MonJih's feed

Why is literally no one helping this poor man. Like bro must be so miserable as fuck rn? How we gon leave him with no support, can't go back, his servant left for now, the ppl he fought for and put his life out- gone. LIKE SOMEONE THAT POOR MAN AT LEAST NEEDS COMFORT OR HELP OR AT LEAST SOMETHING!?
I may normally have second lead syndrome but this just plain bs.I need to see him get the love he deserves but this shit keeps dragging on and he is just in the shadows no one even caring what's up with him. Like yeah maybe the female lead thought for 10min and then just forgot. Wth like yeah ml life is saved because of him but not even he gives a shit. Make it make sense. I'm starting to like the main couple less cuz of this. They may have their own shit but like- the person that saved yall disappeared and isn't well? Who cares, they never mattered!