And BTW to all of those saying "blabla in BDSM if you don't obey, you get punished". Yeah, no, it doesn't work like that either. A slap in the face is not the usual way. Punishment NEED to be discussed too BEFORE they happen so the sub knows and ACCEPT the reasons of being punished. So stop bullshitting me
Literally, he's not forcing chanwoo into anything. He can literally stand, get dress and leave. But then he won't be his sub anymore. Chanwoo is cocky for just assuming he should have MD all to himself, just as MD was cocky for assuming Chanwoo would date him because he is his dom. Y'all being real fckn biased towards Chanwoo and his actions.
He's blackmailing him. It's called COERCION. look it up. Chanwoo didn't use the safe word when he almost got choked to death, he is too prideful for that and MD KNOWS IT. Chanwoo doesn't know where his limits are. You don't play with a sub with issues that is upset. You interrupt the play. He is taking advantage and that's just wrong. Chanwoo THOUGHT he could trust MD. MD just proved he can't be trusted. And I AGREE. He should leave. If he had SELF-ESTEEM he would, but he is an ABUSED person, he doesn't have that, so he is gonna stay even if he doesn't like it, even if this is traumatizing for him, and a GOOD DOM wouldn't let that happen. I'm talking about BDSM here. What are you even talking about? MD could've broken their contract and HE DIDN'T so as of now CHANWOO IS STILL HIS SUB. So who is taking advantage?
No. No. NO. This is NOT A SAFE BDSM PLAY. BOTH PARTIES NEED TO BE IN A HEALTHY PLACE FOR THAT TO HAPPEN. MD is coercing Chanwoo (either THIS -something HE DOESN'T LIKE- or go) and on top of that he SLAPPED HIM without advice. That's not how any play work. Stop saying that that's how it works. If you don't know what BDSM is stop saying that WE don't understand it. It's because WE DO that we know that what's going on here is DANGEROUS. The sub is clearly upset and the Dom is coming from a dark place, wants to take revenge. This is all wrong and Chanwoo SHOULD use the safe word because this can be traumatic for him on top of everything that had happened to him. What's wrong with y'all
Cause all of us see it like karma? It's true that it might be traumatic memory in future, but now it has its goal - to bond Chanwoo unconditionaly to MD I would say. Chanwoo will see that not only he lost his new boyfriend, who he really liked (looked to me like a milder version of MD) and will be losing also MD to him so not to be alone he will propably be desperate to not to lose MD.
But it's only my opinion.
btw sorry for grammar xD
Honestly? At this point? Who cares. MD just proved to be just like every other of his exes. Someone he CAN'T trust. And no, not everyone sees it as karma. Why should I? Chanwoo rejected MD respectfully and he had EVERY RIGHT TO DO SO. MD could just have said that then that was it but he didn't. This petty revenge? Unnecessary and toxic. He's a bad Dom. And a jerk
Hahha xD sorry but that was great xD
Logically NyaruLee and lola I think all of you and of course me are right :D
It's true that things like petty revenge are common in "our" minds, because we don't want to be the only person to be hurt when you broke up or feel betrayed. But it also true that we can reject person, because we have a right. I'm not in this kind of relationship, but how many do you see BDSM relationship without love (mean not in commercial way, when you pay someone for it)?
In this manga I think that MD is still good cause he might be now in your opinion bad dom, but he is a human and person who wanted to love his sub.
Actually, a lot? I had a fem Dom but I didn't date her because I didn't love her and neither did her. She had a partner that wasn't into BDSM. It's not actually uncommon. And no, he is a bad Dom because he is inflicting PAIN in his sub without thinking on the consequences and that goes against EVERYTHING that BDSM is. So, yeah, I don't like him. And he will have to apologize for a lot of things for me to even start to like him again.
I would accept or I would stop being her sub. That's it. MD agreed to keep their relationship separate, but felt bitter about it. That's HIS problem, not Chanwoo's
I mean both the slap and forcing him into a play (having sex with the guy that just betrayed him) that he is CLEARLY uncomfortable with. Both things are painful and uncalled for.
I would accept it or I would stop being her sub. That's it. MD could have stopped their relationship then and there, but he didn't. Still felt bitter about it. But that's his issue, not Chanwoo's.
And I meant both the slap and forcing him into a play (having sex with the guy that just betrayed him) that he is CLEARLY uncomfortable with. Both things are painful and uncalled for.
No, Chanwoo enjoys pain in his sexual experiences. He doesn't "like abuse". A slap in the face has nothing sexual and certainly nothing pleasurable about it. And obviously he isn't enjoying this situation but he is staying because a) pride. b) doesn't wanna stop being MD sub because of this jerk that betrayed him.
THAT CHAPTER WAS NOT ABOUT BDSM, F*CK OFF WITH THE BULLSHIT. You can like MD I don't care but stop justifying it and calling it "it's just a play" BECAUSE IT'S NOT. If the only info you have about BDSM is 50 shades, shut your hole, seriously. What's wrong with y'all. There's nothing justifiable about what happened
Here to say that I still hate Maru with a passion and that slut shaming says more about you lot than about the person having "a lot of sex". Maru is an abusive jerk. Period.
THANK U. the amount of ppl projecting onto maru bc they're insecure as fuck,,, yikes.