pfft that's romance of the century I tell you, at least next time if something happens, he'll start thinking twice, but if this kind of thing happens again? gurl divorce him and run, find other happiness, a relationship can't be build without trust
but to be honest everyone has faults, like gurl can't remember to tell there might be bandits there? and what up with the elite knights getting caught in a animal trap? don't you have swords with you? its just rope, the local protection squad OG ML is more powerful then you guys?
come on

nooo! antonio!! the poor baby! they did not even give him a chance to grow up properly, and become a proper human being, he was not that bad despite everything!! now its too late, they put dirt into his face and now he became a full fledge villain
damn you FL! your now in my most hated FL ever list
if your going to choose ML in the end at least stop playing hard to get towards ML, why do you have to play gurrrrrl ARGH! I hate her so much! antonio has so much potential to bloom differently but they snip it right at the bud, I will never forget this grudge
beat him some more, he deserve it