at the start i get it, knowing who his father is she got scared but after seeing & hearing his pain. why she still hiding? & the fact he looks ok - means what?
when he says his father put a neckless that is binding his power & he isn't well - she still hiding??? make it make sense #-.-)

this on a whole is interesting but the moments that the MC acts stupid as i she isn't living a 2nd life - one where she has info about how things will go & what to avoid ╮( ̄- ̄)╭ a ugh i hope she stops acting coy

estar created a topic of Homeless/No Home

that b*tch of a mother coming to take her "son" back home, to that hell hole?!? like is she real? both parents r just (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
genuinely felt like i could breath when Haejoon didn't just step-up & tell the truth, but actually accused the pair of abusing their child. about freakin time!!!

poor baby Eunyung had given up on everything - finally there is someone on his side, when he was younger he tried to get help from the cops, that just ignored him. now he got support - someone that wont back-off & will make the "adults" take notice & not just brush the issue off. i am so happy & sad i could cry - finally!

this is interesting & would love if we got more, but have a feeling this is updated once in a blue moon ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ so that's a bummer. as have a feeling in a few yrs (when this gets updated i will have to reread this all over again) (ノω<。)ノ))☆.。

he is about to enter an arena to fight his Uncle, with his crazy older brother?!? i hope the missing parts will appear in the next chapter (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

estar created a topic of A Fortune-Telling Princess

but loving the sibling relationship

estar created a topic of Estio

people to subjugate them?? what is the logic. thought he hated people (⊙_⊙)?now he wants to destroy everything???

estar created a topic of Papa Wolf and the Puppy

like it or not - logically he is raising potato. that makes him the father! the fact they not blood related is neither here nor there. the fact potato developed a crush is also neither here nor there.
we all had crushes on teachers or older relative's that were good looking in our eyes & had a charming personality that made our heart flutter - but nothing came of it, cause it's WEIRD -let alone against the law ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
so yeah grown-up potato too will get over his crush. it's not like the sec he does, he gonna lose his adoptive father ( ̄へ ̄)

& just food for thought; the Boss is what late 30's when he found potato? when potato is mid 20's the Boss should be early/mid 50's - he looks the same - he should look older IMO

estar created a topic of Homeless/No Home

he shouldn't(!) & he is normal in wanting to hurt them - heck kill them. not everyone wants to end their own lives, cause they r suffering. sometimes u want to give as good as u get - make the ones hurting u, hurt as much.
but he is still a child (trapped cause of his trauma) & he has no one to talk too, there some moments (like in this ep) where he shares a bit. but nothing that will start the healing processes.

am beyond happy (relieved) that Haejoon is alright, but (ironically) sadly Eunyung is the one in critical condition. ╥﹏╥

have seen beautiful art/character's but every time i see Ruby, i go wow She Beautiful! & she not the only good looking character here. heck even her monster of a brother is Very good looking character.

side note: she keeps saying she got anorexia (which she might as well have, if she was starving herself) but from what i've seen, would say she's got bulimia.

& have to say considering everything she has been through, i am really loving how realistically her trauma & PTSD is depicted. usually these type of serious issues r used as plot-point to forward the story, without realistically addressing the gravity of the matter & how the character would actually deal with the "fall out".
that's why i can't find fault in her actions or lack there off. if anything i feel for her & i can't wait for the time where she finds the strength to confide in her husband & get away from her paternal "family". (even though her second brother doesn't seem bad - but better safe then sorry).

also i hope there is more interaction with the cute "monsters" in the forest. she needs more wholesome, love filled moments... well i do cause this Heavy( ̄∇ ̄")

estar created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

never ending scenes of f*cking was short to whom? well unless ur me & u speed-scroll through the whole chapter, to get to an actual plot. which didn't exist (in this latest update) so yeah, none existent chapter to me - but i doubt others feel the same ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

even can understand her anger at the ML (as she couldn't really direct her anger at the adults). but her hurting her own son ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ is something i don't get.
especially when he's a male version of her & her mother. shouldn't she have seen her mother in him? herself as a child & what she was doing was what was done to her? Σ(っ°Д °;)っ
hate & anger blinded her so much - idk - hard for me to buy this. & am curious about the ML POV (both of his parents were rotten?) were they also abusive towards him? or just cause he was a child he didn't have to power to stop them \(〇_o)/

estar created a topic of Eleceed

& sorry but why Guestella come to defend Blues?!? so what if he was getting demolished - he started it, let alone he went after Jiwoo.
now she, what?!? gonna fight Jiyoung??? pity i wanted her to be an addition to the family. here is looks like she will turn into an enemy. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Kayden for sure not gonna be lenient in response (& i don't blame him this time around). Guestella's approach of being kind to the wicked, only to turn around an be cruel to the kind. sorry she in the wrong this time around & i give a f*ck Blues was her subordinate. if anything he betrayed her by running away from confinement. why she think this time around he will stay & repent?!? plz #-.-) for someone that i thought was smart, she acting emotional & moronic at every turn - pity.

at least Jiyoung living up to the image of the strong kick ass FL, that isn't just brawn, but also brains & heart (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

especially when he was so vulnerable a sec before, she put him to sleep - like think about how scared he will be when he wakes-up, who knows where ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ #-.-)

& the freakin king/emperor is the bad-guy? why? & why he want to kill the priest? as it doesn't seem like his target is Ceres or Halt.
maybe he is trying to use the unit 8th members to destroy the priest's(?) & the unit 8th members both?!?

or the main target is the queen who has devein powers & she is the one that wants to save the members of unit 8th, so by getting them to kill the priest she will get destroyed some how - or they both bad-guys & paying a sick power game (⊙_⊙)?

estar created a topic of Polarity

all the "Anomalies" aren't just being used, but treated like lab rats. it's kinda heartbreaking - other then the fact they just average kids that have extra powers, they feel pain & have to put up a front as if everything is nothing. ignoring the exploitative behavior of the adults & the bullying they suffer from their peers.
it kinda heartbreaking (given what a sweetheart the MC is) my heart goes out to all the "Anomalies" in that school & in other quarantine zones.
but as we see what a big hearted puppy Kang Haru is - it's like seeing everyone kick a puppy (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

but that isn't the reason i stopped reading to write this comment - am in chapter 28 & am confused WHY the doctor that accompanied the ISO members, was stupid enough to touch the contents of the box?!!!!
which she understood herself looked like a cocoon & as she freakin works in the lab that test's "worms" why touch something without gloves?!?????
heck why not seal the box & contact the director that sent u, ask them what's what ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
idk where this going, but have a bad feeling & as is Kang Haru's bracelet going off & his nose bleedin non stop is giving me really bad vibes. donno if i am ready for what is gonna come (⊙_⊙;)

estar created a topic of Marriage of Convenience

angle ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
& Lucy is doing my head in with the eye's shut routine - so glad towards the end of the latest update she opened her eyes.... yeah yeah know i am the odd one out - but it is what it is. idk i find her kinda tedious & wish the author would just move the plot along to some other character - there a ton of side character's that haven't gotten any type of mini plot. seriously there was No need for adding new character's into the mix (ノω<。)ノ

estar created a topic of Homeless/No Home

but in this ep. i seriously needed someone to bash that fathers head in OMG what a MOFO (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 both he & his wife should rot in hell. (╬▔皿▔)╯
but why HAEJOON come in between OMG - neither guy can catch a break (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

& it's not like they just average people - but they people that have been openly hostile & mean towards her, in-spite of her statues. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ now that she has been "demoted" she is an easier target.
it's not like she moved to another kingdom - idk, this a stoopid move IMHO & asking for trouble. (sloppy writing) i hope there interesting parts & this plot gets better, as this progresses - cause on a whole, i like the MC's personality.

estar created a topic of Eleceed

am totally shocked he is getting serious hit's in - putting both Jiwoo & Jiyong (who i assumed was way stronger then Blues) in danger of getting seriously harmed. dude has fought Pluton, Kayden, even Jiwoo & now Jiyong, still i don't see signs of him weakening. i am worried idk why but i am.

side note i have a feeling Gestella is the one that will come take him out, but could be wrong & Kaydenor Pluton will finish what they started ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

for a sec i was hyped, there was a new update (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜