Holy shit bro fucking died also kind of unreasonable on how obsessed she is with the mc cause even if she liked bro they were not even that close ngl she acting like they were married for 10 years or something
tf?? this bitch really is stupid like holy shit u guys didn’t even know each like that also if bro really died I don’t think bro would wanna become some undead
ngl the mc saying some shit like Oh I can tell that you’re a good person so that’s why I’m being honest shit is so corny bro. Also so far mc is kind of a stupid twink so hope bro locks in soon rather than being some fucking twink ass mc
Holy shit bro fucking died also kind of unreasonable on how obsessed she is with the mc cause even if she liked bro they were not even that close ngl she acting like they were married for 10 years or something