Kenouria created a topic of Define The Relationship

The hell kinda side stories are these

Kenouria created a topic of Paper Flower

I have never disliked a ml so much to the point of laughing when I saw IT cry lmaoo like omg

Kenouria created a topic of Toxin

Can someone please spoil me on who's end game!!


Kenouria created a topic of PASSION
Kenouria created a topic of Toxin

WHY IS IT THAT IM SO CONFLICTED ON HOW TO FEEL ABOUT THE EMPEROR?? Is it just how well written he is? Or do they lowkey suit each other? Or am I just a lil delusional

I don’t really like slow burns and I hate long story’s because I always end up forgetting what the chapter before or what the story is even about but I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this story. It holds a special place in my heart

Kenouria created a topic of Meet in The Middle

I’m here for the Eren Yeager dupe

Kenouria asked a question

Idk when it was but I remember reading this story about a girl that was in like a idol group or company and the first few chapters or something the male character was mean to her because he thought she did something to his friend and like her friends backed her up. And then there was this one time were like he chocked her or something I can’t remember and it scared her so everytime he was around her she would get scared. But like towards the end of the story they have a kid together I think idk if any of this makes sense but all I remember is that they were idols in the making (I think) they hated each other but they fall in love, they end up having some problems (obviously lol) and they have a kid (I think) PLEASE IF THIS SOUNDS FAMILIAR TELL ME THE NAME OF THE STORY!!! OR IF IT SOUNDS LIKE ANYTHING YOU E READ!!!!

Kenouria created a topic of Eternal Covenant

I see why Ian said he’s not brian cuz he’s really Not like the background story is going into detail and helping us understand and feel the emotion sol will feel when Brian dies

Kenouria created a topic of Pure Love Operation

No because I’m honestly scared that dowha and my home girl are gonna get close because of that book and so and so but ML (forgot how to spell his name) is gonna misunderstand because she told him they gotta be apart for some time

Kenouria created a topic of Inso's Law Webtoon

I can tell he misunderstood her facial expression

Kenouria created a topic of Revelation Of Youth

Babe I get that they are both hot, BUT PLEASE!!!!! Don’t let this turn out to be another “nice to meet you” ending

Kenouria created a topic of Yeonwoo's Innocence

Stopped reading this when it was in double digits, came back cause of TikTok, what the heck happened? my poor baby yeonwoo!!! The latest chapters are scaring meeee

Kenouria created a topic of The Duke's Teddy Bear

Ok so like I wanna hear theories now, like as in why she feels like she’s been to that house before or what not.

Kenouria created a topic of Eternal Covenant

Lmao pleas tell me I’m not the only one eating up the back story like?? It’s not everyday we get a story that goes in-depth with the back story and get to feel attached to the character and what not so that we can feel what sol feels when he looses Brian YK? I’m prob not making sense BUT IT SOUNDS WAY BETTER IN MY HEAD

Kenouria created a topic of Limited Run

Can someone explain what’s going on cuz I completely forgot like why are they on bad terms again?

Kenouria created a topic of Inso's Law Webtoon

O MY GOODNESS!! THE LAST PANEL, SHE LOOKS SO PRETTY WITH LONGER HAIR! Ik it’s not that noticeable but it’s for sure noticeable.