estar created a topic of Homeless/No Home

shocked that they messed with his income - the reason they got all close & "caring" was cause he was giving them money. idk what logic there is, in what his dad did - like shooting himself in the foot - but when ur stupid, u can't help urself from acting it ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
just hope Eunyung doesn't hit him or worse - cause that disgusting "father" wants to destroy Eunyung life. & he is just waiting/wanting to get hit, so he can call the cops & officially/publicly destroy his life. i am Very worried !(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

abused & treated like a slave. one that saw her mother die, let alone had to be locked up with her dead body for idk (remember) how long. & u still can't find it in u to devote ur-self to her? u still running after a dead woman?!? this so weird to me ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

estar created a topic of The Lost Cinderella

about her step-brother's flirting - which is neither here nor there IMO (he was under a spell not consciously doing it). what bothers me more, shouldn't she tell her step-sister-in-law to not take on so much work (given her pregnancy?!?) but nah she rather just sit back & have conversations with herself - while letting everyone around her cater to her ass.

seriously i don't give a crap who the ML is gonna be - cause i need the MC to step up & be worthy of being the MC ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ if this continues this way, think i will bail ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

side note: until now assumed Camellia was the bad-guy in cahoots with the prince/emperor (forgot his statues) but seeing her in sick bed idk have a feeling she might be coerced (strong armed) into being he bad-guy & doing the prince/emperor's bidding - cause she got powers but no connections that will back her... this an interesting twist - now if only the MC would get her act together (ノω<。)ノ))☆.。

the character she reincarnated into had a worse life then she was living - or same (wasn't mentioned if the Korean counterpart was also being physically abused). & the fact she just wants to get away & live her life quietly, is heartbreaking to me - as she is too sweet & naïve for her own good.

Rhyse came off like an airhead the 1st time i saw her, she for sure wasn't deserving of everyone salivating over her (like how after seeing her for the 1st time, even the MC's brother was already smitten - it's weird cause IMO she cute at best - she look like she's "slow") but as this is progressing her naïve act is shown as just that an act.
she is conniving & doing sh*t that will not just mess with the MC, but might make her relive the tragic end, she is trying to evade.

so i hope the MC stops being open & trusting of everyone around her, & tries to find a way out - to seek independence from both families (idk if that is doable in this universe). but other then the mother-in-law i don't like anyone & i for sure don't trust anyone in the family she has married into.
plus i kinda hate the ML & don't care that he's good looking (heck i think his brother might be meaner, but also better looking(≧∀≦)) but seriously idk... the way things r going i am Very worried about the MC (who is like a baby dropped among wolves) & the only one who seems kind enough to offer a helping hand is her mother-in-law. but idk how much power she got to actually help her in the long run. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

what the hell was going on idk - who was against whom... who the frack is Rat?!? the name got changed? cause am 99% sure this the 1st time i read this name (as i would remember ANY one with a name like that) ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ & the art wasn't helping any Σ(っ°Д °;)っ (≧∀≦) hope the next update makes more sense (ノω<。)ノ))☆.。

side note: in-spite of all the confusion, the image of the sleeping semi naked Emperor - yum - talk eye candy ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Σ(っ°Д °;)っ plz upload the correct chapter

estar created a topic of Thirst

but this is also why i support & defended Wren so much, he was more or less in the same situation & didn't (ever) look at Tristan as anything but as child -
if anything given how Tristan's father treated him, he could've abandoned Tristan without a backwards look & i wouldn't blame him. but he chose to take him in & raise him as his own.
the fact Tristan developed a crush is neither here nor there - it's a mental glitch considering he wasn't blood related to the person who took him in & gave him unconditional TLC. so the love & his hormones made him feel something that should never be followed up on, considering their dynamic - same with Ethan & this dude.

the adult is at fault for not putting up boundaries. Ethan lost his parents was trying to hold onto any person like a life-line, for some normalcy & family. the relationship he ended up in was toxic as f*ck.

estar created a topic of WindBreaker

this is freakin scary, cause even if Sakura wins he wont let him go, as he will become his NEW obsession. so Sakura needs to kill him?!? (⊙_⊙)?how do u get a nutter off ur back?!???

side note: am i the only one wondering, how the 2 on he roof r fairing?!?

estar created a topic of Eleceed

he deserves to get stomped on, like the cockroach he is (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

but how ironic, i am happy he is getting into a battle with Jiyoung & not blindsiding Gestella - idk why i have developed a soft spot for her (moron Kayden's doing i guess lol). i know she's strong enough to obliterates his ass, still she looks so lonely & vulnerable (given her opening herself to Kayden only to be misunderstood & inadvertently hurt by him, add the misunderstanding in the previous chapter where it looked like he was protecting Jiyoung - as in he had moved on or had feelings for her now) idk - my heart goes out to her (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 so am happy Jiyoung is gonna take Blues on. hope she wipes the floor with him (●'◡'●)ノ

& undergoing a reeducation process like Ceres & Halt.
if i was wrong - am totally relieved, cause what i 1st assumed, would just make this morbid & very depressing. as is the thought as to how unit 8th members were turned into mad-dogs, isn't gonna be an easy revelation (which i am sure will come as this progresses).

oh well, this was fun & i like the addition of Halt, was a bit confused how he is so different in personality from Ceres (as i assumed he would be a clone - personality wise - to Ceres) but thankfully he his own person.
makes me hope that sooner or later we will be getting new additions to the household & Diarin's "student" group. (≧∀≦)

past & his comrades... this webtoon comes of light, sweet & funny but there some major dark undertones to this whole plot.
idk if the MC is just too naïve or what, but u Don't train a child with a magical leash around it's neck - turning them into a animal & then allow them to live in times of peace.

the reason Ceres is being domesticated, is out of curiosity - to see if it can be done. not cause he is valued as a human being, or cause he has connections.

even though everyone seems sweet & normal - there character's like Robben, Charlotte or the Emperor that r not just suspect to me they seem shady & i have a bad feeling about their true motive.... hope this doesn't turn too dark & depressing (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

estar created a topic of Homeless/No Home

if anything u should learn & try to be better then... but just cause she didn't hit her son (like her father did her), her conclusion is, that she is better then him?!? that Eunyung should be thankful towards her/ his parents?!?
how messed-up is she that she comes to this kinda f*cked-up conclusion?!? ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

this is why i don't think everyone should have kids.

Eunyung really needs to distance himself from then, yeah he thinks by hurting them he is getting even or revenge. but this is damaging his soul - this is depressing ╥﹏╥

that wanted to see OG Debora reincarnate into pushover Yoon-Dohee's body & life. even though there r enough hints about her "acting out" cause she was insecure, she at least didn't let people walk all over her & i think everyone in Yoon-Dohee's life, deserves to get their asses handed to them by someone like Debora. plus it would be fun to "watch" read
but not gonna happen - bummer -

estar created a topic of A Fortune-Telling Princess

really like reincarnations, but always feel sad when the body that is reincarnated into lose it's soul into some void that we never know for sure what becomes of them (they die & move on or become dormant...). so what i really was thankful for, was the info that this was a soul swap & while OG Camilla reincarnated into her OG body, her counterpart Lee-Sai got a chance to live in her OG body (even if we don't get to see it).
cause i think everyone deserves a second chance at life - as usually the character's whether they be bad or pushovers, usually had a really sad life before their body gets taken over. so am really happy in this webtoon that was addressed.

regarding the last chapter, i get that Ravi is very important to Camilla as he is her blood. but i don't get why she keeps making a distinction between him & her step-brother.
if it's cause he was her executioner, isn't Ravi as much to blame for her executions??
& i get Ludville is hard to read, but she is noticing that he isn't cold or indifferent to her. so i wish she would stop keeping him at a distance.

on that accord Ravi wasn't the only one that could be in danger, Ludville & Arsian could also be in the same place - so unlike the MC, i am worried about all 3 guys.

Petro i don't give a sh*t for, so i don't care if he's in danger or not - that his families problem ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

side note from chapter 47 the translation gets really bad, i hope that isn't the case going forward (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

about him & his families curse, before agreeing to marry him?!? i call B.S. - heck this annoyed me so much i couldn't even read more then a few pages, at the start -
all the problems over?!? we creating sh*t just for drama?!?

bish just met her "sister in law" & she now doubting a man she has been living with day in day out for over a yr (a man that saved her from her "family & ex-fiancé) & he's the one that's keeping secrets from her - like she stoopid?!?

this got infuriating in a blink - ima pass #-.-)

if - what was the other part?!? idk i think she is gonna lose both her son & husband. maybe i am wrong but i don't think the witch is good & made a deal that wont be good for the MC in the long run...

but have to point out - read some of the comments saying they needed more of the MC & the side romance between the duke & duchess was taking over the main plot etc..

i don't feel that was the case. if anything liked how this plot progressed, yeah we got side stories about the duke & duchess's budding romance, but we need a solid ground for the MC.
as a child she needs the love of both parents, her being just close to the duke isn't everything - considering there is a woman/wife/duchess involved - what y'all want her to be a bad-person, like most of the adults in this?!?
kinda had enough of seeing how almost all of the kids (we have seen to date) have been abused by parental figures in their lives. so seeing the duke & duchess's scene's together is the ground that will enable a strong family's dynamic, that will strengthen the longevity of our MC's life - or that's what i think. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

estar created a topic of Eleceed

but i really wish, she didn't intervene this time around (she was an unwanted intrusion IMHO).
i really wanted (needed to see) G-lady to come to the house & hang with the cats (& the crazy guys stuck in their animal forms) that would've been hilarious - bummer Σ(っ°Д °;)っshe left & more insulted then before..
Kayden keeps doing her wrong - now it came off, like he's close to Jiyoung. ugh dude is so obtuse (ノω<。)ノ))☆.。

but keeping my hopes up that the great unifier Jiwoo (≧∀≦) will not only make the peace, but bring them together (another addition to the every growing family!!!)ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

estar created a topic of Homeless/No Home

& he is right - anything that he does now (when "pushed") will be their fault! as he aint a kid anymore, one they can use & abuse cause their lives r pathetic. he wont be their punching-bag (︶︿︶)=凸

BUT!!! the one who will suffer is Eunyung, the best thing for him is to get far away from people like these - blood or not they toxic & can offer Nothing.
also will keep "saying" this, that mother is WORSE then the father IMO - she might not hit him, but her barbs cut deep & keep gaslighting & demeaning him. i really wish they disappear - i have yet o hate a duo this much in a webtoon ヽ(`Д´)ノ