sheepy12's experience ( All 0 )

sheepy12's answer ( All 9 )

I understand I went thru something similar, all my friends were rude/ mean to other people. But they were also two faced, so when you drop them, they will act like the victim and act innocent. Best thing to do is to make sure you leave on good terms. Seriously, I didn't and it caused me so many problems. Even if you hate them, just slowly distan......   reply
03 10,2024
about question
business   reply
02 10,2024
about question
why are the skin's so greyed out tf im literally yellow irl   reply
02 10,2024
about question
when i think of aaliyah my heart sinks i still dont really understand all of it, so thanks for putting it here, i found more information i had 0 idea about :C   1 reply
01 10,2024
about question
heheheeheh... hehehe...hhe (● ̄(エ) ̄●)   reply
20 09,2024

sheepy12's question ( All 5 )

about question
i want business
02 10,2024
about question
30 09,2024
about question
They can look and have any traits you want (eg. rich asf, 10'3)


They are batshit insane (clinically a sadistic psychopath)
Would you still date them?
30 09,2024
This is such a weird niche, but I love reading mangas about ugly heroines, either becoming prettier or staying ugly. i love when they are bitter and mean. I don't mind if they are side character if their thoughts are read out loud, I JUST LOVE ITTTT.

I know some korean manwhas have them, but I haven't found any new ones.

if anyone has any good recommendations! throw them at me! I GENERALLY WANT HORRIBLE, MEAN HEROINE IN MANGA, OR MANWHA!
20 09,2024
about cosplay
i know people fall out with their friends, but i lost most of all mine. only ones i have now are recent (i don't have any old friends that i've know for longer than a year). reason being is that i dropped them because i believed i was toxic (i was 13/14) and i dropped them when they were being mean/lowkey bullies (cringe but being fr. also talking sh1t about their own friends and their appearances bc of how insecure they were, i couldn't handle it because once I spoke up and told the person they ALL including the person i told isolated/ignored me).

i recently reached out and apologised, only half way to realise to myself why i dropped them.

im work best alone, but it hurts when i get purposefully isolated/ignored. but i don't mind being alone. I want to hear other people's experiences
29 06,2024

People are doing

did block a user in mangago

FYI pookie, C is getting a PI and looking into legal options since you both live in the same country. He has all your fbs, instas, mggo accs

4 hours
did genshin impact

I want to main all characters though by end of story we'll have more than 200 characters and Beidou x Ningguang and Jeht x Lumine are canon

5 hours
did feel empty

weirdo creep alertttttt

16 hours