I usually don't say anything but since I'm mostly seeing negative comments, I figured I'd express my appreciation for this manhwa. The pacing is a bit slow? Maybe, but it's faster than most in the sense that they're already going out within thirty chapters.
As for the blank fl and too timid ml, this isn't anything new in romance, only that the genders are reversed. I'm actually finding this quite refreshing, and would 200% protect Yeonwoo. Also because most "strong female leads" in manhwa eventually end up being dumbed down or weakened into a damsel in distress too often, so I'm glad Haesol isn't like that. I also believe the character development isn't slow, it's going on a normal pace. Nobody becomes expressive or confident over night.
Yeonwoo's character isn't unrealistic, feminine men exist. Even if he was unrealistic, let's not pretend shoujo male leads have ever been realistic with their "richest in the country, more handsome than anyone on earth to the point everyone he comes across inevitably wants him, has eight pack abs, casually commits sexual assault but it's okay because he has mommy issues and is good at absolutely everything they do."

Trueee . If the roles were reversed again there will tons of people here thirsty over the ml cuz ohh but he's hot . And yea yeonwoos character isn't unrealistic these people do exists and there's nothing wrong with being a 'feminine man' .
And also I'm seeing these comments of how a person should behave "like a boy or like a girl " these are the types of things by which people feel the need to fit in the these stereotypes of society .It's just sad to see.
I'm sorry I just wanted to vent-

Is it because of the new upload button? I keep getting excited at the notifications for new chapters, only to find terrible quality and poorly structured sentences. This sucks because the original work is definitely well done, and I don't know about other readers but bad grammar takes away a lot from the story. The reason I look forward to updates is because I love the story, but I'd rather wait for the proper quality. I'm not entirely sure how translations/scans work, but this is chaos.

Maybe it's because of mang*dex
Many good translation are reupload from m*ngadex, but because the site is down, many good translator team are on hiatus, and people try to translate themselves or reupload from other worse sites like s2manga or kunmanga
Let's hope m*ngadex to be up again, so the bad chapters can get replaced with good ones

I have no words for Sovieshoe. I find Rashta irritating but goddamn... This mf has ZERO respect for any woman in his life. He doesn't respect Navier at all, and even when he claims to love Rashta he treats her terribly and clearly only likes being adored by her. He doesn't care about either women and actively tries to push them to compete with each other. I'm glad Navier knows her worth and dumps him for someone who values her.

Well she have to because Rashta doesn't have a choice, she won't back down because as a runaway slave he is her only hope for a future where she isn't treated worst than animals and where nobody will have the authority to harm her or her children. She ran away because they pretended to kill her child after her lover abandoned her after all.
How long is this going to go on with random plot twists that appear out of nowhere?
Like a wise Dream Demon in SVSSS once advised Luo Binghe, "You should just kill him or do him."
Untill the very end plot will be quite random. This manhwa is very tiring to read. I want to drop this but have spent all my money buying all the chapters T.T
ML lways going back and forth and suddenly they decided to stop and boom another shocking storyline appear. Art is good though.