Yachiruu created a topic of Codename Anastasia

Expected it wehhh but where’s the blood :0

How is this serious?!?? How is this real?!?
All the “Yaoi characteristics” being exaggerated here is so funny to me hahah
The titanic horse dick, the mega big hands, the mutant abs, the hook-y nipples, the sex-driven society are so funny bwhabhhaha

I’ve been wondering how serious it actually is the manwha, and i’m glad it’s more like a parody.
I would’ve been mad if the story was actually great and having this funny ahh art style, which I don’t mind don’t get me wrong. It suits the comedy tbh.
i think i started the manwha specially for the art, but seeing the anatomy i was hoping to be at least a pure comedy story cause i can’t take this seriously hahahaha
i hope/want to believe the artist made this purposefully to exaggerate the Yaoi characteristics, this can’t be real bwbahahhaa

Yachiruu created a topic of Waterside Night

Kicking my feet under my blanket cause that was so intense yum

Yachiruu created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

Well they’re all devils sigh, there’re things that ~maybe~ they don’t perceive as bad as we humans do.
Even though it is not ok for their actions to be so crude and almost nonsense sometimes, we don’t really get to choose anything.
Just remember that liking the story ≠ condoning their actions and behavior.
Personally the story is great, the comedic aspect is also pretty funny, the sex is good and extra spicy, and the art is godly amazing.
If you just want to drop a manwha for every single despicable-uncomfortable inconvenience, then maybe these are not your kind of story, try and stick to shounen ai :|

Yachiruu created a topic of Guiding Hazard

Oh the comedy, the drama and the spicy.
This manwha has it all!
Can’t wait for more honestly, , , the story is more than compelling, and has a different twist than the same Guideverse premise.
Characters are great, and Barb… oh Barb… it’s the best side character.
Want more! More!
Also i’ve read the same author’s other works, and i loved them all, was surprise they made another one, how did i miss it TT glad i started this

Yachiruu created a topic of Did It Work

Deffo worth reading, a break from all the unnecessary dumb drama from other manwhas.
Comedy on point.

Yachiruu created a topic of Global Examination

Damn, January do be testing me frfr
Can't believe it's been bad news after bad news for me lmao

Yachiruu created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

Lmao i was literally thinking "i understand if it was reddish, dark red if you must, but that's the darkest brown cock a korean man could have bwhahahah"
Im rolling

Yachiruu created a topic of Limited Run

And that was... simply beautiful.
This was peak cinema drama.
I'm glad the artist/author exists, making this masterpiece is a blessing for us simple humans.

Ok but forreal tho, the end might not have been the classic big celebration they always do for BL couples. Instead it was simple and rather casual. But still... it captivated that moment.
It was beautiful. That orange-pink sunset set the mood so perfectly. It felt finally calm and harmonious. Most of the time in the manwha the prevalent color was blue-gray-ish. So i always loved when there were hints of orange to contrast the cold scene like in ch 60/78.

I wish their love will always be happy... (lmao Point of three reference)
I'm so happy but i can't stop crying, IT IS THAT GOOD.

Even tho, i'm still not convinced on many parts that felt "missing" like:
- did they really met when they were younger? If so, wish there was more impactful moments for the present time
- felt like JaeHyeok's father was gonna be the main antagonist buttt he kinda faded tbh

But other than that, BIG sigh of relief i guess.
Side stories????

Yachiruu created a topic of Waterside Night
Yachiruu created a topic of Ni Jiu

Wheezing, that chat log was so funny lmaoo
Honestlyyyy i don't think it's so serious bwhaaha it doesn't really scream toxic for now (at least to me)

Yachiruu created a topic of Ni Jiu

LMAO the little kid offering and proudly say "You can use my Phone watch" was so funny and random hahah

TT also pls keep our bby from accidents, i don't want another isekai'd moment.
i'm so happy he's back to his arms. I'm happy he's finally back to the place he can be the happiest

Yachiruu created a topic of Instant Family

Ok that Father nd Son convo was weird and confusing... like..
The father throw a tantrum fussing over the omega for what???
And then magically he's ok with his son keeping the omegaToT the mood and reactions are just too messy haha

Yachiruu created a topic of Literature Boy

Uhm so, i finally finished reading it after 3 months cause i was too busy with life (sigh).

I don't know if i'm satisfied or just overwhelmed by the ending, which it feels like it happened all too fast, and it also felt like many parts were fragmented.

I hope i could've seen Sunwoo's expression, of regret and relief when he said everything to Haejin. I wanted to feel that moment, to see the character finally break down in the most waited and crucial part of the story.
So i was pretty disappointed not seeing a more elaborated scene for that particular part. Especially when the core of the story also revolves around Sunwoo's struggle. It was so important for the character's story that HE LET WHOLE YEARS PASSING BY JUST TO FINALLY HAVE THE CHANCE TO DO IT RIGHT THE SECOND TIME.
And yeah, i guess they actually talked/solved it but... it's just not the way i expected.
So i felt like that scene was essential to get a proper ending.

But, on an ending note.
The story was good. The building of the plot was ok. Solving part kinda missed. Ending was cute but could've been more elaborated.
I love that there was a "second chance" theme occuring thru the entire manwha.
What i mean is that, what happened in their Teen romance/Highschool romance era, it also happened in a similar way in their Adult life.

- They first met, it was awkward but they managed to get along, they start to write -for- each other, Haejin's dad fell ill but sunwoo ran, writing competition involved, they break up in a snowy day and both of them wouldn't write anymore cause one was too ashamed and the other one was too hurt.

- They met again, it was awkward at first but their warm memories of their youth made them reconciliate, they start to write -with- the other, Haejin has the chance to write for the Publishing house, they break up again In a winter day, BUT Haejin's mom fell ill and Sunwoo stayed close to him this time and eventually, they would solve their past regrets burying them under the snow. No more sorrow and no more past burdens.

So yeah, i'm happy they're happy. I'm glad they'd find the missing harmony in the end. They both deserved it. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Yachiruu created a topic of Puppy Love

I loved the main couple's story. It was cute and satisfying watching the top achieving his unrequited love.

But the side/second couple makes me roll my eyes for how pathetic the bottom is.
He's too delulu, he's brave but in a stupidly cringe way, he's not shameless he just makes very bold, questionable and embarassing choices.
Truth is, is hard for me to like characters like him.

I don't know if i want to keep reading the second story lmao x.x Top is hawt tho

Yachiruu created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

DO IT DO IT DO ITTT marry him
I want the despair meter to be higher, i want to see how far miserable this can get, i'm so curious. It doesn't feel like Alpha's personality will have a deep change eventually tbh (?), ik the story just started but i don't see him actually be capable of showing some sort of regret, affection and love lmao
I hope to see an attempt from MC to run off and escape with the kid.

Yachiruu created a topic of Cry Me a River

Lmao i was so confused when he (mc) called him Hyung bwhahaha i was like "girl isn't he younger than you, wdym?? Haha"

Ok so, i already forgot why he's being sent to this guy's house to do chores and getting ruined, wrecked, destroyed and railed daily.
I faintly remember his dad (?) Being taken hostage (??) by ML's brother. But like... why... omg was it a debt like always? Weh

Yachiruu created a topic of Limited Run

I blame Limited Run if tmrw i'll go to my workplace without voice. Cause baby i screamed my lungs out.

How this scene was PEAK DRAMA. . . Cinema even. Might've been a car accident cliché for many, but to me. It was pure gold.

The fear in Mr.Kwon's face, the way he just holds Seo-oh in his arms, relieved that he's fine and well.
Oh, the expressions. The pure terror. The thought of losing him. THAT MADE ME ROLL MY EYES BECAUSE THAT WAS SO FCKING GOOD.


Oh god i don't think i can recover from this, from ch 60, then 78, And now... 80 . OH THE D E L I V E R Y in these chapters was just *chef kiss* uhhhh. So good. So good. Smh (shaking my head)
Pls help me, my legs aren't gonna function well after this.

Yachiruu created a topic of Bye Bye

Now that i think abt it...
It's been years since this was out.

I think when i was "younger" (lmao i sound like a grandpa) i didn't really mind the story.
But now... it's kinda... "eeeh", it was an interesting concept, but the characters aren't really deep, they're just so random. All of them. They don't have layers or depth, they're all just weird. And so is the story, it felt like it was going somewhere at first but then it fell generic and without a real end. There was no purpose and no real development whatsoever.

The MC was always weird and awkward, it was cute but then it felt childish the way he acted.
The ML's development should've been about how he learns how to express more emotions, but it didn't felt like there was any difference.

Like where's the marriage day or where's the final baby???

Well, anyways... i don't think you should read this with the intention to read something serious. Just turn the brain off and have a quick easy read hehe

I think this was created after Housekeeper's love affair?
And i'm pretty much shocked. . . I thought HLA was the second work that came after Bye Bye lol