The manga follows the life of 28-year-old manga creator Natsume Kanazawa. Natsume has been a manga c...
- Author: Terako shima
- Genres: Josei / Seinen(M) / Shoujo / Drama / Slice of Life Drama Slice of Life
The life of a lady cursed into an ugly cute cat that is loved has been adapted into a comic. "I'll ...
- Author: Okadachi ema
- Genres: Shoujo / Animals / Historical / Romance Animals Historical Romance
Mori, a child found in an abandoned house, opens his eyes in a shelter by a rescue team. One day, wh...
- Author: Gomyang
- Genres: Webtoons / Shounen / Shoujo / Adventure / Fantasy / Action / Aliens Webtoons Adventure Fantasy Action Aliens
A child who has the ability to see ghosts, Yoon Seol-woo.Has reincarnated into Rosantine, a princess...
- Author: Angatou,Banana
- Genres: Mystery / Romance / Drama / Fantasy / Webtoons
The previous lords have committed as many atrocities as possible to fill their bellies. I, the only ...
- Author: Morino ion,Kanna machi
- Genres: Drama / Reincarnation / Romance / Tragedy
TW: SEVERE BULLYINGIssa personal project, trying to improve my korean so bear with the slow af updat...
- Author: 2l
- Genres: Webtoons / Mature
Pet humans are kept for the amusement of the gods. While other gods treat their pet humans as mere t...
- Author: JULMI
- Genres: Yaoi / Adult / Mature / Smut / Romance / Drama / Fantasy / Webtoons
She's beautiful but she doesn't have a lover. Aizawa is a total loser fujoshi OL (Office Lady) One d...
- Author: sato
- Genres: Shoujo / Comedy / Shoujo Ai / Yuri
- Author: Takaesu yaya
- Genres: Seinen / Age Gap / Romance / Slice of Life / Supernatural Age Gap Romance Slice of Life Supernatural
[url=][img][/img] Artist’s Twitter[/u...
- Author: Shirosawa
- Genres: Comedy / Romance / School life / Slice of life
After being framed and exiled to a remote island, the abandoned princess Graciela meets Keith, the p...
- Author: miul
- Genres: Drama / Fantasy / Full Color / Romance / Tragedy