Am I the only one who thinks that Sakai was at fault? Denying a person part of his life, of his memories it's just wrong. Leaving your partner the freedom to decide what to do with his own life is the right thing to do. He was being selfish and stupid making them both suffer for nothing because Ono never once showed that he wanted a straight relationship. But yet again, the person with the disease is the one apologizing. I hate that. Amnesia patients are not at fault, ever.

Wow thank you ! My thought exactly !
All i saw was comment like "oh their love is perfect blablabla"
I did love this manga but i found Sakai sooo selfish
(Sorry for my poor english)

Please please... I hope he's not... If he was pregnant then there'll be yet another reason for those bastard to look down on him. So or either he loses the baby or I hope he's not because that would suck way too much. Not just for Maya, raising a baby born under those terrible circumstances but also for Seiji 'cause he doesn't deserve that. It's bad enough that they stole his fated person "first time"...
This manga has broken my heart too many times in just three chapters...

So far, I don't like the turn of events. If it were to be realistic, then Chiharu would go crazy and would stop Kazuki, or if he let him go he would cheat on him for sure. You kidding? 5 years without seeing each other? No fucking way. I hate the father with all my might and this new problem between them is just too much.

dw that`s not gonna happen, neither cheating nor being apart for 5-10 years,
but a little time apart is necessary for Kazuki`s character development, even Chiharu thinks that...
Spolier-alert! I read the raws XD
Yes, even 5 years are way too much - but it won`t be so many years. That`s only what Kazuki`s father wants, not what Chiharu and Kazuki plan. They`re both not the type of character to just go with what others want^^
They aim for Kazuki staying only 1 year in America, then being transferred to Mercury`s branch in Japan - and since Chiharu said he`ll do everything he can to make that happen, I`m pretty sure they`ll make it true.

Rika wanted to be seen by Tetsu as "Rika", but Tetsu wanted him because he looked like his mom. When he got tired of him refusing to be his mom he let him be raped by everyone... I understand why Rika is twisted (although his revenge is probably too much), and I'm sorry but Tetsu was a sick bastard. Is not like I wanted him to die, but I hated him.

This was truly beautiful. It's really hard to find a mature and sweet story like this one. Their relationship isn't perfect but they speak their minds and work hard to keep going. I loved it. Specially the uke, kind of a crybaby but sweet and a true hard worker. If there's any story similar to this one I'd love to read it!
Sometimes I really feel bad for Shingo. He's mistreated, misunderstood and (technically) raped by the person he loves the most just because he didn't want Keiichi to loose what he never had (a family). I love this mangaka and this couple, that's the only reason I keep reading, but Keiichi has serious issues with anger management. He let it all out by using force and rough sex with his partner, someone who's actually really fragile and insecure emotionally. And that's wrong. If you keep adding fuel to a person's insecurities it will end badly without any doubt (aka the "break up" in the next volume). Well... as I said the art is amazing and those two are just so sexy together that I can't help it, but Keiichi can sometimes be a big jerk.