chang r*pes Ed. In this interim, Ed realises that Chang has had feelings for him all along, and that he's just been trying to ignore it the whole time; after the deed is done, he asks Chang if he likes him – and Chang doesn't confirm or deny it. Ed tells him it doesn't matter because Chang is dead to him anyway, and tells Chang he wants to ruin him, like Chang ruined Ed.

He walks out (Chang is still there), to run into McQueen – Ed wondered previously if McQueen was going to find out about him doing escort/prostitution work so he clearly did – McQueen tells Ed he didn't want to break up with Ed in the first place, tells him that he loves him, and that he wants to get back together. Ed wants to say yes, but he just had sex with (was raped by) Chang, so he doesn't respond, just leaves both men without saying anything. McQueen and Chang fight, and Ed sees McQueen again the next day; McQueen tells him he doesn't care about the whole Chang thing, and they get back together.

McQueen tells him he's quitting porn for him and selling the company, and tells Ed to check his bank account – $500,000, which is the amount he owes Chang. Chang actually confesses his feelings to Ed after this, and Ed tells him he doesn't care and to check his bank account, that's his answer. Essentially he pays off his debt, and from there he's saying that they no longer will have any ties to each other.


So essentially I wanted to clarify a few things.

Ed didn't lose his bodyguard job because of McQueen but the journalist actually, and McQueen didn't abandon him because of the reveal at all. He had a huge debt to Chang – but McQueen didn't pay it off probably because $500,000 is kind of not pocket change?? He sold his company and paid off Ed's debts. McQueen is not the cause of Ed doing escorting; that's Ed's choice. Their break up was NOT caused by Ed not wanting to do an adult movie with McQueen.

McQueen and Ed's relationship is complex, and ultimately human. They make mistakes and there's miscommunication and there's arguments of course, but there's also reasons why certain things unfold the way they do. The novels are way longer than the webtoons, and lots of things have been and will be taken out. So bear in mind that too.

I hope this helped in some way and if anyone else is going to bullshit about the 'spoiler' without knowing what they're talking about again i'm going to hit the roof.
2019-09-08 11:01 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2019-08-24 02:40 marked
My fingers are crossed, I am HOPING for a miracle in this omegaverse which is 99.9% full or rape sht, I just want a cute, loving, hot and with consent omegaverse story. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
2019-08-22 19:16 marked
this item will be show after approved
2019-08-22 19:16 marked
You can tell how young and inexperienced the commenters are based on how they don't understand Nemu's actions. It's spelled out right in this chapter, plus combined with Ruka's attempts to break them up and Maya's refusal to talk about anything that makes him uncomfortable (lying about Ruka is very suspicious even to very trusting couples, and refusing to talk about his previous breakups and getting mad at Nemu for even bringing it up is not good). All players here are guilty and it has led to one big miscommunication to a very insecure and unsure character, Nemu. Nemu taking a step back to reevaluate his own behavior instead of going nuclear is actually a healthy thing to do. Maya reacting they way he has does suck, but that doesn't mean that Nemu has to sacrifice figuring things out for himself and his mental health just to make Maya stop being depressed. Maya also needs to take a step back and reevaluate how he seems to only be willing to talk once things have already blown up, as opposed to just not shutting down talking when Nemu barely voices his concerns. And Nemu needs to learn to speak up when he does have concerns rather than let them build up and not let small things concern him so much, as he is trying to figure out now.
2019-08-03 21:41 marked
Hey guys... I notice that the same questions keep getting asked... over and over and over and over. I've answered them about a dozen times. Sooooo... here's an FAQ for you all!

~~Is this really the end for Kai & Luard's story?~~
We have the extra from the Drama CD and the Daria magazine from April, but unless more are released, yes. You can always follow Hasumi-san's Twitter ( https://twitter.com/fw_kisskiss), Insta ( https://www.instagram.com/fw_kisskiss/), and Pixiv ( https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=15436708) for art and updates. Unfortunately though, there is no second volume for this pairing.

~~So no babies/pregnancy for Kai & Ruado?~~
Unless sensei posts art or extras about them in the future, no. We do love the series, so we'll be watching for that. For now, we just have to imagine them (or write fanfiction about them, like me ^__^;; hehe...)

~~I LOVE DAATH/JUDA!! Is there more about them?~~
Why YES! There is! It's called Remnant: Jujin Omegaverse. It is currently being serialized monthly on Renta (and sometimes in Daria magazine) as well as being released through MULTIPLE other websites (including amazon.jp, ebookjapan and others, if you want to support the mangaka)

~~Will Remnant have anything about their babies?!~~
Unsure at this point. There have been ten chapters released and thus far, it has focused solely on when Daath and Juda met and the early days of their relationship (including some scenes with a young Kai). In recent chapters, Remnant has gotten close to the timeline of the ending of Pendulum, so who knows... It'll depend on if sensei ends the story with this volume or goes with another.

**HOWEVER..... Hasumi-sensei has been doing a separate series all about Juda and Daath's twins!! See the Tweet announcement here: https://twitter.com/fw_kisskiss/status/938723809183506432
And yes, NNN Scans will be translating this adorable series as well! The two released chapters have already been scanlated, but as it's only being released in Daria, it means bi-monthly releases at best.

~~Will NNN Scans be translating Remnant as well?~~
YES YES YES, 1000% YES!!
We love this series completely and utterly. We can't wait for you to see Remnant too! We're always hard at work on any new chapter. Queen Yaoi on Facebook was kind enough to share her raws with us for the first few chapters and we've purchased the rest as they become available. Check her page, as she often posts the raws.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Queen Yaoi occasionally restricts access to her page to block Americans because Americans keep reporting her posts.

~~Japanese Release Status~~
Remnant Chapter 12 - Released in August.
Remnant Chapter 13 - Released in September

Petit Mignon Chapter 4 - Released at the end of August.

~~Our scanlation release status:~~
Chapter 1 of Remnant was released on July 11.
Chapter 2 of Remnant was released on Sept 30.
Chapter 3 of Remnant was released on Dec 3.
Chapter 1 of Petit Mignon was released on Dec 28.
Chapter 4 of Remnant was released on Jan 7.
Chapter 5 of Remnant was released on March 5.
Chapter 2 of Petit Mignon was released on March 9.
Chapter 6 of Remnant was released on April 1.
Chapter 7 of Remnant was released on April 25.
Chapter 8 of Remnant was released on May 19.
Chapter 9 of Remnant was released on June 29.
Chapter 3 of Petit Mignon was released on July 1.
Extra Chapter of Pendulum from April 2018 Daria was released Aug 3.
Chapter 10 was released on Oct 9.
Chapter 11 is pending SFX translation and typesetting (and all steps after that)
Chapter 4 of pending SFX translation and typesetting (and all steps after that).
Chapter 12 is being cleaned.


We have raws and are working on the following extras: Pendulum Drama CD extra, Remnant Drama CD extra, Remnant tanko extras. If there are any other bonus extras or one-page items out there that aren't also on sensei's Pixiv, we'd love raws!

~~Are there any Drama CDs for the series?~~
The Pendulum Drama CD was released in fall 2017. It had a short comic and longer extra. Those are waiting to be translated by our group. (Link to purchase: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/FFCL-21 )

The Remnant drama CD was just released in Japan (April 21, 2018). (Link to purchase: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/FFCL-276 )

If you would like the audio and are unable to purchase it on your own, message me directly and I can link you.

~~How can I support the mangaka?~~
You can purchase the manga from Renta Japan or any online retailer that sells Japanese manga. I am proud to own most of the Daria magazines with Remnant/Pendulum covers plus all the tanko and CDs. You can like sensei's posts on her social media accounts (but please DO NOT comment in English or any other languages except Japanese!).


Anything I forgot, let me know.

You can always find our group on Tumblr ( http://nijiniji-nikubou-scans.tumblr.com/) and Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/nijinijini/). We also have our own site with its own reader. We post chapters there at the same time they're released, so it'll always be available there first!! http://nnnscans.aijou.org/

There is also a group Discord, but invite codes expire too quickly for me to add here. Reach out to the links above to request a code.

~Ash The PR~
2018-10-10 06:03 marked

BLAF - 38

Between Love and Friendship
By Red Shoes & Racking
Chapter 38
Unofficial Translation By Seren

Support the author:

2018-07-19 15:28 marked
2018-07-07 11:16 marked
I read the raws, and sadly it doesn't look like their relationship is going to evolve any time soon. I've been following this manga for a very long time and there's just a cycle of actions repeating over and over again. Maya does something wrong, Nemu feels insecure, Nemu cries and forgives Maya almost immediately. It's so repetitive that there's nothing new in their relationship. Nemu as a character has also undergone little evolution. He just comes across as heavily dependant on Maya and lacks in any noticeable characteristics (although he is majorly adorable and sweet). I want more for him. I want him to slowly learn how to be more confident, and that he's worth just as much as everyone else is. I want him to develop real interests and hobbies, and learn how to NOT TAKE SHIT FROM MAYA; that he doesn't so easily give into Maya's selfishness, and makes it clear to him what he expects from the relationship.

So far, their relationship doesn't feel very equal. Maya hasn't even told him he loves him once. I understand he may 'show it through his actions' but a relationship is built on mutual understanding and equal footing. If he can't tell him he loves him - just once - then is he even emotionally mature enough to be in a comitted relationship?

I detest the start of this manga (I just pretend it doesn't exist) but I am generally invested in all the characters. Unfortunately, if this repetitive and frankly tiring cycle of insecurity, selfishness, lack of communication, spinelessness and little story development carries on, I think I'm going to have to drop this manga, which I really, really don't want to do.

(Side note: I know we all kinda want to see another guy who's generally sweet come in and sweep Nemu off his feet to make Maya realise how much of a fuck-up he's being, but wouldn't it be nice to just see Nemu come into his own and realise he's strong as an individual? That he breaks off with Maya for awhile because their relationship is looking quite hopeless rn, especially with all the lying and rightful insecurity, and that Maya ends up realising how selfish and cruel he's being and tries to win Nemu back? I want him to really fight for his affections, and for Nemu to not just give in so quickly all the time. Make Maya work! Nemu is more than worth it. He doesn't deserve this)
2018-03-12 15:30 marked
A few words about "societal values" cannot make up for actual character development, Tokokura sensei. It just doesn't.

Before chapter 3 Itou didn't need anything more than the assurance of mutual affection to enter into a relationship that went against "societal values". He put his romantic life on hold for about a year, even though he wasn't confident enough to be Nishi's proper bf, because he was so in love with him. They then have a long term relationship, stable enough that they live together, go on vacations, make career decisions together...they function as a married couple in all but name.

And he gives it up for the first woman (we get to see) who confesses? *Just* like that? It doesn't make sense...I don't care how many babies giggle at him. You needed at least two chapters to show how that break down happened. It's only "realistic" if we accept the idea that Itou is a selfish asshole who prioritises his insecurities over others...and there just isn't any evidence of that all. Quite the opposite.

I mean if they'd even shown him being attracted to the woman, being really engaged by her so that we could infer that *she* had something to do with what made a "normal" relationship seem feasible.

Let's not even get into that slapdash reunion in which Nishi somehow forgives him for that years long betrayal in an instant. Realistic my ass.
2017-06-11 14:25 marked
2017-06-03 19:08 marked

[Old Xian] 19 Days // Art

Old Xian's workst and impressive scenes from 19 Days including great fanart.
2017-03-15 16:23 marked

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