I have a theory, I think Shiwoo might actually be a sex addict. As in, clinically and psychologically a sex addict, the same way someone might be addicted to drugs or alcohol. If that's the case, it would make consent almost unattainable, like giving consent while under the influence of an aphrodisiac or while drunk.

I understand that she has a lot of issues with past relationships, I totally get that. I actually really relate to her because I went through a lot of the same crap with a past partner, so I can understand not wanting to give your heart away so easily. But GODDAMN her unwillingness to work on her issues is hurting literally everyone around her, including herself. It doesn't matter where she runs or who she hurts, no one will ever be able to put her in a cage, because she's already in one and she built it herself. Haesol actually cares about her and they're really compatible and they could be good for each other, but all she does is push him away and hurt him by cheating on him and rubbing her blatant singleness in his face. It actually kind of scares me that I'll end up like her, since we're so similar. If I ever treat people that actually care about me like she does, I'd hate myself enough to want to die.

i definitely agree with doona putting herself in a cage with her not facing her past but she has been honest abt what she wanted, she has never lied to haesol (that who you mean right?) abt what type of relationship shes wanted with him, she desires a sexual relationship and the minute she realized haesol wanted more she did the right thing and cut him off. shes not ready for relationship because of her past which she explained to haesol.

Yeah, I also have a friend who reminds me of Doona. My pal here only wants to have physical only relationships which is fine. But Donna goes at it the wrong way, VS my friend who would state what type of relationship she wants making it very clear before getting into anything. My friend would also never stay with someone who is ok with the physical relationship but hopes that it'll become "something more" one day since that will just backfire into drama one day. And if she does have to break a physical relationship my friend does it very professionally through calm conversation and doesn't run and disappear without saying anything.

In the earlier chapters, she let her lust get the better of her, instead of fully informing Haesol who ended up wanting more after his confession in chapter 2/3. Then the darker hair girl (ah hate it when I forget names) who can handle the physical relationship but still wants an emotional one someday. I'd say Donna should just break it off with everyone and start fresh. She almost did in chapter 36 but then we went back to square one.
Doonas in too deep so it's impossible to avoid large drama, with Haesool she should've broken it off in chapter 2/3 but then we wouldn't as much drama in this story.

I just feel really bad for Haesol. An S&M relationship doesn't have to be purely physical, it's possible to do both romantic and sexual. If only Doona wasn't so afraid to love someone. They would actually be a fairly good match for each other, if she could just learn to be vulnerable again. Guess that's hard for a dom to do though
I regret not looking at your comment before start reading ╥﹏╥