So I was on L***** and I saw the two most amazing books
1 was called S Flower
2 was called False Memories
I wondering if anyone would know any other websites, or even people who would be willing to upload them on here or somewhere else?
*I know this is bad
But rn I have no money and won't anytime soon
Help a sister out
Recommend me something to read?
While I wait impatiently for the next free story of them lol

Yea but only the raws. But iwoidownjkosdinjrfcofdnj rokfpcjivermopIJTON$F KML Did it tingle my pringles out of the can! VERY hOOT
(Lovely provided by Kei >3<)

Soo its a pretty old school manga
Seme really buff and then the uke is nerdy and wears glasses
This manga has live in my mind rent free for two years now and I want to find it pls help
Hidoku shinaide?
Sadly no it isnt But thank you
I shouldve added that the uke has really long hair
Theres also a scene i remember vividly with them in the tub together and the ukes completely jacked