why is the only the that's downgraded the most important thing.....i can't even recognize anyone cuz of the decline in face details... if mc ever puts a hat on i will be utterly lost
I notice it a bit eariel but it also took me some timeI'm so slow to notice art change Esti
it was so subtle at first in this one!! i'm similar - i dont notice art changes if they r super subtle and happen gradually until i reread ch28 hit me like a wrecking ball im so shocked
the folly of my past self...ignoring the comments....sigh. thats a few hours i cant get back.
mc is dumber than a rock. if u replaced mc with a rock, that would actually improve the story. world building is interesting until it starts to skip scenes, plot had potential but dumbass mc prevailed.
the character designs have really changed way too much :((( the art is so o outstandingly phenomenal but i cant even recognize anyone anymore.