ill be honest, ppl saying its really good psychologically... i dont agree i think its really stupid when you think deeper into it. its like they took minor things and tried to make them super deep but it doesn't work with this, i will say it's entertaining though but it's not all that people say it is
let’s see yours then. since you have such an amazing taste and a degree in psychology, let’s see your work babez. you should be worrying about your “okay/average” looking self and not bringing negativity on people who are actually putting their effort in writing(something God failed to do when writing you)
i see that little shit that turned their replies off lmao
simply my own opinion that i had when i read this in 2021. not sure why this invoked such anger in you, perhaps it's been misinterpreted as hate, when i thought it was entertaining. If you post work, you should be expected to receive mixed reviews, including negative and positive reviews. You already insulted me twice for something so insignificant, that I can't take you seriously lmao.
The comment thread was lowk hilarious cause how can you overanalyse a comment expressing an opinion that wasnt even harmful…even went all the way to put words in your mouth #-.-)…i want what they are on
Anyways I think its good psychologically in an unrealistic way, thats why its so entertaining as a mindless read cause everyones getting fucked up left and right. And if you think more about other themes like leadership and whatnot, its weak and too cliche, thats why this media is better for mindless reading lol.
never once stated i was giving constructive criticism, It's literally my opinion
you tweaking out, putting stuff I NEVER ONCE said, like how i "said" "its ok to be negative!!" or how in my original comment, i literrrrallly wrote that it was entertaining, but apparently, to you! it's not there! could just b your 2 pixel phone not showing you all the words <3 but thats ok! I wasn't even belittling you for commenting that, but just FOR the fact that you blocked me so I couldn't respond to your nasty comment lmao. Now that I think about it, I feel bad for you, since something cannot be right if you're thinking like this.