that wanted to see OG Debora reincarnate into pushover Yoon-Dohee's body & life. even though there r enough hints about her "acting out" cause she was insecure, she at least didn't let people walk all over her & i think everyone in Yoon-Dohee's life, deserves to get their asses handed to them by someone like Debora. plus it would be fun to "watch" read
but not gonna happen - bummer -

estar created a topic of A Fortune-Telling Princess

really like reincarnations, but always feel sad when the body that is reincarnated into lose it's soul into some void that we never know for sure what becomes of them (they die & move on or become dormant...). so what i really was thankful for, was the info that this was a soul swap & while OG Camilla reincarnated into her OG body, her counterpart Lee-Sai got a chance to live in her OG body (even if we don't get to see it).
cause i think everyone deserves a second chance at life - as usually the character's whether they be bad or pushovers, usually had a really sad life before their body gets taken over. so am really happy in this webtoon that was addressed.

regarding the last chapter, i get that Ravi is very important to Camilla as he is her blood. but i don't get why she keeps making a distinction between him & her step-brother.
if it's cause he was her executioner, isn't Ravi as much to blame for her executions??
& i get Ludville is hard to read, but she is noticing that he isn't cold or indifferent to her. so i wish she would stop keeping him at a distance.

on that accord Ravi wasn't the only one that could be in danger, Ludville & Arsian could also be in the same place - so unlike the MC, i am worried about all 3 guys.

Petro i don't give a sh*t for, so i don't care if he's in danger or not - that his families problem ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

side note from chapter 47 the translation gets really bad, i hope that isn't the case going forward (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

about him & his families curse, before agreeing to marry him?!? i call B.S. - heck this annoyed me so much i couldn't even read more then a few pages, at the start -
all the problems over?!? we creating sh*t just for drama?!?

bish just met her "sister in law" & she now doubting a man she has been living with day in day out for over a yr (a man that saved her from her "family & ex-fiancé) & he's the one that's keeping secrets from her - like she stoopid?!?

this got infuriating in a blink - ima pass #-.-)

if - what was the other part?!? idk i think she is gonna lose both her son & husband. maybe i am wrong but i don't think the witch is good & made a deal that wont be good for the MC in the long run...

but have to point out - read some of the comments saying they needed more of the MC & the side romance between the duke & duchess was taking over the main plot etc..

i don't feel that was the case. if anything liked how this plot progressed, yeah we got side stories about the duke & duchess's budding romance, but we need a solid ground for the MC.
as a child she needs the love of both parents, her being just close to the duke isn't everything - considering there is a woman/wife/duchess involved - what y'all want her to be a bad-person, like most of the adults in this?!?
kinda had enough of seeing how almost all of the kids (we have seen to date) have been abused by parental figures in their lives. so seeing the duke & duchess's scene's together is the ground that will enable a strong family's dynamic, that will strengthen the longevity of our MC's life - or that's what i think. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

estar created a topic of Eleceed

but i really wish, she didn't intervene this time around (she was an unwanted intrusion IMHO).
i really wanted (needed to see) G-lady to come to the house & hang with the cats (& the crazy guys stuck in their animal forms) that would've been hilarious - bummer Σ(っ°Д °;)っshe left & more insulted then before..
Kayden keeps doing her wrong - now it came off, like he's close to Jiyoung. ugh dude is so obtuse (ノω<。)ノ))☆.。

but keeping my hopes up that the great unifier Jiwoo (≧∀≦) will not only make the peace, but bring them together (another addition to the every growing family!!!)ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

estar created a topic of Homeless/No Home

& he is right - anything that he does now (when "pushed") will be their fault! as he aint a kid anymore, one they can use & abuse cause their lives r pathetic. he wont be their punching-bag (︶︿︶)=凸

BUT!!! the one who will suffer is Eunyung, the best thing for him is to get far away from people like these - blood or not they toxic & can offer Nothing.
also will keep "saying" this, that mother is WORSE then the father IMO - she might not hit him, but her barbs cut deep & keep gaslighting & demeaning him. i really wish they disappear - i have yet o hate a duo this much in a webtoon ヽ(`Д´)ノ

think she gives a sh*t about her son?!? & after her mentioning the "loving relationship" in this chapter, we know (for sure) she knew that the MC's relationship with the ML was great - so her motivation wasn't worry for the MC's life, but out of jealousy & anger - wanting to cause trouble between them.
plus any woman that wont even ask about her son, has a considerate heart towards a stranger?!? plz i call b.s

so i get the MC's all heart, but i wish she would worry for the people in her family - like Celphi (who she has yet to hug) or tha man she has married that will get hurt by her actions. then strange women that she has just met.
this was a stoopid (inconsiderate) move on her part & even though Celphi's mom calling her a b*tch was spiteful & wrong. i wish she had the guts to say it to her face - cause the MC needs a wake-up call, to appreciate the people close to her & not fall for ever sob story. this just annoying!

estar created a topic of Trash of the Count's Family

i love how Cale's "family" keeps growing & he takes such good care of the kids. heck there isn't anyone that he has brought under his wing, that has been miss treated - regardless of their age... & seeing the end of the chapter, i guess we getting new additions (≧∀≦)

estar created a topic of Talented baby squirrel

i love this & reading the comments (guess) i am the only one that isn't that over joyed at the time skip.
i want more of baby squirrel to be the baby - getting the love & cuddling she is receiving with abundances, to make up for her first life. but it is what it is, so can't wait for the next update

estar created a topic of WindBreaker

but that's a S&M relationship for u. still Endo is rubbing me the wrong way

estar created a topic of Thirst

where he storing that blood, in his teeth?!?& why he need the blood for Tristan? i guess it means Wren, but Tristan not related to this actor, so how will his blood help?!?

also (maybe just me) but it seems like cause in the previous chapter Tristan was the one that was "walking the line", now it was Ethan's turn - weird writing

but have to say the only fun part in this chapter was the bodyguard & Ethan's personal assistant's interaction, now that seems more promising, interesting & entertaining...

estar created a topic of Eleceed

little wonder Guestella is after his hide - even i would wanna skin him alive. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ he did her dirty (ノω<。)ノ))☆.。

look of shock on her fathers face ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ at this rate dude's hair gonna turn white (≧∀≦)

btw when she was summoned into the in-between place (the 1st time) her eyes got a violet hue - so am also 99% sure she is the "lost daughter" but there so much more to be reveled. so will wait until this whole plot unfolds

estar created a topic of Marriage of Convenience

but i still don't think Lucy should get with a teenager - cause that joseph dude looks like he's 17 at best & even though i get why people want Lucy to find a new man. personally i rathe that man not be a child ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

side note - i just LOVE the art style in this webtoon - there isn't one character that looks off, everyone look beautiful - total eye candy!

estar created a topic of Homeless/No Home

but the mother is far worse, she such a manipulative b*tch(!) that gaslights anyone she can. as an adult living in that country she knows how kids have been brain washed into showing respect regardless if adults deserves that respect - especially when they the parents.
she got at Haejoon's insecurities in a blink, succeeding in shutting him down where i doubt anything Eunyung's dad wouldn't done, would've.

& i love Juwan but he should've stayed out of it. someone needs not only to stand-up to those 2 pieces of sh*t, someone needs to offer moral & psychical support to Eunyung. show that they will not only stand beside him but fight for him.

now (sadly) Eunyung sees no other out, then doing something that will finally put an end to the relationship between him & those 2. am pretty sure like others (considering the poster at the start of the chapter) we get what he is gonna do & it's terrifying not cause i give two shits about his parents. but i am worried how it will destroy Eunyung's life

why the MC not only going to confront someone, that's trying to physically harm her, she gets so close he can touch something important to her?!? & then she just goes along with his ever demand - cause he so trust worthy, he will keep his word????? really????

what is the use of reliving her life & having powers or knowledge about people & events that will happen - when u gonna act stupidly??? how she gonna save herself, change the future, let alone save anyone \(〇_o)/ #-.-)

this was beyond annoying & her well wishes for that poor abused boy, let alone worries when her father was showing signs of worsening (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ just emphasized her stupidity in her action in chapter 22 (╬▔皿▔)╯

& regardless of age, we all like to act childish from time to time, so this was sweet & fun.

also i kinda like that she is confiding in an adult that will help her. wish it was her father but Aga isn't a moron, so i guess he not a bad ally to have - can't wait for more

estar created a topic of The Lost Cinderella

... for themselves or her ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ i don't get it.

i don't like her older step-brother. but at least he's moving ass cause he wants money - the mining rights that would make him richer.

but the MC is acting like she's handicapped & other then using her brains she wont move her ass - she had to wait until Otto came to her??? not only that, even her ex-maid is now on full maid duties even though she is now in a better statue in life - & sorry saying she want's to serve the MC doesn't mean the MC should passively agree that everyone around her, serve her like a queen #-.-)
i don't need her to be a kickass strong FL but i need her to Stop being this passive, it's getting under my skin

the sec he understood she couldn't die, he still told her to wear gloves while having his family member do tests on her to find out the why & how of it all.

even now that they have gotten closer, they have NOT consummated their relationship(!), cause he is weary - not cause it's coming from her. so where or why she suddenly all worried & doubting someone that has ALWAYS been truthful & open about everything to do with his families curse.

also if i recall correctly she signed a marriage contract that said she would get X amount when they divorced. even without that the Matron of the family gave her land, on their 1 yr anniversary & she thinks the family or the man she's married too, is a bad-guy? what?!?

idk why the widow of the 1st (dead) brother has nothing to her name - i don't buy that the family just kicked her out without a penny. there is more to this story & i for one trust more in the ML then in this woman ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ pity the MC is suddenly acting clueless
what u rather rush to trust a woman u don't know then a person u have been living with for over a yr????? really???? ok #-.-)