Yall the better get more than 100 eps cause girly the story ain't over yet!?!?! What happened to the ukes dad? Just gone
YALL IS IT REALLY ENDING!?!!???!!? AT CHAP 100?!?????
Gurl, respectfully i wanna know how they keeping this away from the public in canon, like?!??? Bruv the amount of demolished that has happened, what do y'all tell the people?
So are they feeding my boy mc like, damn he a skinny legend now, borderline anoxia
I enjoy reading this mango solely for the comments, like damn what y'all expecting from a title Shota Oni, normalcy akjcjdjcjcjd
Man, who bathes with their pants onnnnnnn remove them
Bro i need to reread this, I don't remember jackshit
Bro what is that elephant ass dick, nah bro that's a whole ass war weapon
Bro nahhhhhhh, the fact that I was gonna cry when i remembered that it isn't Kiri x itsuki oh mah lord bro tf the chemistry, the tension between them NAHHHHHH damn I was fully ready to accept that the ml (i forgot his name) would be with some random ahhh bish
Bro this has been on my mind for so long now..... WHAT IF CELPHI AND ISLET END UP TOGETHER now this just might be me over thinking due to the amount of incest related manwhas being released but i truly hope they just have a sibling relationship and nothing more
Bro lord have mercy, i have no clue what's going on, lowkey I hope the story ends with none of the characters getting together or getting together with someone else not from the main cast cause good lord
Bro at this point I don't read a chapter, I head straight into the comments and see the vibe