I'm not gonna lie, I really love their love story then any other love story I have read so far, perhaps because its forbidden and its something exciting, their little episode of resisting temptation was really hot lol
I like it, its so funny xD the first few chapters are rough cuz the artstyle is a bit different, but the story grows on me xD
the priest looks so damn excited on that last panel xD
also what the hell man, why are they making the dad look like he doesn't know jack shet? like bruh you've been living in the same house of years
hmmm things are unfolding in a very different direction from the novel, I dunno what's going to happen next xD
I feel like I can't breath every time I say MLs subordinates title xD
i think the part partner that MC saw as MLs lover is his sister, I mean its just a theory because come on they lowkey kinda look a like lol
I got some dits for this one
I read some reviews that it would get better once ML fully remembers everything and lose his immature persona, like right now his being childish and his full of trauma, so their relationship will stabilized once we get pass the current stage of confusion of him going back and forth to his mature and childish selfs xD and of course the denial
I can't find the spoiler forum for this one, if someone find it tell me!
lol its lowkey toxic and I love it, but I dunno i feel like MC just let's ML manipulate him consciously xD
so basically, they called him a fake because he said he could multitask and be damn good
at it too, so they decided to erase him in the history books, but not only that, but called him a joke?
this is one of the manhwa that I still excitedly read every updated
I guess the next few chapters will be shown in ML's perspective on what happened after MCs death on first TL, I'm gland they'll tell us about this early in the chapters! unlike others that will tell us about this right before the big climax! like damn
oh no what happens after chapter 99 manhwa in the novel? does terry destroy the save thingy?